Abstract:Changes in knowledge dynamic during the time bring to faster and faster changes and development of different concepts is scientific-technological progress. By the current development of society, that is, scientific-technological progress, application of knowledge on different areas of human actions brought revolution changes. The development of human civilization in the future, depending on the position of science and its application, and less than the amount of effort and simple amount of resources that enhance his strength.Scientific and technical development of mankind is directed towards the knowledge society, which in the middle of the action figure and put his knowledge to the wider implementation of the application of information technology.There are four different conceptions in society development, starting from agriculture society, over industrial to informational and knowledge society. In the paper is given brief historical preview of scientific-technological progress, dominated of fields in knowledge society and trends of European research and technological development mission. Large regional differences in the growth of the total population of the Balkans are due before all, the natural increase and migration components that have special significance in the territorial redistribution of the population in ethnically heterogeneous environments. As population growth is a major component of population growth depends on fertility and mortality rates, its values are a good indicator of trends in population movementThis manual we want to make globalization phenomenon closer to the citizens of our country and try to open a discussion about the process that is improving and that only we can affect.The key issue that permeates all the work in the manual is:Do we have the capacity to channel the process of globalization in a way that it allows for the provision of the highest good for the greatest number?We hope that this paper will contribute to a clear perception and understanding of contemporary socio-economic processes in which we participate, to a greater or lesser extent.
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