Konsep Adil Dalam Poligamiperspektif Al-Syaukānīdalam Tafsir Fatḥ Al-Qadīr Al-Jāmi’Baina Fannai Al-Riwāyah Wa Al-Dirāyah (original) (raw)

Konsep Adil dalam Poligami: Telaah Pemikiran Mushthofa Al-'Adawï dalam Tafsir Al-Tashïl Lita'wïl Al-Tanzïl

Poligamy has been a sensitive issue and a heated debate among ulamas, Muslim scholars, and interpreters of the Qur'an since a long time ago. Among various opinions of the Qur'an interpreters on interpreting verses considered as the source of law on poligamy and which is written in the books of the Qur'anic exegeses, it can be classified into three groups. Firstly, it is the group of interpreters who allow poligamy absolutely and extremely flexible. Secondly, it is the group of interpreters who allow poligamy but under very strict requirements. Finally, it is the group of interpreters who reject and prohibit and even consider poligamy as an unlawful act for any reasons. Within such a context Shaykh Mushthafā al-'Adawī wants to give a full explanation about the understanding on poligamy especially that is related to the concept of equality in the poligamy by interpreting qur'anic verses which are understood controversially by using the methode of interpreting the Qur'an with other verses of the Qur'an, sound narration, munāsabah al-ayāt (interralated quranic verses), and the context of the verse of poligamy itself. --- Poligami telah menjadi isu sensitif dan perdebatan sengit antara para ulama, ilmuwan Muslim, dan penafsir Alquran sejak dahulu kala. Ada tiga pendapat dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat yang dianggap sebagai sumber hukum tentang poligami dan yang ada dalam kitab-kitab tafsir Alquran. Pertama, kelompok penafsir yang mengizinkan poligami dan sangat fleksibel. Kedua, kelompok penafsir yang mengizinkan poligami namun memiliki persyaratan yang sangat ketat. Ketiga, kelompok penafsir yang menolak dan melarang dan bahkan menganggap poligami sebagai tindakan melanggar hukum karena alasan apapun. Dalam konteks seperti itu, Syekh Mushthafā al-’Adawī ingin memberikan penjelasan lengkap tentang pemahaman poligami terutama yang berkaitan dengan konsep kesetaraan dalam poligami dengan menafsirkan ayat-ayat qur’an yang dipahami secara kontroversial dengan menggunakan metode untuk menafsirkan Qur’an dengan ayat-ayat Al Qur’an lainnya, narasi yang baik, munāsabah al-ayāt, dan konteks ayat poligami itu sendiri.

Konsep Adil Poligami Dalam Al Quran


Dalam aspek perkawinan, poligami termasuk suatu persoalan klasik yang menarik untuk dibahas. Bahkan sampai saat pembahasan poligami selalu mengundang kontroversi. Berbicara tentang poligami, hal yang sering mengundang perdebatan yaitu tentang “keadilan” permasalahan ini merupakan persoalan yang cukup panjang tidak saja di kalangan ahli hukum tetapi juga di masyarakat, lebih dekat lagi jika dikaitkan kondisi sosial di era modern ini yang cenderung tidak seperti zaman dulu, yang dilatarbelakangi kemoderenan dan kemajuan yang dicapai perempuan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Berangkat dari permasalahan yang diangkat dan data yang akan di himpun, maka tampak jelas penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan subyek dan objeknya berasal dari bahan-bahan kepustakaan (literatur) berupa kitab-kitab tafsir, kitab-kitab hadis, jurnal-jurnal, dan semua buku yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Adapun subyek atau pokok permasalahannya adalah semua ayat-aya...

Poligami Dalam Perspektif Syadz Ad-Dzari’Ah

Usratuna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam

In this study we try to describe polygamy in the perspective of Syadz adz-Dzari'ah, namely prevention, because it is feared that there will be conflicts within the family, between wives and husbands, between other wives, and between children. This research is a comparative literature study, the study material comes from literature sources. The technique of collecting data is by means of observation data collection (organizing data). Second, through library research. namely seeing, observing, seeking. The approach uses qualitative. The data were then collected and analysis techniques were carried out. The results of the data analysis were written in descriptive form. Data analysis used the content analysis stage, comparative analysis (content analysis and differentiating analysis). analyzing polygamy in the perspective of Syad ad-Dzari'ah. Polygamy when it causes ongoing conflicts and is unable to provide legal solutions, it is better to avoid it because when conflicts and di...

Filosofi Makna Adil Dalam Pernikahan Poligami

Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman, 2019

This study explains in detail the question of fair meaning in polygamy marriages. So far, the meaning of fair is always different from everyone. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive study to decipher the issue of the meaning of scientific fairness. Substantive justice in Islam is always associated with the maker of the syara' (Allah). In relation to polygamy, The fair is a condition for a man to be allowed to do polygamy. justice aspects in polygamy is not an easy thing to do. Islam does not forbid or encourage let alone rule polygamy, this is because polygamy is a behavior that has existed since the time of ignorance and then tightened requirements in Islam. Islam is very strict in giving conditions until it is almost said not to be, because the argument contained in the Al Qur'an, maybe on fair terms but followed by another verse which says that "will not be able to act justly despite trying as much as possible" Although in the end the scholars agreed t...

Konsep Adil Poligami Dalam Pandangan M. Quraish Shihab Dan Siti Musdah Mulia

Qiyas : Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Peradilan, 2018

The purpose of this study is to first describe the views of Quraish Shihab and Siti Musdah gloriously looking at polygamy verses, the practice of polygamy of the Prophet and the fair terms of polygamy, secondly to describe a fair concept in polygamy according to Quraish Shihab and Siti Musdah Mulia, third to describe the legal arguments of Quraish Shihab and Siti Musdah His Majesty of fair concepts in polygamy. This research method is literature research using qualitative description research method. Based on the results of research and discussion can be drawn the following conclusions: First, in understanding the verses of polygamy, Quraish Shihab argues that based on the demands of fair treatment of orphans as an accentuation of this paragraph, the context of emphasis on the command to be fair and polygamy verses do not make regulations about polygamy, because it has been known and implemented by adherents of various shari'a religion and community traditions before the decline of this verse. Siti Musdah Mulia sees that of the whole verse of marriage, First, polygamy is contrary to the principle and purpose of marriage of Islam. Secondly, QS. An-Nisa verse 3 does not speak in the context of polygamous justification, but in the context of protection for orphans and women from injustice behavior. Second, M. Quraish Shihab gives insight into the practice of polygamy of the Prophet (s), nor can it be said that Rasulullah SAW marries more than one, and such marriages should be imitated, because not all what is done by the Prophet needs to be imitated.Sedangkan Siti Musdah Mulia, the assumption that polygamy Prophet is a sunnah that can be made hujjah. Thirdly, Justice of polygamy according to M. Quraish Shihab is fair in the field of immaterial (love). Siti Musdah Mulia gives the view that there are two main points in looking at the fair concept in polygamy. First, the just is meant not only in terms of material things such as livelihood but also in the immaterial matter, namely the tendency of love and compassion. Second, fair criteria covering two aspects in it, impossible or hardly anyone can afford to fulfill the prophet SAW.

Konsep Keadilan Dalam Poligami Perspektif Maqashid Syari'ah & CEDAW


Polygamy is still a debate among thinkers of Islamic law, both in terms of its legal status, and the concept of justice, especially human rights, because they think it is very difficult or even impossible to be able to act fairly, and considered the practice of polygamy today has out of the original purpose of polygamy. The existence of these views results in debates with groups that support polygamy. The purpose of this reserach is to formulate two concepts of justice in polygamy from two theories namely the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimation Againts Women (CEDAW) and Maqashid Syari'ah. So that with this formulation the concept of justice in the theory of CEDAW and Maqashid can be known, and applied in the practice of polygamy. In order to achieve the research objectives, there are four studies covering Maqashid Shari'ah's views on the concept of justice, CEDAW's view on the concept of justice, the concept of justice in polygamy from CEDAW perspe...

Kontekstualisasi Keadilan dalam Poligami pada Keharmonisan Keluarga: telaah surah an-nisa’ ayat 3 dan ayat 129


Skripsi ini merupakan salah satu karya ilmiah yang membahas tentang keadilan poligami dan menkontekstualisasikannya dalam keharmonsian keluarga pada surah an-Nisa’ ayat 3 dan ayat 129. Ayat 3 membicarakan tentang batasan jumlah wanita yang boleh dinikahi(poligami) dan ayat 129 membahas tentang keadilan seorang suami yang tidak akan dapat ia lakukan dalam keluarga poligami. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengemukakan dua permasalahan. Adapun permasalahannya (1) penafsiran para ulama’ mengenai ayat 3 dan ayat 129, (2) kontekstualisasi keadilan suami dalam keluarga. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan penafsiran mufasir mengenai surah an-Nisa’ ayat 3 dan ayat 129 dan mengontekstualisasikannya dalam keharmonisan keluarga. Munculnya penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi nilai-nilai keadilan yang jarang dipraktikan para suami yang berpoligami, karena adil adalah salah satu syarat bolehnya seorang suami untuk berpoligami. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian deskriptif...

Konsep Keadilan Dalam Poligami Menurut Agama Islam


This article focuses on the discussion of the Kagian Islam on justice in polygamy, namely; what are the requirements for polygamy according to the priests of the mazhab, how the arguments and laws of the priests of the mazhab allow polygamy, and how is it relevant to polygamy according to the contemporary context in Indonesia. This research is a library research (Library Reserach), which is a method of collecting data such as the books of the priests of the mazhab and books that are relevant to the issues discussed. This research is a descriptive analysis, which describes, studies and analyzes the opinions of the Imam of the Schools in terms of being fair in polygamy. The results showed that in Islam it is permissible for a husband to practice polygamy on the condition that he believes or has a strong suspicion that he is able to do justice to his wives. as indicated by the al-Qur'an in the letter al-Nisa "verse 3:" then if you are afraid that you will not be able to a...

Poligami dalam Perspektif Kitab Al-Amsal fi Tafsir Kitab Allah Al-Munazzal

BUANA GENDER : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak

This article talks about polygamy in the perspective of “al-Amsal fi Tafsir Kitab Allah al-Munazzal”, the Quran’s commentary wich written by Nāṣir Makārim al-Syīrāzī. This article is kind of library’s research. By employing gender theory and discriptical analysis method, this article aims to explore the various concept of polygamy in Islam. As the result of this research, “al-Amṡal Fī Tafsīr Kitāb Allah Al-Munazzal” explained that polygamy was been known and practically committed by many nations in many places for a long time ago. This commentary book also explains the revelation’s occasion of polygamy with the general description. Nāṣir Makārim al-Syīrāzī in this commentary book believes that Islam allows a man to commit the polygamy in requisite he had to treat all his wives fairly as possible. According to this commentary book, Polygamy in Islam is not just about the relation men and their wives, but also firmly related with the social aspect, that means, in some conditions, poly...

Telaah tentang Poligami dalam Al-Qur’an

Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal

This study seeks to elucidate the various perspectives on polygamy held by contemporary interpreters of the Al-Qur'an. This qualitative research method utilizes a literature review and content analysis techniques. This study concludes that Islam does not teach polygamy as a religious practice that undermines justice in the relationship between women and men in the midst of life, as Allah SWT also holds the values of justice in the highest regard. Then, modern interpreters interpret the polygamy verse not only textually, but also contextually, with the common good as the primary objective. Each of these translators has their own ideas. There are those who prohibit it explicitly and those who allow it naturally and gently. This research is anticipated to contribute significantly to the corpus of feminist interpretation. This study presents the discourse on polygamy as interpreted by contemporary interpreters in a straightforward manner. Then, this study suggests that future resear...