NIR Raman spectroscopy in medicine and biology: results and aspects (original) (raw)
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Non-destructive NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy of plant and animal tissues, of food and works of art
Talanta, 2000
Just after the discovery of Raman spectroscopy in 1928, it became evident that fluorescence with a quantum yield of several orders of magnitude higher than that of the Raman effect was a great and apparently unbeatable competitor. Raman spectroscopy could therefore, in spite of many exciting advantages during the last 60 years, not be applied as an analytical routine method: for nearly every sample, fluorescing impurities had to be removed by distillation or crystallisation. Purification, however, is not possible for cells and tissues, since the removal of the fluorescing enzymes and coenzymes would destroy the cells. There is fortunately one alternative solution. When excited with the radiation of the Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm Raman spectra are practically free of fluorescence. Raman spectra can now be recorded with minimal sample preparation. In order to facilitate non-destructive Raman spectroscopy of any sample, cells and tissues, food, textiles and works of art, a new entrance optics for Raman spectrometers is used. Typical results from several fields are demonstrated.
Raman Spectroscopy in Clinical Investigations
e-mail vh kart ha malic manipal edii Vhsiracl Raman speciioscopy has been successfully applied in seveial areas of biology and medicine, including diagnosis of malignancy The .ippliiaiinii'. of Surface Enhanced Raman speciioscopy and imcro-Kaman have improved to the e?cieml of studying single molecule dynamies and .dliilai iMOLhcmisiiy icspcciively Rimiaii spectroscopy studies cairied out in our laboratory on oral cancer, osteoradionecrosis, radiation induced il,nil.ILLS in mouse models arc piescnlcd and discussed We have recorded Raman speciia of normal and malignant oial tissues and the obtained spectra uiu analysed using statistical (PCA) methods An ob)cciivc diagnosis method with high sensitivity and s]ieciricity based on Muhalanohis distance and >|Kiii.iI icNidual IS developed foi oral inalignaiuy The study of radiation induced damage in mouse brain and muscle tissue suggests that ladiaiion .Kinaicil chemical cascade is similar to those in stress, but it persists foi longei periods Radiulioii treatment on bone leads to immediate structural Juni'is III the mmcial part of the bone K nuords Raman spcclioscojiy, SERS, oral cancer, PC.'A analysis, radiation induced damage. ORN bone r v r s Nos 7K ^0 Am. S7 M) H|. S7 b4 .le I. Iiifroductiori riic discovery ofRiurian elTcd in the year 1928 dcinonslraled iliai (lie analysis of inelastieally scattered light from the simplest mnlLci-ilc H ,0, can provide unique finger print of molecular siiiiciurc 11, 2|. In the last 75 years, popularity and versatility of Riiiium scatlering spectroscopy have increased in many ways iiul a diverse fai)iily ol Raman-based techniques has been ilcvciopcd. More and more sensitive experimental approaches ^'Miiiiuic to be developed to explore the molecular mechanisms ''I u>mplcx biological phenomena. Raman spectroscopy has also 'ven idenlilied as a reliable diagnostic technique [3-5). A larger luimhcr of biological molecules can be probed by using Raman ^"'V tioscopy. Several studies show the potential of near-infrared kiiMian spectroscopy for the detection ol cancer and pre-cancer 'll 1 itro/in vivo, as a new tool [3-5]. Resonance Raman scattering selectively increases the uicring signal from the ground stale vibration modes that arc ^'4i|)led U) excited vibronic levels (6J. This large enhancement Raman scattering cross section of specific molecular ^'hiation modes, offers great advantages over non-resonancê ^"'(spondmg AutKor Raman scattering. Research findings show that UVRR spectroscopy can be used to characterize normal and diseased colon tissue by selectively enhancing spectra of aromatic amino acids, and parameterizing their contribution to the colon spectrum That means, UV RR spectroscopy can provide complete biochemical characterization of the tissue under study as well as it can describe the pathological change [6|. Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for study of the structural variations in samples of sizes down to sub microns [7, 8]. In the Raman microanalysis, a laser beam is focused onto a very small area with a microscope objective and Raman scattered light from the area is collected by the same objective, dispersed by a monochiomalor and spectra recorded. Raman microscopy has potential utility in structural studies in situ. Recent advances in lasers, detectors, and spectrograph and filter technologies have made it possible to detect even very weak Raman signals from a single living cell [7, 8]. Ultrasensitive Raman detection based on surface enhanced Raman scattering is now well established [9, 10]. Surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a phenomenon resulting in strongly increased Raman signals of molecules that ©20031ACS
Investigation of skin and skin lesions by NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy
There is a vast demand for in vivo methods for the detection of skin cancer, one of the most dangerous skin lesions. Use of near infrared Fourier transform (NIR-FT)-Raman spectroscopy virtually eliminates the fluorescence of the normal cell constituents and provides a signal to noise ratio, r SN , large enough to successfully evaluate the spectra using chemometric methods. A novel fiber optic probe for NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy was used, which allows sterilization and the prevention of hazards due to laser radiation and makes in vivo measurements possible. The Raman spectra of normal skin are dominated by the connective tissue, mainly collagen type I. The Raman spectra of skin with inflammatory diseases show an increased lipid and water content. Kaposi sarcomas show typical features of tumors mainly in the amide III and the protein backbone range. A clear separation of Raman spectra of normal skin from those of benign and malignant neoplasms can be achieved by cluster analysis. However, the unequivocal diagnosis of skin cancer needs investigation of a larger number of more defined skin samples, taking into consideration the concurrent appearance of different skin symptoms like coloring and inflammation. cal fibers are used in Raman endoscopes [14] for measurement.
Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Health Sciences
Raman Spectroscopy, 2018
Raman spectroscopy has remarkable analytical abilities to scientists who want to study biological samples. The use of Raman spectroscopy within biologic samples has been increasing in the last years because it can provide biochemical information, allows discrimination between two or more sample groups, and, contrary to what happens with other spectroscopic techniques, water has no interference in the spectra. Biological samples typically do not require extensive preparation, and biochemical and structural information extracted from spectroscopic data can be used to characterize different groups. This chapter presents the general features of Raman spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopic tools relevant to the application in health sciences. In order to emphasize the potential of Raman in this research field, examples of its application in oncology, in bacterial identification and in dementia diagnosis are given.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2012
Among the currently used methods of monitoring human tissues and their components many types of research are distinguished. These include spectroscopic techniques. The advantage of these techniques is the small amount of sample required the rapid process of recording the spectra, and most importantly in the case of biological samples - preparation of tissues is not required. In this work vibrational spectroscopy: ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy will be used. Studies are carried out on tissues: tendons, blood vessels, skin, red blood cells and biological components: amino acids, proteins, DNA, plasma, and deposits.
Non-destructive NIR FT Raman analysis of plants
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1999
Non-destructive analyses of animal and plant cells and tissues by 'classical' Raman spectroscopy with excitation in the visible range have not been possible since the samples are destroyed photochemically or their fluorescence conceals the Raman spectra completely. When excited with the Nd:YAG laser line at 1064 nm fluorescence-free Raman spectra of animal or plant cells and tissues can be recorded without special preparation. In this paper we concentrate on plants and its constituents: essential oils, natural dyes, flavors, spices, alkaloids and fibers can be characterized. The spectra allow the observation of biochemical processes, to observe the distribution of natural products, application to taxonomy, optimizing plant breeding, the harvesting time and control of food-everything non-destructively in living plants! ᭧ 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Histochemical analysis of biological tissues using Raman spectroscopy
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1996
This paper reviews the application of the Raman spectroscopic technique for analysis of biological tissue. The advantages and disadvantages of visible, near-IR and UV excitations are described, and the problems and prospects of using these methodologies for disease diagnosis are addressed. In situ analysis of tissue proteins, lens, cornea, blood constituents, biological stones and several hard tissues is reviewed, and the potentials for diagnosing arterial disease, and cancer in gynecological tissues, soft tissues, breast, colon, bladder and brain are also presented. Recent technological advances in instrumentation allow the use of Raman spectroscopy for real time histochemical analysis of tissues. The capability of Raman microspectroscopy for providing spatial information about the distribution of biochemical constituents in tissues has been demonstrated. The work reviewed indicates the promise of Raman spectroscopy for endoscopic imaging and real-time quantitation of biochemical constituents in clinical situations.
Raman Spectroscopy and Related Techniques in Biomedicine
Sensors, 2010
In this review we describe label-free optical spectroscopy techniques which are able to non-invasively measure the (bio)chemistry in biological systems. Raman spectroscopy uses visible or near-infrared light to measure a spectrum of vibrational bonds in seconds. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) microscopy and stimulated Raman loss (SRL) microscopy are orders of magnitude more efficient than Raman spectroscopy, and are able to acquire high quality chemically-specific images in seconds. We discuss the benefits and limitations of all techniques, with particular emphasis on applications in biomedicine-both in vivo (using fiber endoscopes) and in vitro (in optical microscopes).
Advances in Biomedical Spectroscopy Spectroscopic methods play an increasingly important role in studying the molecular details of complex biological systems in health and disease. However, no single spectroscopic method can provide all the desired information on aspects of molecular structure and function in a biological system. Choice of technique will depend on circumstance; some techniques can be carried out both in vivo and in vitro, others not, some have timescales of seconds and others of picoseconds, whilst some require use of a perturbing probe molecule while others do not. Each volume in this series will provide a state of the art account of an individual spectroscopic technique in detail. Theoretical and practical aspects of each technique, as applied to the characterisation of biological and biomedical systems, will be comprehensively covered so as to highlight advantages, disadvantages, practical limitations and future potential. The volumes will be intended for use by ...