Perancangan Rebranding Event the Elite Showcase 2021 Planning of “The Elite Showcase 2021” Event’s Rebranding (original) (raw)
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Perancangan Redesain Brand Identity “Anamid’ Coffee
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts
Anamid is one of start-up cafes in Malang, established in 2019. The growth of the café industry in Malang is considered rapid and it makes the competition quite tight. Unfortunately, Anamid was not sufficiently prepared to earn their targeted consumers' attention. In addition, Anamid did not operate on ideal brand identity standards which is considered to be a vital element in building consistent design implementation. Therefore, this research aims to create a new functional brand identity that could improve Anamid's brand awareness and to complete it with Brand Identity Guidelines. This research employs procedural design methods by Alina Wheeler. The results of this research include brand identity in the form of logo and a guideline of how to implement it appropriately as provided in the Brand Identity Guidelines. These guidelines are expected to help Anamid better implement consistent brand identity on its business operation.
Perancangan Visual Brand Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel
Abstrak Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel Semarang merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang Hospitality yang berada dibawah naungan Gumaya Tower Hotel. Tidak adanya visual brand sebagai identitas, mengakibatkan masyarakat tidak mengetahui identitas Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel serta peran dari banquet. Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel mengandalkan logo utama dari Gumaya sehingga mengakibatkan missperception dimasyarakat. Visual brand merupakan upaya untuk membangun identitas dibenak audiens mengenai peran dan citra dari Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel. Yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan merancang visual brand yang sesuai dengan karakter dan citra dari Banquet Gumaya Tower Hotel, dengan tujuan untuk mengkomunikasikan kepada target audiens melalui logo dan media yang tepat. Perancangan visual brand ini dibuat melalui perancangan efektif menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data berupa literatur, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Kemudian data dianal...
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Rebranding Umkm Mentai Melalui Perancangan Identitas Visual
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Kuk Cook is a home-based online business that sells ready-to-eat food products with its first menu, Mentai. As the business develops, Kuk Cook has the opportunity to expand its menus with mentai sauce, so that Kuk Cook is not only a brand that sells mentai, but a Japanese Fusion Food brand. The existing visual identity is unable to represent Kuk Cook as a Japanese Fusion Food brand. So a redesign of this visual identity is needed. The purpose of this visual identity is to get a visual that can represent Kuk Cook as a Japanese Fusion Food brand and apply a more consistent visual identity. This design uses the Robin Landa method, which consists of 5 design stages, namely orientation, analysis, concept, design, and implementation. The result of the design is Kuk Cook's visual identity with a concept that fits the image you want to display and an attractive visual by presenting Japanese oriental elements packaged in a modern way. So with the presence of a new visual identity, Kuk Co...
Perancangan Brand Identity Vco Bundo
This design aims to design an Identity Branding with specific charaacteristics, effective and different from other competitors. The benefit of this design is to create the Brand Identity of the Bundo Kanduang VCO hence it is better known by the public and consumers. The results of this analysis and knowledge can be used as documents and references for the future designers. This research was literature study and a qualitative approach with three stages; observations, interviews, and documentation. The design method in this study was the brainstorming method approach. Furthermore, it is hoped that the logo and Brand Identity can get the right target audience because they are placed on media that are quite often encountered by the target, and the design can later be used by the Bundo Kanduang VCO Company as supporting the quality of their products in promoting products to costumers. Keyword : Design, Identity Branding, Bundo Kanduaang VCO I. PENDAHULUAN Padang Pariaman aadalah salaaah ...
Strategi PR dalam Membangun Citra Perusahaan Royal Enfield Indonesia melalui Event
Abstract: Public Relations strategy used widely in building company’s image, and this study will describe and explain how Royal Enfield buiding their image through event Tour of Indonesia Royal Enfield 2020. This study using qualitative approach with decsriptive research and using in-depth interview. The informant in this study are participant of Tour Of Indonesia 2020 and employee of Royal Enfield which are The Rides and Training Manager and Public Relations Officer of Royal Enfield Indonesia. This study describe that informans thought or hope before the event is reached through the event and give them satisfaction. In short, through this study we can see that Public Relations strategy through event that designed and plan well (according to the objective) can shape the positive view in public’s mind and build good company’s image as they wish. Keywords: Public Relations, Image, Event, Perceptions, Cognition, Attitude, Motivation Abstrak: Penelitian ini hendak melihat bagaimana st...
Perancangan Media Promosi Brand “Raishin Apparel” untuk Memperluas Target Pasar
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts, 2021
Raishin Apparel is a new brand in the field of fashion or clothing with the theme of acculturating Indonesian culture with Japanese culture, which has a specific target market that greatly affects sales power, with this problem an effective promotional media is needed to solve the problem. The selection and use of effective promotional media and promotional content can influence the previously specific target market to become general or broader so that it has a positive impact on sales. Therefore, online promotion media was chosen because it has a broad reach, is easily accessible, and has many options in delivering promotional content. With the choice of online promotion media, this design uses the Design Thinking method by David Kelley and Tim Brown which consists of five stages namely Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test by considering online technology factors, and interactions with potential consumers so as to produce promotional media that aims to expand the target market, highlight product characteristics, and strengthen brand awareness, thereby helping to increase sales and brand recognition of Raishin Apparel.
Perancangan Untuk Produk Origin - Indonesian Heritage Apparel
This research was done to know what people think about ORIGIN – Indonesian Heritage Apparel business idea and to research why people began to be abandoned and forgotten because it is regarded as second-class outfit, especially among young people, this thing happened because the design it self seem tradisional. Besides, the author want to change the design concept to be more modern. The research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method using online quistionnaire which is distributed to woman aged 22-35 years who lived in Surabaya. While the qualitative method by interview to the expert usher and literature study. The result of the research shows that most of the correspondents like to buy top and dress instead of skirt and outer. Furthermore, the identity and design should represent exclusive and trusted. Media marketing is done by using bazaar and through social media.
Perancangan Visual Branding Identity Clothing Visible Supply
Clothing Visible Suplly adalah brand pakaian yang dirintis oleh seorang mahasiswa sejak pertengahan tahun 2015 dan telah berkembang sampai sekarang seiring kebutuhan dan minat masyarakat yang tinggi terhadap salah satu produk brand surfing dan skateboarding. Namun, Clothing Visible Supply belum memiliki visual branding identity yang tetap sebagai citra identitas dan pembeda dari kompetitor lain. Tujuan perancangan visual branding identity ini untuk membentuk brand awareness dan segmen pasar di masyarakat dari keunikan dan keunggulan yang dimiliki melalui proses visual branding identity. Metode analisis yang digunkan dalam perancangan visual branding identity Clothing Visible Supply menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif karena perancang ingin menggambarkan atau melukiskan fakta-fakta keadaan atau pun gejala yang tampak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap fakta, keadaan, fenomena, variable dan keadaan yang terjadi saat penelitian berjalan dan menyuguhkan apa ad...