Reading Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas: Hermeneutical Tools, Theological Questions and New Perspectives ed. by Piotr Roszak and Jörgen Vijgen (original) (raw)

The Theological and Pastoral Purposes of Aquinas’s Biblical Commentaries

Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia, 2017

This article examines how St. Thomas Aquinas developed rich theological insights to be used ultimately in his preaching ministry as a thirteenth century magister in sacra pagina. His exegetical approach deploys a careful divisio textus to arrive at the literal meaning and doctrinal sense of the scriptural passage. The ambiguities of difficult passages are examined dialectically by short logical disputations that uncover the riches of the text. The fruits of these labors were then brought together in the master's university sermon for the conversion and perfection of souls. Thus, the three duties of the medieval master codified in the statutes of the University of Paris-namely, to teach, to dispute, and to preach-contextualize the task of the medieval theologian, rooting him in the revealed Word of God and requiring him to care for the souls of his students and colleagues in his preaching by announcing and explaining the sense and practical import of sacra doctrina. This article also examines the proximate historical source for these three duties as the practice of lectio divina was brought out of the monasteries and into the public sphere of the academies in the great cities of medieval Europe. There is much we could learn today from recovering this robustly ecclesial and pastoral way of pursuing biblical theology. Streszczenie. Artykuł analizuje, w jaki sposób bogaty dorobek teologiczny św. Tomasza z Akwinu jest wykorzystywany w jego praktyce kaznodziejskiej jako XIII-wiecznego "magister in sacra pagina". Jego egzegetyczne podejście wyraża się w ostrożnym "divisio textus", aby dotrzeć do dosłownego i doktrynalnego sensu danego tekstu biblijnego. Ambiwalentne interpretacje trudnych tekstów są dialektycznie analizowane za pomocą krótkich, logicznych dysput odkrywających bogactwo tekstu. Owoce tej pracy były niejako zbierane w kazaniu średniowiecznego mistrza ukierunkowanym na nawrócenie

Aquinas, the Bible, and the University: A Brief Exposition of Thomistic Biblical Theology


St. Thomas Aquinas is primarily a theologian, more than a philosopher. As a theologian, his primary "textbook" is the Bible. In fact, his job description as a university instructor is the title Magister in Sacra Pagina. However, for centuries, it is apparent that many scholars are far more interested in the philosophical expositions and Aristotelian commentaries of Aquinas rather than in his exegetical works. This present work is a brief exposition that will reiterate the primacy of the Sacred Scriptures in the theological worldview and projects of St. Thomas Aquinas, and speak of his contributions in biblical theology that would affirm the closeness and coherence of Sacred Scripture in relation to dogmatic theology and, most importantly, on Christian spirituality. Hence, this article will be divided into three parts. First, a historical survey of biblical theology up to the time of Aquinas and the current reservations of contemporary biblical theologians regarding the works of Aquinas. Second, Aquinas' theological background and project will be discussed so as to determine the Bible's authoritative primacy in his works. Third, Aquinas will be treated rightly as a Biblical Theologian in the university setting and subsequently the place of Sacred Scripture in his contribution to Catholic theology, both on doctrinal and ascetic dimensions.

Aquinas in Protestant Biblical Hermeneutics

Cauriensia, 2023

St. Thomas Aquinas and his interpretation of Scripture appear frequently in contemporary studies of Protestant theologians. Historically, the reception of his biblical exegesis in the Protestant tradition reveals a common ground, in which the question of understanding Revelation comes first, but also it brings some differences, like the question of the importance of ecclesial authority, expressed in the form of symbols of faith. The final section of this paper will examine references to Aquinas among contemporary Protestant theologians, including both the themes and the evaluation of interpretive mechanisms used by Aquinas.

Language, Metaphysics and the Bible. The Philosophical Background of Aquinas's Exegesis of Sacred Scripture


For many years, studies dedicated to Aquinas and his philosophy have concerned its potential for dialogue with postmodern thinking. In this new intellectual milieu, Aquinas " philosophy retains a certain vitality and he has been presented both as a supporter and opponent of cultivating theology in a postmodern context. This significant presence of Thomas in the writings of contemporary philosophers of Hermeneutics has been confirmed in the project of Oliver-Thomas Venard OP. The goal of this article is to conduct an analysis of the philosophical background of Aquinas " reading of the Bible, especially his theory of biblical senses (together with its reception in actual Hermeneutics). Following this analysis, we try to answer the question regarding the contribution of Thomism to contemporary thought. In this sense, Thomism is not a static entity, but a dynamic intellectual idea.

Natural Theology and the Interpretation of Scripture in Averroes, Maimonides, and Aquinas (ACPA, Washington, D.C., 2014)

Copyright © 2013-15 Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo. All rights reserved. Abstract: The believing practitioner of natural theology is keenly aware of how necessary it is to interpret Scripture (be that the Jewish or Christian Scriptures, the Qur’an, etc.) in a non-literal way in order to accommodate it to the findings of natural theology. For instance, the classical theistic attributes of divine simplicity, immutability, and eternity have forced philosophers like Averroes, Maimonides, and Aquinas to read in a non-literal way scriptural passages that apparently allude to God as having parts, as changing through time, and as being somehow in time. As a result, many classical theists, in particular Averroes and Maimonides, have developed theories of biblical interpretation that capitalize on an allegorical and inner meaning that is hidden to the uninitiated underneath the veil of Scripture’s literal sense, and that is meant to be discovered by the philosopher’s trained scientific mind. Moreover, in these theories the literal sense is shot through with falsehood, whereas only the inner or allegorical sense is presented as always true and harmonious with the findings of philosophy. Aquinas, however, diverges from this approach: although he acknowledges the presence of a spiritual sense distinct from the literal, he claims that the scientific study of Scripture (sacra doctrina) hinges not on the spiritual but on the literal sense of Scripture, and that all theological arguments must always proceed from this literal sense. Moreover, nothing false can ever underlie the literal sense, no matter how bizarre the text may be. Thus, whereas it is relatively easy to see how Averroes and Maimonides’ views on the interpretation of Scripture are coherent with their philosophical thought, in the case of Aquinas this is not so easy to explain. This paper examines and compares the views of these three thinkers on the interpretation of Scripture and inquires whether Aquinas successfully develops a theory of biblical interpretation that is in harmony with his natural theology and other philosophical views.

Sławomir Zatwardnicki, What Place Does Scripture Have in Thomas Aquinas's Reasoning?


This paper emphasises the coexistence of biblical theology and systematic theology in the works of Thomas Aquinas. For this purpose, it draws on the study of biblical Thomism. It then shows how the Bible is linked to theological speculation in the opening questions of the Theological Summa, in which the author characterises the sacra doctrina. Aquinas's modus operandi in his discussion with adversaries who do not recognise the authority of Scripture, as well as his apology for the authority of sacra Scriptura, is then presented. A sample polemic with Christians conducted on the basis of inspired texts is demonstrated further on. The paper closes with conclusions regarding the place and function of Scripture in Thomas's argumentation, which depend firstly on the addressees of Thomas's works and secondly on the types of statements made by the Angelic Doctor.

Aquinas’ Ecclesiology

Christian Nwakamma, 2020

Aquinas’ ecclesiology can be found in traces from his works. Scholars found out that, Aquinas conceals his theology of the Church in different fragments of his major works. In Summa Theologiae, Aquinas’ ecclesiology is seen mainly in his reflections on Christology, sacramentology and virtues. Biblical commentaries are other important works of Aquinas that reveal his thoughts on ecclesiology. Aquinas’s commentaries on the Pauline epistles (including letters to Romans, Ephesians, Phillipians), reveal his view on the Church. The aim of this essay is to briefly expound Aquinas’s ecclesiology which is implicit in his works, although it is difficulty to devolve his ecclesiology. We can draw out from the comparison made by Charles Morerod , the view of Aquinas on the cooperation of the Church with God, Church unity and Church membership, and the possibility of the proclamation of faith and Church authority