Effect of 45-year Mineral Fertilization on the Nutrient Properties of Rendzic Leptosols and the Productivity of Oriental Tobacco (original) (raw)

Chemical composition of Oriental tobacco as depending on long-term mineral fertilization whit different norms and rates


Bozhinova, R., (2018). Chemical composition of Oriental tobacco as depending on long-term mineral fertilization whit different norms and rates, Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 52(2), 10-18 The effects of the mineral fertilization whit different norms and rates (N0P0K0, N0P7.5K7,5, N5P0K0, N5P0K7.5, N5P7.5K7.5, N10P0K0 and N10P7.5K7.5) on nutrient concentrations in the leaves and chemical characteristics of sun-cured tobacco have been studied in a stationary field trial. A long-term fertilizer experiment with continuous tobacco cropping system was established on rendzina soil (Rendzic Leptosol) in 1966. Research was conducted during the period 2011-2013. The results demonstrate

Changes in the biological and agrochemical properties of soil and mineral composition of oriental tobacco depending on the fertilization with industrial microbiological product - Micotric L


Влиянието на микробиалния препарат Micotric L (съдържащ арбускуларни микоризни гъби от род Glomus и почвени микроскопични гъбички от род Trichoderma) върху биологичните и агрохимичните свойства на почвата и минералния състав на ориенталски тютюн е проучено при условия на полски опит върху Хумусно-карбонатна почва (Rendzic Leptosols). Установено е, че внасянето на микробиален тор Micotric L променя численостите на основни физиологични групи почвени микроорганизми в посока благоприятна за нейните биологични свойства. Торенето с Micotric L повишава съдържанието на усвоимия калий в почвата, както и на минералния азот и на подвижния фосфор през определени периоди от вегетацията. Концентрацията на азот в листата на тютюна е по-висока при вариантите с микробиален тор. Влиянието на торенето с Micotric върху съдържанието на фосфор в листата е положително и сравнително добре изразено при горния беритбен пояс. Концентрацията на N в корените и на K в стъблата е значимо повисока при торене с мик...

Fertilization of Virginia tobacco with compound fertilizers. I. Growth, yield and quality


Bozhinova, R. (2019). Fertilization of Virginia tobacco with compound fertilizers. I. Growth, yield and quality. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 53(1), 21-26 A field study was conducted in 2017 and 2018 to determine the effects of two compound fertilizers NPK (15:15:15) and NPK (12:12:17) and ammonium nitrate on growth parameters, yield and quality of Virginia tobacco. The experimental design was a randomized complete block replicated three times. When Virginia tobacco was grown on Cleyic-Chromic Luvisol with low available soil phosphorus, the application of compound fertilizers significantly increased the dry weight per unit leaf area as

Phosphorus uptake by oriental tobacco grown as a continuous monoculture


The effects of different phosphorus rates (0, 5,0 and 7,5 kg da-1) on yield, P concentration and phosphorus uptake by oriental tobacco have been studied in a stationary field trial. A long-term fertilizer experiment with continuous tobacco cropping system was established on rendzina soil (Rendzic Leptosol) in 1966. It was found that yield of cured leaves was affected positively by rate of P application. Leaf yield tended to increase by 20,5% as phosphorus fertilization increased from 0 to 7,5 kg P2O5 da -1. The concentration of Р in the leaves ranged from 0,12 to 0,15%. Phosphorus concentration in the leaves was slightly affected by P fertilizing level. Tobacco phosphorus removal was increased with increasing P addition. The average total P uptake was 0,26 da-1 (non-fertilized control), 0,37 kg da-1 (P0), 0,50 kg da-1 (P5) and 0,52 kg da -1 (P7,5).

Productivity and quality of Virginia tobacco as depending on nitrogen fertilization and topping


Bozhinova, R. (2018). Productivity and quality of Virginia tobacco as depending on nitrogen fertilization and topping. Rastenievadni nauki, 55(1), 38-43 (Bg) A field study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 to determine the effects of different N rates (0, 20 and 40 kg N ha-1) and time of topping (topping at early flowering and topping at full flowering) on yield and quality of Virginia tobacco. Nitrogen rate was found to be important factor for increasing the leaf area. The leaf area for upper leaves was also strongly influenced by time of topping. The dry weight per unit area of the leaf depends more strongly on the time of topping, especially in the upper leaves. Cured leaf yield significantly increased with increasing the amounts of N fertilizer. Leaf yield tended to increase by 10.1% when tobacco was topped at early flowering stage. The best quality tobacco (as determined by the percentage of first grade dried tobacco) was produced by topping in the full flowering stage. Fertilizat...

Influence of the Mineral Fertilization on Agrochemical Characteristics of Soil, Yield and Chemical-Technological Qualities of Production from Common Wheat and Oilseed Rape

New knowledge Journal of science, 2019

In the present experimental work was investigated the influence of mineral fertilizers, produced by Agropolychim JSC, on the main agrochemical parameters of the soil, as well as on the productivity and biochemical characteristics of two of the main winter crops in our country - wheat (“Andino” variety) and rapeseed (“PT225” hybrid). The study found a beneficial effect of the urea + ammonium nitrate and UAN variants on the macronutrient reserve in wheat, while the use of liquid nitrogen fertilizer UAN had the highest effect in rapeseed. The highest productivity in the experiment with wheat and especially rapeseed demonstrates the variant using liquid nitrogen fertilizer UAN, with the difference in yield compared to the other variants statistically proven.

Effect of Fertilizer Elements on Lipids Accumulation and Fatty Acids Composition of Pumpkin Seeds

Vegetable crops of Russia, 2013

Введение С емена тыквы известны своей пищевой ценностью и широким спектром биологического действия. Они содержат значительные количества эссенциальных жир ных кислот (до 50%), белки (около 30%), сахара, фитосте рины, витамины группы B, аскорбиновую кислоту, фитин, лецитин, каротиноиды, тирозин, салициловую кислоту, ка медь и микроэлемент цинк (Rezig et al, 2012; Jariene et al, 2007). В ряде стран семена составляют традиционные компоненты салатов, заправок для супа, добавок в конди терские изделия. В медицине семена тыквы используют как эффективное средство против гельминтов, для лечения гипертонии, ги перплазии предстательной железы и воспаления мочевого

Mineral Composition, Geochemical Features and Environmental Impact of the Phosphogypsum Dump (Novorozdilskyi Plant of Complex Mineral Fertilizers, Lviv Region)

Mineralogical collection

Phosphogypsum of Novorozdilsky Plant of Complex Mineral Fertilizers (Lviv region) is a typical artificial neogenic mineral formation, solid waste by-product generated when sulphuric acid reacts with the phosphorus-containing ores (apatite or phosphorite concentrates) during manufacturing of phosphoric acid. The raw materials for fertilizer production at the plant were sulphuric acid, which was obtained from the sulphur ores of Rozdilske SMCE “Sirka”, apatite concentrate from the Khibiny deposit (Kola Peninsula) and, to a lesser extent, phosphorite concentrate from sedimentary phosphorites. The plant has not been operating since 1995, but 4.5 million tons of phosphogypsum and also acidic mineralized water in the settling lake have accumulated on its territory since then. Gypsum (85–95 %) and bassanite (5–10 %) dominate in the mineral composition of phosphogypsum, there are also undissolved apatite (up to 2–3 %) and trace amounts of minerals that were originally in apatite concentrate...


The effect of ammonium and nitrate form of mineral nitrogen on seed productivity of lucerne was studied under the conditions of a pot trial at the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. As a source of nitrogen in ammonium form urea was used, and in nitrate form- potassium nitrate. Doses of 70, 140 and 210 mg N/kg soil were tested. It was found that the seed productivity of lucerne increased with increase of doses of mineral nitrogen fertilizing. At doses of 140 and 210 mg N/kg soil the nitrate form of mineral nitrogen increased the seed productivity of lucerne by over 6% as compared to the ammonium one. The forms of mineral nitrogen fertilizing had no effect on the sowing qualities of seeds. The nitrogen fertilizing efficacy was the highest for the dose of 70 mg N/kg soil.