Roman Bells and Avar Pellet Bells cast in copper alloys -The materials' influence on acoustic and psychoacoustic Římské zvony a avarské rolničky odlité ze slitin mědivliv materiálů na akustiku a psychoakustiku (original) (raw)
Related papers
Studia archaeologica Brunensia, 2023
76 Roman bells and 91 pellet bells from the Early Medieval Avar and Carolingian periods from Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia cast in various copper alloys were investigated. They were classified into archaeological types and chemical analyses were carried out to get knowledge about their alloys' compositions. Since the material, among other parameters, influences timbre and sound perception, one Roman bell and one Avar pellet bell were reproduced in six different copper alloys, to examine the influence of the materials. Additionally, six bars were cast, and five plates were forged. All objects were recorded and analysed (psycho-)acoustically for a multitude of parameters to find out which are rather influenced by material and which are mainly altered by other parameters, such as shape or weight.
Effect of material-technological properties on the reconstruction of utility parameters of bells
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2021
An important utility parameter of bells, including church bells, is their sound-that depends on geometry of the body, changes in section thickness and material from which they are made. Knowing the geometry of casting and chemical composition of the alloy, it seems that the current state of art allows recreating not only solid, but also acoustic properties of the casting. Hence, the purpose of this work is to make a casting using reverse engineering tools, compare acoustic properties of the newly formed bell with the prototype, and test material for a bell alloy. For the host and casted bell the note and octave are identical, the sound differs only in the number of cents away from the exact note. Compared with the numerical model, the acoustic properties of newly formed bell were found with slight deviations. The reasons for registered differences between the components of the original sound and the copy are seen as differences during melting, pouring and solidification processes of the alloy. Material tests carried out on samples taken from the new bell also showed microporosity of the casting and change in microhardness of the a and eutectoid phase (a + d) along height of the bell cross-section. The chemical composition of bronze also varied along with the change of measuring points at the rib height and the fraction of eutectoid in the alloy structure. Material tests showed a significant influence of cast porosity on its acoustic properties.
Archeometriai Műhely
The collections of the Balaton Museum in Keszthely and of the Hungarian National Museum contain around 50 pellet bells from the Great Migration period from the Keszthely Region. All originate from cemeteries and were analysed concerning their find position, function, sounds, psychoacoustic parameters, and chemical compositions. Additionally, adhering textiles were investigated. Primarily children wore pellet bells hanging from their tunic. Pellet bell served as amulets and the idea that their sounds and metals protect are still popular today.
Archeometriai Műhely, 2023
The collections of the Balaton Museum in Keszthely and of the Hungarian National Museum contain around 50 pellet bells from the Great Migration period from the Keszthely Region. All originate from cemeteries and were analysed concerning their find position, function, sounds, psychoacoustic parameters, and chemical compositions. Additionally, adhering textiles were investigated. Primarily children wore pellet bells hanging from their tunic. Pellet bell served as amulets and the idea that their sounds and metals protect are still popular today. Kivonat A keszthelyi Balaton Múzeum és a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteményei közel ötven, népvándorlás kori csörgőt őriznek a keszthelyi régióból. A leletek temetőkből származnak. A csörgőket megtalálási helyzetük, hangzásuk, pszichoakusztikus paramétereik és kémiai összetételük alapján elemeztük, valamint vizsgáltuk a rajtuk megőrződött textilmaradványokat. Elsősorban a gyerekek viselték a tunikájukról lelógó csörgőket. A csörgőket amullettként használták, a hangjuk és anyaguk védelmező funkciója manapság is népszerű elképzelés.
Vibro-acoustic behavior of Spanish bells with metallic and wooden yoke
With the purpose of studying the acoustics of the same bell with wooden yoke and with metallic yoke, a bell to which have been installed both yokes has settled in the acoustically conditioned room of the University of Alicante and acoustic experiences have been carried out for separate for each one of them. A Test protocol has been defined selecting points located in different quadrants and at different heights on the brass was hit with a hammer impact. The bell response has registered with a microphone and analyzed to permit compare under laboratory conditions the frequency response of oneself bell with two types of different yokes.
Roman Bells in Central Europe: Typologies and Discoveries
Musicarchaeology Vienna - Online Publication 2018_1
The article deals with ancient bells cast in bronze, formed of terra cotta or hammered of iron sheet. It shows an overview of typologies of Egyptian, Grecian and Roman bells. Differences of typologies are demonstrated. The possible origin of three rare bell finds could be determined. To round up acoustical phenomenona are illustrated. Abstrakt: Antike Glocken aus Bronze, gebranntem Ton und Eisen sowie deren gängige Typologien ägyptischer, griechischer und römischer Glockenfunde werden in einem Überblick präsentiert. Dabei werden diverse Unterschiede demonstriert. Drei seltene Glockenfunde, deren Ursprung ermittelt wurden konnte, werden vorgestellt. Akustische Eigenheiten der Glocken bilden den Abschluss des Artikels.
Restoration of ancient bronze bells: Part I: powder metallurgy
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 2014
There is a big number of church bells from the Colonial Period in the highlands of Northern Chile, which are damaged by use during centuries and by falls due to earthquakes that periodically affect the region. The aim of this work was to create a non-invasive method to restore these valuable pieces, leaving minimum trace of repair. A fissured church bell from the late nineteenth century was restored. Powder metallurgy was used to repair only in the thin line of the crack, and to prevent coarse material removal action on both sides of the crack, with subsequent filling with conventional weld at high temperatures. Fissures were filled with copper and tin powder, which were then welded with tin at a low temperature. The advantage of this method is that it does not cause local heating that can brittle the vicinity of the welded area, resulting in a smooth joint and a good adhesion surface for good sound transmission that can withstand stresses. Results: In order to verify the efficiency of the method, joint material strength was measured, and the sound was compared to the dominant note required by the DIN4178 Standard. A finite element model incorporating a filler ring in the repair area was as well verified. The rationale for these repair works lies in that the old bells in question need to be preserved, since they are culturally valuable artifacts that hold rich metallurgical knowledge and are part of the national heritage.
Journal of Music Archaeology, 2023
Our project is focused on metal sound objects of the Early Iron Age (Hallstatt Culture), the Roman period, and the period of the Avar Khanate in the Carpathian Basin (Early Middle Ages). The idiophones originate from burial and settlement contexts. Our goal is to gain new information on their function, on tonal inGuence on ancient peoples’ daily lives, and their impact on society. This interdisciplinary project combines archaeological, metallurgical, acoustical, psychoacoustical, ethnomusicological, and psychological methods supported by experimental archaeology and handcraft experience, as well as by ancient written and iconographic sources. In this article we report on the status of our current results. We present three case studies, one for each period, and an acoustic and psychoacoustic overview of all currently investigated sound objects. Analyses of textile remains adhering to pellet bells complete this paper. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Ancient Bells from Ovilava/Wels – First Studies
Römisches Österreich 45, 2022
So far, 39 bells were found during archaeological excavations and surveys of the ancient settlement areas of the Roman city of Ovilava (Wels) in Upper Austria. The investigations of the bells were carried out within the framework of the research project “Metallic Idiophones between 800 bc and 800 ad in Central Europe” at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The idiophones were analysed concerning their archaeological context, their possible function in the daily life of the population with the aid of ancient written and pictorial sources, their pitches, their psychoacoustic parameters and their metal compositions. The interdisciplinary studies shed a new light on metallic idiophones and add to the knowledge of material culture in the Roman period.
Sound objects made of metal such as bells, pellet bells and sounding jewelry are scientifically subsumed under the term “metallic idiophones”. They usually receive little conscious attention, albeit they play a major role even in modern European societies. The sound objects had an impact on the social and ritual sphere of prehistoric and early historic societies also as instruments with signaling function. The present research project, entitled “Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe – Their Function and Acoustic Influence in Daily Life” aims to investigate the metallic idiophones of Central Europe over the Iron Age, Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. It uses an interdisciplinary approach that connects the methodology of archaeology, metallurgy, acoustics and psychology together with their function and acoustic influence in daily life. The current status of three case studies is presented in this article. Keywords: archaeomusicology, idiophones, acoustics, psychoacoustics, textiles.