Interaction of comparative struc­tu­res and their elements in modern russian prose (original) (raw)

Global parallels in russian literature


Что общего между русской классической литературой и изображениями Наска в Перу? Чилболтонский феномен. Идейные параллели между главами ``Евгения Онегина'', романами Федора Достоевского и Льва Толстого. Отображение глав ``Евгения Онегина'' на страстную седмицу, десять заповедей и каббалистический алфавит. Параллели между романами Достоевского, Толстого и другими писателями русской классики.


The article concerns semantic and grammatical surrounding of praesens historicum in Russian literary translation. The focus is made on the elements that interact with this transpositional verb form as a whole functional complex in the translated text. These are compared to the context of narrative past forms used in other translations of the same original. Pragmatic effect of functional ‘satellites’ of present historical form is studied in the texts grouped according to their genre and target audience. В фокусе исследования – функции «окружения» настоящего исторического – тех элементов текста, которые сопутствуют его появлению в нарративе. Что в контексте употребления praesens historicum не контрастирует с этим элементом, а поддерживает его в воздействии на читателя, приближает адресата к хронотопу повествуемых событий? Показательным материалом для наблюдений такого рода являются варианты русского перевода одного и того же повествовательного текста с другого языка. Мы сопоставим переводы, использующие настоящее историческое или прошедшее нарративное, и рассмотрим языковое окружение этих форм. При этом, поскольку речь каждый раз будет идти о комплексе средств, ориентированных на единый прагматический эффект, мы разделим изучаемый материал на несколько групп в зависимости от жанра оригинала и целевой аудитории, на которую ориентирован текст.

Key figurative fields in modern Russian prose

Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin, 2021

The article examines the key figurative fields in the texts of modern Russian prose. The authors analyse the works of A. Varlamov, E. Vodolazkin, A. Ivanov, A. Matveeva, Z. Prilepin. The purpose of the research is to identify and describe the key figurative fields of different types in modern fiction. The key figurative field is defined as a set of lexical units of one semantic field, acting as images of comparative constructions (metaphors and similes), which is directly related to the development of the theme and plot of the work, its ideological and aesthetic content, to the characteristics of the main characters, and performs a text-forming function in the work of fiction. The analysis has identified three main types of such fields: 1. The field, whose composition is determined by the theme of the work; 2. The field, whose choice of units is motivated by the type of the protagonist and his point of view; 3. The field, determined by the ideological and aesthetic content of the wo...

В.З. Санников. О русских сочинительных и сравнительных конструкциях

Санников В.З. О русских сочинительных и сравнительных конструкциях / В.З. Санников ; Под ред. В.Ю. Розенцвейга. – М., 1980. – 35, [1] с. – (Предварительные публикации / Институт русского языка АН СССР ; Проблемная группа по экспериментальной и прикладной лингвистике. Выпуск 136).

“Village prose” in the context of conflict between the traditional russian culture and the soviet modernity

Semiotic studies

The article is devoted to analysis of the works of the so-called village prose (F. Abramov, V. Shukshin, V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn) in the decolonial perspective using the concept of internal colonization. The characteristics of this concept and its heuristic potential are given. The application of semiotic method - distinction of markers - allowed the authors to determine the points of divergence in the socialist realism poetics and the village prose. It is shown that the village prose plots do not fit into the soviet ideological narratives, while the key narrative of the modern thinking - progress - in the artistic world of the village text testifies to the destruction of Russian village and the Russian peasantry. It is revealed that F. Abramov's application of the deconstruction method allowed to revaluate the narratives that are important for the soviet ideology. In V. Shukshins stories we have found an opposition of modernity - traditionalism, which serves as a precondit...

Autochthonous synergy of Russian literary discourse

Russian Language Studies

The paper is aimed at describing the convergent effect of the interaction of several linguistic consciousness sense-forming channels, when their joint nonlinear impact significantly exceeds the total potential of individual elements of discursive activity. The texts of Russian Chernozem region writers are studied. The novelty of the research is that the role of the conjugate work of creative and receptive minds forming the two levels of autochthonous text-generating discourse (immanent and representative) is revealed and evaluated. It is proved that the efficient mechanism of autochthonous text generation is the synergy of the discursive-modus concept - the phenomenon of nonlinear discursive activity. The idea is substantiated that immersion in the synergistic architectonics of the discursive-modus concept opens the way to understanding the playful origin of the author's linguistic consciousness: his abilities through the system of content (aesthetic, modal, expressive, etc.) an...

Конструирование исторической идентичности в советской русской литературе Литвы


The study analyzes the construction of historical identity through thematic implementation, specific selection of historical events reflected in the texts, mentioned or depicted historical figures in prose, dramatic, poetic works in Russian, created by writers who were living at the time or lived in Lithuania earlier since the mid-1950s to the late 1990s.