Local Sustainable Practices the case of Hamburg vs. Durres (original) (raw)
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Timurid Tile Style in Anatolia and Footprints of Masters of Tabriz
Due to the political situation after the Ankara Battle, impact of Timurid style appears in Ottoman art lasting about a century. After reorganizing process from the concussion of defeat in Ankara, Ottomans import the artistic style of Timurids, which is their new politic model and rival, with a traumatic apprehension. The signs of this import style can be seen in several structures in Ottoman state and several principalities around. A survey of these structures gives information on the journey of the first group of artists that came from the Timurid state to Anatolia.
Architecture Education Methodology Comparison between KTH-Sweden and PUA-Egypt
The increasing global emphasis on sustainable approaches demands new approaches to architecture education. In order to raise the level of architecture education; analyses of different education programs, finding comparable experiences and problems across borders and the creation of a network worldwide for the exchange of information are recognized methods of achieving and maintaining comparable national and global standards. With the aim of improving education and research activities, Faculty of Engineering at Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt; PUA (Private developing world university) and the Royal Institute of Technology; KTH (International technical university in Stockholm, Sweden) agreed on long term cooperation in 2009.This cooperation aim is to introduce the "Swedish" experience in teaching and education at PUA in order to provide graduates with the professional, intellectual and technological skills which enable them to compete in global job markets and cope wi...
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Architecture and Tile Usage in City Planning of Kütahya from Tanzimat to Republic
The traces of the city's historical past that have reached today, belongs to the Germiyanids and the Ottomans. The settlement inside the castle was the point of origin for the city's expansion during the Preottoman and the Ottoman periods. The first settlements of residence and trade outside the castle began on the eastern side of the castle and expanded towards the north, spread towards the plain beneath the Hıdırlık Hill. The physical structure of the city until the 19 th century represents the classical Ottoman architecture and city planning forms. However, the Ebniye Nizamnameleri, which became effective along with the changes in the institutional, social, cultural and economic structures, formalized by the declaration of the Tanzimat reforms in 1839, generated a significant change in the structures of Anatolian cities. The architecture of the governor's office, the prison, the barracks and Idadi (high school), generated a new public space. The change is perceived throughout the city resulting from the renovations that carry out influences from the Western architectural styles. In this paper, the religious and public buildings will be analyzed together in the light of archive documents, considering the development of the city and the restructuring. Tile-making which is the main reason of Kütahya's renown will be analyzed in terms of utilization characteristics in the buildings and an evaluation will be made considering the city and the period. 2 URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF KÜTAHYA CITY The expansion area of Kütahya, which is located in the Central Western Anatolia of the Aegean Region is between the Yellice Mountain and the Hıdırlık Hill, on the east-west axis in the skirts of the Yellice Mountain 1. It is estimated that the foundation of Kütahya, which is mentioned as Kotiaeion, Kotiaion, Cotyaeum and Cotyaium in historical documents, date back to BC 3000 2. In the chronology of Anatolian civilizations, the city was under the rule of Phrygia, Bithynia, Pergamon, Rome and Byzantium, and came under the Seljuk rule in the first half of the 13 th century. Kütahya, which became the ruling center of the Germiyanids that declared independence at the beginning of the 14 th century, joined the Ottoman Empire in 1429. Under the Ottoman rule, it was first the ruling centre of the district, and shortly after it became the centre of the Anatolia State. In 1841, it became a district of Hüdavendigar Province. In 1915, it was an independent district and after the proclamation of Republic, it became a province 3. This brief historical background provides the turning points of Kütahya in terms of urban transformation and development. In this respect; the settlement area which was likely to have been inside the Byzantian castle previously, constituted the centre of the expansion area of the city before and during the Ottoman period, and it was found that the first settlements of trade and residence outside the castle starting from the eastern skirts
New pattern of industrial identity in the spatial structure of polish cities
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Problems during the Implementation of the Urban Regulatory Plans in Kosovo
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Universal Design Methodologies in Developing Countries: Case Study-Tirana
In developing countries, people with disabilities face a multitude of obstacles in their physical environment preventing them from participating in social, cultural and professional life. Given this tort, major concerns of people with disabilities in Tirana City are presented. In this context, this paper explores different methods to analyze the existing situation. First, an actual scene of disability in Albania and factors that influence their isolation are given. In addition, existing state of accessibility in physical environment is indicated. In regard Albanian framework lack of accessibility design standards. Furthermore, a questionnaire was conducted to a group of people with different disabilities to detect their main problems that need immediate action. Low level of provided services for this category is revealed. The results show that the disabled people and their family belong to the marginalized part of the society. As such, incorporating Universal Design into the urban city life is vital. As results show, despite people benefits, construction and renovation costs seem not to be prohibitory. To further address this issue, two case studies "Agimi" cinema and "Don Bosko" crossroad are developed as a practice of universal design that professionals should consider and use.
Xenia Hotels Project, 1950-1967. Reapproaching the role of Post-War Modern Architecture in Greece.
1-ICAUD | First International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design, 2012
In the early 50s, Greece started its reconstruction after World War II and a following civil war. The Greek National Tourism Organization (G.N.T.O.) was founded in 1950, when tourism became a basic axis of the national economy, and started the Xenia Project; the one and only attempt of the Greek State to create accommodation infrastructure for the development of Tourism. Under the dictatorship of 1967, the 'Era of Reconstruction' ended and the official tourism policy changed, giving priority to mass-tourism. The buildings of the project (more than 70 all over the country), prominent examples of Post-War Modern Greek Architecture, set the standards of accommodation for International Tourism, in a time that high standard facilities for tourists did not exist and there was no interest for private investment in tourism. The project includes different types of buildings (hotels, motels, hostels, pavilions etc.) in privileged places - beautiful and/or historical sites. Those constructions were made to offer hospitality to high class international tourists, who brought valuable foreign exchange to a poor developing country. On the other hand, those buildings with their infrastructures became very popular to the local society, hosting festivals, weddings, conferences etc. till nowadays. Xenia Hotels Project represents the efforts of the only non-communist Balkan country to connect with Western Europe. This paper reveals unknown aspects of Post-War Modern Greek Architecture, based on unpublished documents of the GNTO archives. Official policies on Tourism, the State Budget, international tourism models etc. defined the building types of the project. For almost two decades the Xenia Project evolved and adapted to a changing reality.
Preservation of the Historic Centre of Prizren through Integration into Modern Life
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