Puhsarang Church as a Religious Tourism Object in Kediri District 1999-2015 (original) (raw)

Aktivitas Religi DI Situs Candi Pertapan Kabupaten Blitar Pada Masa Kadiri Hingga Majapahit

Berkala Arkeologi Sangkhakala, 2021

Society in the Classical period had view that most sacred buildings were erected in the highlands, such as an Mount Pegat, Blitar Regency. This study seeks to reveal the religious activities that occured at Pertapan Temple Site on Mount Pegat from the Kadiri to Majapahit Kingdom, along with the community’s conception of the mountain. The method used in this study includes data collection in the form of observations and interviews, as well as qualitative descriptive analysis through the help of classification, comparison, and contextual analysis. Semiotic theory is used to assist the analysis. The result of this study indicate that the sacred building at the Pertapan Temple site is use as a place of worship for Sang Hyang Kabuyutan in Subhasita in 1120 Saka, the pendharmaan temple of King Wisnuwarddhana in 1202 Saka, and place of worship of Dewaraja Wisnuwarddhana in 1237 Saka. the community views Mount Pegat as a holy place, because it has several features, such as according to the ...

Pengembangan Wisata Religi Sebagai Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Kota Pasuruan

Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)

This research aims to make the development of religious tourism as sustainable tourism in the city of Pasuruan. This research includes qualitative research, using the methods of observation, interviews, literature study and documentation as a method for data collection. Based on the research conducted, it is found that Pasuruan City is a city that has potential in developing sustainable tourism through the development of religious tourism. With the development of sustainable tourism, it can contribute to the regional economy and the people of Pasuruan and can become an icon of Pasuruan. It is hoped that this research can help the Pasuruan city government in carrying out tourism development to improve the regional economy of Pasuruan city. Keywords: tourism, sustainable tourism, religious tourism, pasuruan city.

Hospitalitas Kristen sebagai Landasan Relasi Mayoritas-Minoritas di Desa Segaran, Kecamatan Wates, Kediri

Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan konsep hospitalitas dan persahabatan dalam praktiknya di Desa Segaran, Wates, Kediri. Desa tersebut merupakan desa dengan penduduk mayoritas Kristen dan penduduk minoritas Islam dan penganut agama lainnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan model grounded theory Corbin dan Strauss. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif dan diinterpretasi menggunakan teori fungsionalisme struktural dari Durkheim. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa relasi mayoritas-minoritas di Desa Segaran dapat berlangsung adil dan setara. Nilai-nilai hospitalitas dan persahabatan yang berasal dari ajaran agama Kristen terinternalisasi dalam sebuah kesadaran kolektif masyarakat Kristen terhadap masyarakat muslim di desa tersebut. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan adanya institusi sosial keagamaan, fakta sosial, dan interaksi sosial yang berlandaskan ajaran hospitalitas sehingga nilai a...


Kabupaten Malang memiliki banyak peninggalan bersejarah. Salah satunya adalah peninggalan Kerajaan Singosari. Benda-benda bersejarah pada masa Singosari masih dapat ditemukan hingga saat ini. Namun, dalam pemanfaatan sebuah peninggalan sejarah untuk pariwisata perlu diperhatikan kesesuaiannya sebagai objek wisata. Dengan pentingnya hal tersebut, maka kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian peninggalan Kerajaan Singosari di Kabupaten Malang, khususnya Candi Singosari dan Arca Dwarapala. Kajian ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi pemerintah daerah dalam pengembangan wisata sejarah dan budaya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif dengan tahapan identifikasi, penilaian, dan penyusunan rekomendasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan Candi Singosari dan Arca Dwarapala telah memiliki beberapa aspek yang disyaratkan dalam wisata sejarah. Aspek tersebut adalah fasilitas, transportasi, dan hospitality. Namun, belum memiliki atraksi yang menarik. Beberapa fasilitas seperti signage dan papan informasi juga masih belum memadahi. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan untuk mengadakan atraksi wisata yang menarik. Pelatihan dan pendidikan kepada masyarakat sekitar dan perbaikan fasilitas juga merupakan salah satu rekomendasi yang diharapkan mampu memperbaiki wisata sejarah di Candi Singosari dan Arca Dwarapala.

Objek Wisata Religi: Potensi dan Dampak Sosial-Ekonomi bagi Masyarakat Lokal (Studi Kasus Pada Makam Syekh Mansyur Cikadueun, Pandeglang)

Syi`ar Iqtishadi : Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking

Religion tour is a tradition which has last on the society. The religion tour destination in Pandeglang regency are very rich; one of them is Syekh Mansyur Cikadueun, as a religion tour which has potentially increased the standard of economy and social of local society at the area. The purpose of the research is to know the economy and social impact as the existence the religion tour object to the local society. It is seen that the economy impact on the tourism area, increasing job demand and the income of the house hold which directly engage in the tourism object. Whereas, the social impact can be seen the interaction between society and tourist, the perception of the tourist, the orientation of the local society to the religion tour object only for spiritual or has been replaced to the commercial means. The data of this research obtained; 1. the participative observation which the researcher, himself involved in getting the data. 2. Interviewing the society which is involved on the activity of the religion tour on the area.

Evaluasi Objek Kawasan Wisata Religi (Studi Kasus Desa Beuringen Dan Desa Kuta Krueng Aceh Utara)


Wisata merupakan objek yang melatar belakangi manusia untuk berkunjung pada sebuah tempat tertentu. Salah satu kategori wisata yang erat kaitannya dengan agama dan prinsip-prinsip keagamaan yang dianut masyarakat adalah wisata religi. Salah satu tempat wisata andalan di Kabupaten Aceh Utara dan tempat wisata religi adalah Kerajaan Samudra Pasai. Terdapat banyak kekurangan dalam fasilitas baik dari kebutuhan pengelola hingga para wisatawan, sebagai objek wisata religi telah memiliki potensi yang cukup dan regulasi yang jelas. Mengenai Permasalahan tersebut bagaimanan kesiapan dan fasilitas yang harus di penuhi oleh kawasan wisata religi di Desa beuringen dan Kuta Krueng. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kompenen objek wisata religi di kawasan Desa Beuringen dan Kuta Krueng serta mengetahui fasilitas-fasilitas yang harus dilengkapi pada wisata religi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan metode penelitian kualititatif deskriptif dan berbagai metode pengumpulan data. Peneli...

Analisis Peran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Religi Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial-Ekonomi (Studi Pada Situs Makam K.H. Siradj Payaman, Kecamatan Secang, Kabupaten Magelang)

Jurnal DinamikA, 2021

Empowerment and management of religious tourism villages is one alternative to overcome the still high economic and social security in Indonesia, given that the village is the frontline in regional economic development, it is necessary to empower communities to advance the economy and prosperity. This study aims to analyze how the role of empowerment and management of religious tourism villages for the socio-economic life of local communities, this research is qualitative with descriptive analysis methods, while the data from this study are divided into two (2) types, namely primary and secondary. The results of this study indicate that the impact caused is an increase in local community income through MSMEs and increased mutual respect, social service, and mutual cooperation.Keywords: Village, Religious Tourism, Community Empowerment


ETAM: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat , 2023

The literacy index is frequently used as an instrument of educational success in a country. Individuals possessing high interest and culture in reading are believed to have high literacy index as well. However, the fact revealed that there was a decline of community literacy index. Based on a field survey, the partner, the Kyai Ageng Mohammad Besari Foundation having tasks in maintaining and managing religious tourism at the msque and cemetery, has limited literacy support facilities related to book collections as well as access to cheap and qualified books. The solution to this problem is a community service which focuses on establishing a reading corner and implementing supporting activities, such as book review and entrepreneurship training, are believed to be able to increase the interest and reading culture as well as attractiveness of religious tourism at the mosque and cemetery. The method for establishing a reading corner is the ADDIE method. The results of the monitoring and evaluation carried out at the end of this program showed that the establishment of a reading corner provided a different atmosphere for religious tourism activities and the partner participated enthusiastically in community service activities.

Study on “ Pujan Kasanga ” Traditional Ceremony in Tosari Village of Pasuruan


Pujan Kasanga Ceremony is a ceremony of worship performed by the people of Tosari Village to neutralize nature or reject the logs. The ceremony is not only done by the Hindu community, but the Islamic community also do it. The purpose of this research is to know the types of plants, the perception of the community and the distribution of plants used in the ceremony of Pujan Kasanga. The method used in adat Pujan Kasanga is survey, interview and explorative descriptive method using 85 respondents. The value of plant utilization analysis can be used by using concencus index formula (IC) and UVis. The results showed that the types of plants used in the ceremony Pujan Kasanga consists of 13 species. The value of people's perception of Pura Kasanga ceremony is very high. So also with the use of plant organs in the ceremony is also very high for 82% seed and 76% fruit. The distribution of plants used in traditional ceremonies Pujan Kasanga contained in 3 hamlets namely Tosari, Kertano...

Cagar Budaya Masjid Kuncen Sebagai Ikon Wisata Sejarah Dan Religi Kota Madiun


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah berdirinya dan pelestarian cagar budaya Masjid Kuno Nur Hidayatullah Kelurahan Kuncen Kecamatan Taman Kota Madiun. Melestarikan cagar budaya merupakan bukti kecintaan terhadap nilai-nilai sejarah dan menjadikan cagar budaya tersebut sebagai tempat wisata sejarah bernuansa religi. Sejarah berdirinya Masjid Kuno Nur Hidayatullah diawali ketika pusat Kabupaten Madiun/Purabaya pindah dari Sogaten ke areal hutan Wonorejo yang sekarang menjadi Kuncen. Bupati saat itu Pangeran Timur atau Penembahan Ronggo Jumeno. Didirikannya Masjid Kuno Nur Hidayatullah digunakan sebagai pengembangan agama Islam di Madiun. Masjid Kuno Nur Hidayatullah potensial sebagai ikon wisata sejarah dan religius. Selain terdapat masjid juga terdapat makam Bupati dan sendang, serta dua prasasti.