Public Service Innovation in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemi in Tangerang District, Banten (original) (raw)
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In Indonesia, innovation is associated with the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the process of public administration. The most important thing in doing an innovation is the process of innovation diffusion. The purpose of this research was to know and describe the process of diffusion of innovation, strategy and success factor in the process of diffusion of SIMPUS innovation in Yogyakarta City. This research was conducted at the Government of Yogyakarta City with a unit of analysis of the Health Department and all health centers. The results of this research indicate that the form of innovation of SIMPUS application is the innovation of technology-based administration process in health service made by Section Surveillant and SIK Yogyakarta City Health Office. The goal for data integration throughout health center implemented gradually from 2011 to 2013 at all health centers that is 18 central health centers and 12 auxiliary health centers. The process of diffusion of SIMPUS innovation does not occur incidentally but can be traced through the stages of the diffusion process that occurs, where at each stage are done various strategies both formal and informal. The study recommends innovators in the public sector to learn from the diffusion process frameworks, strategies and factors that influence the success of the innovation diffusion process.
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Developing countries are starting to compete to improve their social welfare through innovation. Meanwhile, at the regional level, Policy Reform is also implemented in Indonesia to build a digital society and public services. This study aims to analyze innovation policies that can adapt to changes in public services and development and analyze the construction of organizational culture in Banyuwangi Regency in supporting changes in public services and development. The approach used in this research is qualitative. Data processing results are interpreted using the type of social policy research. The research location is in the regional command of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, Republic of Indonesia. This study showed that the regional government issued a public service policy by developing a digital ecosystem called Smart Kampung. Smart Kampung is an integrated village development program that combines fiber optic-based ICT, productive economic activities, creative economic activities, health-education improvement, and poverty alleviation efforts. The parties involved in developing the smart kampung program, namely the government, support this program; the leadership factor and the provision of regulations are the main keys in implementing the program, as well as the involvement of the private sector and the community in social development.
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This study aims to analyze the innovations that have been made by various cities that have the aim of improving the quality of public services. This research uses a qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data by researchers is by conducting literature studiesrelated to researchin order to obtain concepts that are relevant to the study of public policy innovation. The population in this study are cities that have made innovations in public services, while the samples in this study are innovations made by the city of Bandung, Banjarbaru city, and also the city of Batam which has the aim of improving the quality of public services in each city. The results obtained in this study are the existence of innovations made by various regions, indicating that what is done will be mencourage the development of public service innovation, encourage the development and transfer of public service innovation, accelerate the improvement of the quality of public services, and also improve c...
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Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies
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Initiative and Implementation of The Public Service Innovation by Regional Government in Indonesia
Journal of Governance and Local Politics, 2020
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Innovation and Development in Improving Public Services During the New Normal Era in Indonesia
Journal of Governance
Various changes that occurred due to the emergence of COVID-19 and the entry of the new normal era led to the government's need for innovation and new development in providing public services to the community. This study aims to examine how the government can create innovations and develop various public services in Indonesia in the new normal period. This research will use a qualitative approach using analytical methods. The data in this study was obtained from various studies and studies that are still relevant to this research. This study found that the government has made multiple innovations for the public service sector. The form of these innovations is the focus in the APBN budget to deal with the APBN in such areas as health, education, social, or economic aspects. This is developing following the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and the paradigm in public administration, which conceptually adopts many practices from private organizations. The government establishes partnerships with private organizations to study and seek innovative ideas in public service.
Public Service Innovation Through Dukcapil Services Go Digital By Disdukcapil Probolinggo Regency
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM)
Currently, innovation occupies a very strategic position in the public sector. This success attracts the public sector to continue to develop various types of innovations to improve public services. The development of the public sector shows that innovation cannot be separated from the rapid progress in technology, information and communication, so the term innovation is closely related to the term e-government. In order to realize a higher quality public service, the Disdukcapil of Probolinggo Regency released a new service in the field of population administration through an online service called Dukcapil Go Digital. This Go Digital Dukcapil is one of the ways taken by the Probolinggo Regency Disdukcapil to make it easier for the community to obtain administrative needs. The type of research used by the author is a qualitative approach with data collection in the form of a literature study with the aim of knowing more about the innovations implemented by the Disdukcapil Probolingg...
The objectives of this research are to describe public services related to the population database and to analyze the factors that contribute to innovation in Disdukcapil Palembang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Disdukcapil Palembang has ever received awards from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (RBPAN) as a Role Model because some of the Indicators from the RBPAN have been fulfilled in the Office of Population and Civil Registry Service. There are several indicators which were assessed such as standard service, Information Service, Lactation Room, and Playground. After being assessed by RBPAN, all indicators were fulfilled and Disdukcapil Palembang had been receiving award for three years. The first year was in good category, the second years afterwards was very good in 2017-2018 with ‘A’ category. The innovations done by the Head Officer to make the service more effective was by giving policy to form UPTD (Technical Implementing...