The Existence of Gampong in the Middle of Changing Community (original) (raw)

Revitalization of Gampong Institution in Aceh: Measuring the program of Back to Gampong in the middle of the changing society: A case in Aceh Besar regency

International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2014

The passage of UU No. 18, 2001 on regional autonomy and followed up with the issuance of Qanun No. 4, 2003 on mukim, and Qanun No. 5, 2003 on gampong and reinforced by UUPA No. 11, 2006 on Acehnese government is a history of social identity of Acehnese society, which has been neglected during the conflict. The regional government has made some breakthroughs and one of the breakthroughs was gampong revitalization through a program called "back to gampong". The study aims to answer the dynamic of revitalization of gampong institution in the middle of special autonomy implementation and the implementation of Qanun gampong in the administration of gampong institution. The research uses qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted using in-depth interview, observation and documentation study. Data reduction process, data presentation and conclusion are used to analyze data. The study shows that the implementation of program "back to gampong" encourages the strengthening process of gampong institution as well as weakens the institution itself. The development of gampong that focuses on physical aspect has created coordination gap among apparatus of the institution in planning system and financial management of the institution. The tug in the mechanism of financial development and management at gampong has created a space for the involvement and influence from gampong elite in gampong governance. Non-uniform honorary allocation for gampong governmental apparatus is one of the indicators of weak role and function of gampong cultural institution because the previous inherent communal values have been calculated economically.


This article aims to analyze the challenges of establishing a participatory qanun of gampong. This research was conducted in the village under Syiah Kuala University supervision, Ingin Jaya sub-district, Aceh Besar. This study examined into legal resources, particularly qanuns, in order to analyze the participatory law-making process. The substitution of Aceh Besar Qanun Number 11 Year 2009 with Aceh Besar Qanun Number 2 Year 2020 has caused several legal issues, especially with regard to the supervision of gampong qanuns, which are no longer have a legal basis. Starting with the concept of legal development, replenishment is essential. Due to the lack of rules that act as guidelines, the process of establishing qanuns of gampong has become more complicated. The main reason is that participatory processes are hard to accomplish. It is advised to the Aceh Besar District Government to draft recommendations for the drafting qanun of gampong as soon as possible as a form of guidance for the gampong government. This guidance will also substantially help the gampong government's efforts in preparing numerous requirements for qanuns of gampong.

The Role of Subdistrict Head in Gampong Development In Subdistrict Pidie, Pidie Regency


This study aims to describe and analyze the subdistrict governments in the development of the village in Pidie district of Pidie district and to describe and analyze the factors that become an obstacle and a supporting role in the development of the village in the subdistrict head Pidie district of Pidie district. This study used a descriptive approach qualitative (descriptive qualitative research). Subdistrict Head Pidie good role in village development in the field of social, cultural, governmental, religious and economic. That role is: The social structure of village society woke up from the task of attributive district and intensity of socio-cultural interaction,Preservation of the cultural values of the village depends on the role of the government and the elite of the elite village,Governance autonomous village remained in the coordination and development of the subdistrict head, ethnic and religious homogeneity in the implementation of Islamic law characterized the spiritual ...

The Political Communication of the Acehnese Society A Case study of Local wisdom of the Gampong governance-Aceh

The gampong governance is a first level and original form of the governance of the Acehnese province which is established on values of the Acehnese local wisdom that have been being preserved in the administration of the Acehnese governance. This government applies process of political communication by involving the social and cultural structure within society. The structure of this level constructs all aspects of the gampong society life. The political processes and the gampong governance (village) in Aceh are held in meunasah which is a learning and community centre of the Acehnese society. The Acehnese political structure and system are determined by the Acehnese socio-culture which has been subsisting since the Acehnese kingdom of King Iskandar Muda. It has been preserved and reapplied as Aceh is legally allowed to implement a special autonomy for Islamic shari'a. The system and structure is a form of the local treasure in which the Acehnese society is developed. The research results are the process and structure of the political communication in accordance with the Acehnese socio-cultural values as a unit of local wisdom. System and structure of the Acehnese socio-culture become a force in the political and social processes in Aceh for a long time starting from the first-level governance-gampong. The governance of the Acehnese society is the first-level governance proven effective in advancing the Acehnese society. This governance system is expectedly preserved along with the common governance system of the same level. The political communicators like kechiek, imeum and tuha peut govern based on fixed job descriptions without overlapping and violating each other. Kechiek as the head of government, imeum as the religious and social leader as well as intellectuals while tuha peut (social figures) is a party who gives suggestions and considerations for government, about religious and social issues including economic and political issues in order to resolve conflicts within society.

The Political Communication of Acehness Society-Gampong

Local richness of the Acehnese society has incised “the face of the Acehnese society” as a high civilization of the historical trajectory of the archipelago. Of the Acehnese wisdoms is in the field of political communication i.e. the governance and the community system of Aceh. The gampong governance is a first level and original form of the governance of the Acehnese province which is established on values of the Acehnese local wisdom that have been being preserved in the administration of the Acehnese governance. This government applies process of political communication by involving the social and cultural structure within society. The structure of this level constructs all aspects of the gampong society life. Historically, the social and cultural structure of Aceh has resulted a fine civilization of the region as so-called the Mecca Terrace. This article uses a theory of political communication, the village governance of Gampong, social and cultural structure, local wisdom of the Acehnese society. This article is expected to be an alternative study for political communication of the first level-governance i.e the village community (gampong) springing out from values of the local society and culture. It might open space for deconstructions based on a rational consideration of the Acehnese society civilization. This research uses the political communication theory, local culture, system, social structure and local wisdom. The Acehnese political communication starts from gampong and embraces all individual inclusively. The political processes and the gampong governance (village) in Aceh are held in meunasah which is a learning and community centre of the Acehnese society. The Acehnese political structure and system are determined by the Acehnese socio-culture which has been subsisting since the Acehnese kingdom of King Iskandar Muda. It has been preserved and reapplied as Aceh is legally allowed to implement a special autonomy for Islamic shari’a. The system and structure is a form of the local treasure in which the Acehnese society is developed. The research utilizes a constructivism paradigm that is to try to understand, explain and interpret meanings and ongoing social interactions. Qualitative and case study methods are used hand in hand with the field research. The techniques of collecting data of this research are intensive observation and interview expected to unveil the local wisdom and the typically Acehnese values within the Acehnese political communication system and process. the key informants are focused for the data collection are those are considered the political communicators who govern within structure and the gampong governance system such as kechiek, imuem meunasah, tuha peut and the Acehnese people as a political community. The political communicators are the apparatus who are in power to govern in the running system. In addition, observation is conducted to discover and describe the political communication processes. The research results are the process and structure of the political communication in accordance with the Acehnese socio-cultural values as a unit of local wisdom. System and structure of the Acehnese socio-culture become a force in the political and social processes in Aceh for a long time starting from the first-level governance –gampong. The governance of the Acehnese society is the first-level governance proven effective in advancing the Acehnese society. This governance system is expectedly preserved along with the common governance system of the same level. The political communicators like kechiek, imeum and tuha peut govern based on fixed job descriptions without overlapping and violating each other. Kechiek as the head of government, imeum as the religious and social leader as well as intellectuals while tuha peut (social figures) is a party who gives suggestions and considerations for government, about religious and social issues including economic and political issues in order to resolve conflicts within society.

The Enforcement of Gompong in the Qanun of Aceh and Its Relative Position in the Indonesian Constitution

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, 2019

This paper aims to learn how the Qanun of Aceh, particularly Qanun No. 4 on Mukim and Qanun No. 5 on Gampong Government enforce Gampong as a government body. It further compares the hierarchical relationship between the qanun and the higher regulations in Indonesia such as Village Government Act No. 32 of 2004, Privileges of Aceh Act No. 44 of 1999, Special Autonomy No. 18 of 2001 and Aceh Government Act No. 11 of 2006. The study found that the Qanun integrates Acehnese identity coupled with the Islamic values into the Gampong institution. The Qanun on Gampong Government, in fact, does not negate any higher regulations in the Indonesian constitution. The principle of decentralization implemented post-Orde Baru requires a massive change in the government system in Indonesia from the centralized system of local state government, to local self-government and finally the decentralized system of the local community. The Qanun on Gampong government is in line with the local community spir...

Gampong’s Forest Management: A Case Study of Gampong Institution’s Role in Peudada Regency, Indonesia


This study aims to depict the capacity of gampong in forest management. In this research, the design used was qualitative approach. The location of this research was conducted in gampong Pinto Rimba, Peudada district, Bireuen regency, Aceh province, Indonesia. The research time was conducted for 2 (two) months from March to April 2020. Primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data were obtained by researchers directly from the source or resource person in the form of words and actions of the people observed or interviewed. The way informant chosen here is by using purposive sampling. Secondary data were obtained from the written reports or other related documents. It can be concluded that gampong government has high commitment in managing village forest. This is done by a group of forest farmer called Batee Lhee . Gampong institution has capacity in guiding the farming community to continue to maintain forest as an economic source and making customary agreements i...