The therapeutic potential of a prison-based animal programme in the UK (original) (raw)

Animals and the resocialization of offenders - from ideas to application

Journal of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research , 2019

Offenders' rehabilitation programs that are based upon the interaction with animals have increasingly been receiving the attention of the media and experts from various fields of science (including psychology, sociology, andragogy, penology, criminology and criminal law) due to a multitude of benefits they are capable of providing for: inmates, prison staff, broader community and animals. Resocialization of offenders, decrease in the rates of recidivism, additional incomes for the prisons' budgets and saving abandoned animals are only some of them. Having this in mind, the author of this paper studies key moments in the historical development of the application of animal assisted therapies and programs, key benefits of these programs, the most remarkable example of modern use of these programs in the world and the implementation of animal-assisted program in Serbia in Correctional Institution in Sremska Mitrovica. In the concluding remarks, the author highlights the most important potentials of these programs in crime suppression, explains the need for additional research in this area, and suggests further directions for their evaluation and improvement. Key words: prisons, rehabilitation, resocialization, recidivism, animals