Hubungan Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruang dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
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Nurse job satisfaction is one of the factors affecting work productivity. Job satisfaction is influenced by the leadership style applied by the chief nurse in leading his subordinates. The purpose of this study was determined the relationship between the leadership style of the chief nurse and the nurse's job satisfaction in the inpatient room at Idaman City Hospital in Banjarbaru. This research approach used cross sectional. The population was all nurses in the inpatient room with a total of 119 nurses. Sampling used quota sampling as many as 102 respondents. There were 3 research instruments used, consisted of questionnaire respondent characteristics, nurse job satisfaction and leadership style of the chief nurse. The method used by events that carry out actions on respondents, has been observed. The correlational and survey approaches used in this study were to present a questionnaire. The leadership style of nurse manager has an average of 57.90 (50-72). Nurse job satisfacti...
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ABSTRACT: STYLE OF LEADER S HIP TO THE PERFORMANCE OF NURSES IN THE INPATIEN WARD OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF BEKASI Backround: Leadership is the ability to influence people by setting goals for direction/command and motivation to work. The activities of leaders will show the pattern of leadership style applied in an organization can create a positive work effectiveness for members. Various kinds of leadership style of the head of the room is devided into 3 the leadership, authoritarian, democracy and laisez faire, the style of leadership applied will affect the performance of nurses. Methods: This research uses analytic survey research design using cressectional approach. Population of 67 repondents with a sample of 60 respondents. Sampling technique using simple random sampling. Univariate and bivariate data analysis. Result: Univariate based research result, showed that leadership style of the majority of the head of democratic leadership style as much as 47 (78,3%) r...
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Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan dan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Pelaksana
Background : Job satisfaction is a subjective state based on a comparison of what is actually received by a person from his job compared to what is expected. The study aims to see description of job satisfaction of nurses and to see the relationship between the leadership of the head of the room with the work satisfaction of the implementing nurses in the inpatient room of Batam Hospital. Method : This type of research is analytic descriptive with cross sectional approach. Samples are all nurses in the inpatient room RSBK with a sample of 88 people, with sampling techniques, total sampling. Results : The results of the bivariate chi-square statistical test showed the results of a significant relationship between leadership and the work satisfaction of implementing nurses. Conclusion : Nursing management is expected to always control and conduct training related to nursing leadership (leadership training for the head of the room)
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia
Leadership styles that are less suitable can reduce employee motivation, performance and job satisfaction. 4 out of 10 nurses in the inpatient room of Aro Pekalongan General Hospital felt dissatisfied with the leadership of the head of the inpatient room. Therefore a study was conducted to analyze the influence of the democratic leadership style of the inpatient head on the job satisfaction of nurses in Aro Pekalongan General Hospital.The study design was cross sectional with an observational quantitative approach. The research subjects were 32 nurses in the inpatient room of Aro General Hospital who were selected by the total sampling method. Data was collected by questionnaire. Processing and analysis of data using multiple logistic regression analysis.The results showed the variables of democratic leadership style related to nurse job satisfaction in Aro Pekalongan Hospital were delegation of responsibility variables (p = 0.005) and headroom decision-making variables (p = 0.034),...