Multi-sector fair project management (original) (raw)

Stakeholder map in the cultural project management process on the example of St. Dominic’s Fair

European Journal of Service Management, 2018

This article is an attempt to use one of the tools used in project management, which is stakeholder analysis, for the preparation of St. Dominic's Fair. One of the elements of this analysis, called stakeholder mapping, was used in the article. As a result, it was possible to identify stakeholders of key importance for good organization of the fair, including, among others, the MTG SA, the authorities of Gdańsk, exhibitors and organizers of accompanying events #0#

Juventude no Brasil: trabalho decente e políticas públicas


Indonesia is rich in regional cultural arts, a legacy of past history that has enough potential to develop into tourism area. Tourism can be relied on to improve the welfare and national development. Segaran village has many temples, the two biggest are The Jiwa Temple and The Blandongan Temple. Both have the potential, which is the natural beauty and the history behind it. However, the temples that are supposed to bring in both local and foreign tourists like other heritage sites in Indonesia should be able to improve the economy in the region itself. While Segaran Village is still far from that, it still needs development, especially at supporting facilities such as homestay, restaurants and souvenir's shops. Based on this, the researchers intend to map the tourist attraction typology in order to develop the potential in village. It is a qualitative research done to find out what things can be developed, how the development works, and what are the obstacles in the development process. Based on the result, it was found that in Segaran Village, especially Jiwa Temple and Blandongan Temple, didn't have enough supporting facilities for visitors, so many visitors who just came to see it did not enjoy the tourist attractions. Supporting facilities that need to be developed include homestays, children's playgrounds, restaurants, and souvenirs. Segaran Village's position currently still ate the first of development. So that the current potential if it is not followed up with good development strategies will decrease the potential.

Organizações De Economia Criativa: Uma Análise Do Trabalho Nas Empresas Participantes Do Programa Rio Criativo

RDE - Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico, 2021

The concept of creative economy refers to a set of activities that depend on symbolic content, which includes creativity as a raw material. The article aims to analyze the organizational dimension of work in companies participating in the incubation process of the Rio Criativo program. To fulfill the objective, a qualitative field research was carried out. As data collection, documentary research and semi-structured interviews were adopted. The analysis was based on content analysis. The main results obtained are related to the relevance of an incubator for the consolidation of companies in the creative economy sector, the incentive to develop projects, the work performed virtually or in a coworking space, the importance of social networks and the relationship of work with innovation. In addition, opportunities for creative businesses are growing, but the domestic market needs to be developed and stimulated. Therefore, it is emphasized that the development of the creative economy needs adequate public policies, which consider the need for specific lines of financing, tax differentiation and systems for the standardization of enterprises.

Tourism of events in Campos do Jordão: CJCVB strategies to attract events


O objetivo desse artigo foi apresentar Campos do Jordao, situada no extremo leste do estado de Sao Paulo, como sendo uma cidade privilegiada pela sua posicao estrategica, clima, fauna e flora. De toda sua oferta turistica, analisou-se o segmento de eventos na cidade e seu fomento via captacao realizada pelo Campos do Jordao e Regiao CVB (CJCVB), utilizando-se de uma metodologia amparada no programa exploratorio-descritivo, baseando-se nos dados fornecidos pelo CJCVB, como tambem em pesquisa bibliografica. A cidade conta com varias opcoes de espacos adequados para a operacionalizacao de eventos, bem como, a abundante oferta de leitos hoteleiros, para seus participantes, evidenciando-se a contribuicao dessa entidade na geracao de receita proveniente dos eventos captados e apoiados nos respectivos periodos (2006-2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 e 2015). Percebe-se uma mudanca de perfil de eventos na cidade, pois alem dos ja consolidados eventos de negocios, a cidade tem captad...


ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal, Volume 3, número 1 ISSN 2184-299X, 2020

The specialised consumption of creative tourism experiences and their presence in cultural and creative events and festivals, constitute examples of reflexive tourism consumption. Following the line of research about the specialised consumption of creative tourism experiences and events, this research aims to describe and account for examples where cultural and creative events/festivals represent opportunities for participatory experiences like workshops. The author developed a systematic review using SCOPUS database, to account for creative tourism experiences present at cultural and creative events/festivals. Thirteen documents from 2003 to 2019, were chosen and analysed as they represent the confrontation between cultural and creative events/festivals and creative tourism experiences principles. Findings show that authors don´t always refer directly to creative tourism experiences in the events and festival case studies analysed. Results were organized under two perspectives the "event/festival centred approach" and "general approach" discussed in creative tourism literature such as the creative city, creative spectacles and cultural and creative capital co-creation. Nonetheless, important creative contributions for the development of creative capital present at cultural and creative events and festivals are highlighted. The recent establishment of creative tourism as a research area and the small number of papers found constitute limitations to the study. Resumo O consumo especializado de experiências de turismo criativo e a sua presença em eventos e festivais culturais e criativos constituem exemplos do consumo reflexivo do turismo. Seguindo a linha de pesquisa sobre o consumo especializado de experiências e eventos de turismo criativo, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever e explicar exemplos em que eventos / festivais culturais e criativos representam oportunidades para experiências participativas, como workshops. O autor desenvolveu uma revisão sistemática usando o banco de dados SCOPUS, para explicar as experiências criativas de turismo presentes em eventos / festivais culturais e criativos. Treze documentos de 2003 a 2019 foram escolhidos e analisados, pois representam o confronto entre os princípios dos eventos / festivais culturais e criativos e experiências de turismo criativo.. Os resultados foram organizados sob duas perspectivas: "abordagem centrada em eventos / festivais" e "abordagem geral" discutidas na literatura do turismo criativo, como a cidade criativa, eventos criativos e co-criação de capital cultural e criativo. No entanto, são destacadas importantes contribuições criativas para o desenvolvimento do capital criativo presente em eventos e festivais culturais e criativos. O recente estabelecimento do turismo criativo como área de pesquisa e o pequeno número de artigos encontrados constituem limitações ao estudo. Palavras chave: turismo criativo; experiências criativas, eventos/festivais culturais e criativos; revisão sistemática.

Tourism destination governance: The case of UNESCO World Heritage Site of Oporto city

The main aim of this work is to examine the concept of governance and its particular relation with tourism destinations, and to investigate this concept in the particular case of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Oporto city, through a set of specific objectives: (i) to understand and discuss the importance of interactive governance on the tourism level; (ii) to identify the governance structure of the Site in focus; (iii) to identify the power-holding entities responsible for the Site; and (iv) to investigate the levels of collaboration between the identified entities. So as to fulfil these objectives, a qualitative methodology approach was chosen to be used for elaboration of this work. Within this approach, three methods of data collection were identified as most suitable to conduct, these being: (i) critical examination and analysis of the mentioned empirical study; (ii) content analysis of the existing material concerning this study; and (iii) semi-structured interviews conducted at the Site.

Raising cultural awareness of local traditions through festival tourism A sensibilização cultural das tradições locais através do turismo de festivais


Worldwide, festivals and local special events are used as key elements within regional development strategies. Festivals and local special events are widely acknowledged to make an important contribution to the economic development of their local areas, as they provide opportunities for tourism promotion, commercial outcomes and increased inward investment in host regions (Getz, 2007; Van de Wagen, 2005) and contribute to the extension of the tourism season (Huang, Li & Cai, 2010; Boo and Busser, 2006; Kotler, Haider & Rein, 1993; Mehmetoglu and Ellingsen, 2005). However, the question of their contribution to the conservation of cultural heritage and traditions through an interpretation in tourism also requires attention. In the paper, the approach of cultural profiles is implemented as a tool to raise the awareness for local tradition, being presented on local festival. In this regard, based on a survey among organizers of festivals, local entrepreneurs participating in festivals a...

Anatomy of a Festival: Curtas Vila do Conde (1993-2012)

Pure Cinema: Curtas Vila do Conde, 20 Years After, 2012

[en-pt] This is a bilingual edition: English and Portuguese. What is a film festival? More specifically, what is Curtas Vila do Conde? Some answers to these questions have been suggested over the course of these twenty years through the programming that has moulded the iden- tity of this film festival, that has a specific feature (its focus on short films) and is circumscribed to the peripheral (or doubly peripheral) context of a small town in a marginal country, Portugal. As it has constructed its identity over these two decades, the Curtas Vila do Conde has gradually grown and learned with the work that has been done. This work has required astute- ness, the ability to organize a body of filmmakers and works in such a way as to represent the festival’s attitude towards international trends in the new contemporary cinema. It thus respects the international transits, privileging those film directors that are considered to be most pertinent for the artistic profile of the festival.

Methodological proposal for the emergence of touristic projects of the local community Propuesta metodológica para la generación de productos turísticos a partir de la comunidad local

RETOS. Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 2019

The new social, economic and environmental demands make necessary to design touristic projects where the local community is considered as the foundation for their creation and development. The main objective of this article is to elaborate a methodological proposal to design touristic projects based on the participation and management of this community. In this sense, the literature review is used to develop touristic projects through the local community, since it is the local community that stands out as a forgotten part in the generation and management of touristic projects. Thus, the methodological proposal consists of eight stages: I) Sensitization of the local community, II) Contextualization of the place, III) Design of the tourism product, IV) Identification and analysis of the demand, V) Decision of the price, VI) Commercialization, VII) Market Test and VIII) Implementation of the touristic project and follow-up. Although the generation of touristic projects is a heterogeneous task, and it depends on many intrinsic and extrinsic elements, this document aims to be a general guide which helps to integrate the residents of the destination as managers of tourism activity. Resumen Las nuevas exigencias sociales, económicas y ambientales hacen necesario el diseño de productos turísticos donde la comunidad local sea considerada como el pilar fundamental para su creación y desarrollo. En este sentido, el objetivo central de la presente investigación es elaborar una propuesta metodológica para el diseño de productos turísticos a partir de la participación y gestión de este actor. En este sentido, la revisión de diferentes propuestas destaca la necesidad de crear una metodología para desarrollar productos turísticos a través de la comunidad local, pues es ella quien resalta como un actor olvidado en la generación y gestión de los productos turísticos. De esta forma, y cubriendo este vacío, la propuesta metodológica se compone de ocho etapas: I) Sensibilización de la comunidad local, II) Con-textualización del lugar, III) Diseño del producto turístico, IV) Identificación y análisis de la demanda, V) Decisión del precio, VI) Comercialización, VII) Prueba de Mercado y VIII) Puesta en marcha del producto turístico y seguimiento. Si bien, la generación de productos turísticos es una labor heterogénea, y depende de muchos elementos intrínsecos y extrínsecos; este documento pretende ser una guía general que ayude a la integración de los residentes del destino como gestores de la actividad turística.