A Study on Exploring the Tourism Potential of Altınköy As A Rural Tourism and Recreational Activity Area (original) (raw)

The Importance of Rural Tourism: Rural Tourism Practices in the World and in Turkey

There have been several changes observed in tourism sector as in many sectors due to the globalization in recent years. With these changes, a trend towards alternative tourism types has begun in line with rapid alteration in tourism demand. New tourism types such as heritage, trekking, eco tourism, agritourism, cultural tourism and rural tourism come into the picture with the increase in tourism demand. One of the alternative tourism types, rural tourism is applied by regions and countries where rural areas are plentiful, with the aim of providing rural development with new tourism policies produced in accordance with tourism demand. This study presents rural development applications in the world and in Turkey performed via rural tourism. Kırsal Turizmin Önemi: Dünyada ve Türkiye'de Kırsal Turizm Uygulamaları Özet Son yıllarda küreselleşme olgusuna bağlı olarak birçok sektörde olduğu gibi turizm sektöründe de birtakım değişimler olmuştur. Bu değişimlere bağlı olarak, başta turizm talebinde meydana gelen hızlı değişim doğrultusunda alternatif turizm türlerine eğilim başlamıştır. Burada turizm talebine bağlı olarak; tarih, doğa yürüyüşü, eko turizm, agro turizm, kültür ve kırsal turizm türleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Alternatif turizm türlerinden biri olan kırsal turizm kırsal alanların yoğun olduğu yöreler, bölgeler ve ülkeler tarafından ulusal ve uluslararası turizm talebine bağlı olarak geliştirilen yeni turizm politikalarıyla kırsal kalkınmayı sağlamak amacıyla uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada hem dünyada hem de Türkiye'de kırsal turizme bağlı olarak gerçekleştirilen kırsal kalkınma uygulamalarına yer verilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırsal Turizm, Kırsal Turizm Uygulamaları, Kırsal Kalkınma


In Turkish tourism geography, in terms of supply potential, natural geographical resources and cultural values offer great variety and wealth. The seven districts in Turkey not only have different touristic charms but also local and universal characteristics. Tourism in Turkey has a serious potential to flourish ,but, on the other hand, when compared to the shores of Meditarrenean, Aegean and Marmara regions, the rest of the districts are not at a satisfactory level. When there is a disproportionate demand for a region, it causes some negative results in the environment. Diversification in tourism has been put on the agenda in Turkey and Tourism Ministry offered 20 projects covering the matter above ( T.R. Tourism Ministry ). Considering these projects leading to arise new destinations, new touristic corridors or extend so called available areas in different directions and have some possible variations on them, it means the results of such enterprises can be seen in the geographical places. The main objectives of tourism sector in Turkey are to develop competitive and effective tourism economy, to meet the demands of local people and tourists from the tourism, to provide the continuity of natural and cultural values by enriching them. The studies below have been put into effect to make the objectives aforementioned above come true and make all the regions benefit from the tourism incomes: In the First Tourism Council, within the borders of “Tourism Diversification”, recommended main investigation areas are ranged as cultur tourism, faith (belief) tourism, health tourism, winter tourism, congress tourism, ecotourism. In the 8th BYKP, under light of objectives related with tourism, principles and politics “ To improve distribution of seasonal and geographical tourism and considering changing consumer choices in the external market, it has been decided to be continued activities such as golf, winter, mountain, thermal, health, yacht, congress, and ecotourism to create new potential areas. In addition, the articles “ In the regions where tourism activities are at demand, the local administrations and local public will be provided to make decisions on tourism” and “ depending on the new inclinations in the structure of demand, the priority will be given to the development of small businesses ” are the indicators of new structures in tourism.

ALTERNATIVE TOURISM PROPOSAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS: THEME PARKS Kırsal Alanların Gelişimi için Alternatif Turizm Önerisi: Tema Parkları

Tourism activities that have an important place in the world economy make progress especially at tourism destinations that stand out with their natural or cultural resource values. In recent years, changes in individuals' socio-economic situation, technological developments, as well as psychological factors such as being satisfied with participation in conventional tourism activities have started to lead individuals to new and different tourism activities. Alternative tourism types like eco-tourism, agro-tourism, religious tourism, culinary tourism, youth tourism, health tourism, golf tourism and etc. gain value in these days and child-friendly tourism destinations emerge as a necessity for children who have an impact on the consumption decisions of individuals.

Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, 19 – 24 June, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey.Fotiadis, A., Vassiliadis, C., & Stylos, N. (2011). ”Progress in Rural Tourism Research”. διαθέσιμο στη: http://www.httrc.com/ahtmm/index.htm


Rural tourism plays an important social and developmental role through the provision of additional income, especially in mountainous and disadvantaged areas. It contributes to the development and revitalization of rural areas, while strengthening the protection of natural resources. Consequently, in the last decades there has been much research examining the phenomenon of rural tourism, the problems faced by rural tourism businesses, etc. Although, there have been too many studies on rural tourism, they have not examined the progress of rural tourism research. Very little analysis has been conducted on the content of articles that examine this important area. The purpose of this study is to determine the progress in rural tourism research up to date by using content analysis technique on published articles in the most significant academic journals, with the aim of identifying focus areas and providing future research directions.

Locals’ Views of Rural Tourism: A Case of Darende (Malatya/Turkey)

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2020

Rural tourism is a kind of tourism that takes its source from nature. It has been formed as an alternative of mass tourism and it protects nature and local customs. Rural tourism, which is seen as an important tool to improve rural people, provides additional income for local people, diminishes migration from rural to urban, and makes great contribution to environmental consciousness in rural areas. Turkey is very rich in rural tourism potential. The richness of landscapes, cultural and historical features, and the diversity  This article was constructed from the Master's Thesis Locals' Vıews of Rural Tourısm: A Case Of Darende (Malatya/Turkey

Features of the local community involvement in the social tourism development (case study – Serik district, Antalya, Turkey)

Vìsnik Harkìvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V.N. Karazìna. Serìâ Geologìâ. Geografìâ. Ekologìâ, 2023

Introduction of the research problem. Tourism activities have shown a shift from privileged individuals with high purchasing power to individuals with lower income levels due to increased leisure time. Along with a high economic potential, tourism has an important social significance; namely, it ensures the restoration of human life forces spent in the work process and contributes to the spiritual and intellectual development of the individual, thereby increasing the quality of labor resources. Orientation to the development of tourism in view of the principles of sustainable development, with an understanding of the need for the development of social tourism and promoting the improvement of the level and quality of life of the population, ensuring accessibility for all segments of the population does not lose its relevance and the need to implement science-based initiatives and measures that should be based on specific research results, primarily geographical. In order to understand the opportunities and obstacles to the development of social tourism, the following questions remain essential: What is the attitude of the local population to the intensive development of tourism in the region of residence? What is the involvement of the local population in tourism? What problems does the local population face when organizing leisure activities? What are the obstacles, challenges, and opportunities for the organization of social tourism? Given the limited geographical studies on social tourism, this study is seen as an original and distinctive contribution. The significance of this research lies in its potential to serve as an example for Turkey. The purpose of this research is to identify the participation of the local community living in urban and rural neighborhoods of Serik district, which constitutes one of the significant destination points in Antalya province, known as the tourism capital of Turkey, in tourism activities. Additionally, if there are any factors hindering their participation, the aim is to identify and highlight them. Results, scientific novelty, practical significance. Research method was employed, and a face-to-face survey was conducted using a random sampling method between December 2022 and April 2023, reaching a total of 466 participants. Out of these, 33 surveys were used for pilot testing, and due to incomplete data, 384 surveys were entered into the SPSS software package for analysis. According to the findings, it was observed that 44.8% of the local community residing in urban and rural areas of Serik district had not had the opportunity to go on vacation in 2022 or earlier. In this context, it is evident that the most significant factor influencing the participants' inability to go on vacation is financial insufficiency. Therefore, the necessity of public and civil institutions and organizations supporting the local population with various holiday programs arises. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to integrate social tourism activities to the maximum extent possible in the tourism planning for the local community.

Rural tourism extension for community development and Turkey

Turkey has very important potential for rural tourism according to agricultural and geographical regions. Rural tourism also covers human and environmental resources, and therefore focuses on people and the environment and community development. Rural extension is aimed to raise the living standard of the rural families in all rural areas and there is close relation between rural tourism and rural extension. Rural tourism presents very important opportunities as an alternative income source for the rural family and rural community development. Tourism is recognized as travel that people do out of their regular environment for periods of time less than 12 months, for pleasure, business or other aims. In the paper, it is discussed impacts and roles of rural extension on the development of rural tourism in rural areas, and relations among extension, agriculture, nature, tourism and rural economy and people etc. Especially there is big potential for domestic tourists in the middle period and also for international tourists in the long period. Generally roles and impacts of the extension for rural tourism development in Turkey were investigated.

Bölgesel Kalkınmada Turizmin Rolü ve Ekonomik Kalkınma üzerine etkileri The Role of Tourism in Regional Development and Its Effects on Economic Development

Özet Turizm, Bölgesel kalkınmaya olumlu etkileri olan bir sektördür. Bölgede ekonomik, sosyal ve politik gelişmeleri sağlayan önemli bir kalkınma aracıdır. Çünkü, Bir bölgenin turizm potansiyeli, o bölgenin kalkınmasını çok yönlü hızlandırır. Bazı bölgeler turizm sektörünün gelişmesi sayesinde, hızla büyür. Bu nedenle, mevcut turizm potansiyeli ciddi olarak dikkate alınmalıdır. Dolayısıyla, az gelişmiş veya kırsal bir bölgedeki turizmin kalkınması, ekonomik dengesizlikleri azaltmada yardımcı olabilir. Bu bağlamda, turizmin yerel ekonomiye katkısını artırmak için, mevcut turizmi değerlerinin çekiciliği ve bunlara olan talep artırılmalıdır. Eğer bütün fırsatlar değerlendirilerek daha fazla turist bölgeye getirilebilirse; istihdam, gelir ve katma değer artacak ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma gerçeklşebilecektir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, turizm ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel göstergeler dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir ve bölgedeki temel sorunlar ve etkileri, turzimin önemli bir kalkınm aracı polduğu düşünülerek belirlenmişltir. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın temel amacı, turizm sektörünün bölgesel ekonmiye ve kalkınmaya etkilerini belirlemek ve Mardin'in turizm potasiyelinin farkındalığına olan dikati artırmaktır. Abstract Tourism is a sector with positive effects on regional development. It is an important development tool that provides economic, social and political development in the region. Because a region's tourism potential accelerates that the development of the region's multi-faceted. Some of the regions, thanks to the development of the tourism sector, are growing fast thefore, the existing tourism potential should be considered very well. Thus, development in a region of tourism in rural or underdeveloped areas, can help eliminate economic imbalances. In this context, in order to increase the contribution of tourism to the local economy, the demand and the attractiveness for tourist attraction for the existing tourism values should be increased. If more tourists can be attracted to the region by using all the opportunities; employment, income and value-added are increased and sustainable development can be performed. Therefore, in this study, tourism is analyzed by main economic, social and environmental indicators and its basic problems and impacts are determined by thinking of tourism as a crucial development tool in a region. So the basic

Determinig the Profile of Tourists as Users of Rural Tourism Product - Focus on a Developing Area (Vojvodina Province)

DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development

Rural tourism seems to be an appropriate means of revitalizing abandoned rural areas and ensuring their sustainability in the future through job preservation or job creation. The Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia) has very good resource potentials in rural tourism, but in order for rural tourist products to become competitive, it is necessary to work on the segmentation of the tourism market or consumer profiling. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the profiles of tourists, motivational factors that most influence the choice of rural tourism. The research was conducted in the traditional rural surroundings, on a sample of 491 respondents. A modified questionnaire was used, in which the basic motives were grouped into six market segments, and based on CFA analysis, in the software, SPSS Amos, version 21.00, the authors confirmed the hypothetical structure of factors, and the causal relationship of manifest variables and latent dimension rural tourism. More precisely, it has been established what the key motives that identify rural tourism in Vojvodina are. The research results showed that rest, or relaxation in nature with learning, are the main motives for visiting rural areas of Vojvodina. By segmenting the tourist users of rural tourism, it was determined that most of those tourists come for relaxation.