Opiums of Literature and Metaphors of Revolution / Opijumi literature i metafore revolucije (original) (raw)

2023, ZLATNA GREDA, br. 261-262-263

In an attempt to explain the phenomenon of flourishing of antiquarian bookstores in Novi Sad at the end of the 20th century, as well as their subsequent closing down at the beginning of the 21st century, I exploit Marx’s most famous metaphor about “the opium of the people”, analyzing its literal meaning rather than its metaphorical connotation. The implicit depiction of the effects of opium consumption, in accordance with the dialectic triad: expression, frenetic revolt and prolonged lethargy, is employed not as a hypothesis but rather as a means of interpretation. After the publishing and antiquarian boom had cooled off, there followed a consumption of mass-produced culture and its extensive industrialization. I further strengthen my arguments by referring to opium adventures of radical English romanticists such as De Quincey, Coleridge and Scott, highlighting the farcical nature of their revolt. I conclude with an analysis of another of Marx’s metaphors – “the kingdom of freedom”. The revolutionary aspect lies not in the emancipatory potential of the new culture, nor in the interventionist “export” of freedom, but in the simple and specific act of reducing working hours – and enjoying reading. Pokušaću da objasnim fenomen procvata antikvarnih knjižara u Novom Sadu krajem 20, kao i njihovo gašenje početkom 21. veka. Koristim jednu od najpoznatijih Marksovih metafora, onu o „opijumu naroda“, tumačeći je više doslovno nego metaforički. Podrazumevani opis efekta uživanja opijuma, u skladu sa dijalektičkom trijadom: izraza, grozničavog bunta i dugotrajne letargije, upotrebljavam ne kao hipotezu, nego kao sredstvo tumačenja. Posle izdavačkog i antikvarnog buma dolazi do smirenja i uživanja u konfekcijskoj produkciji kulture i njenoj potpunoj industrijalizaciji. Svoje argumente dodatno osnažujem pozivanjem na opijumsku avanturu radikalnih engleskih romantičara kao i na farsičnost njihovog bunta (Kvinsi, Kolridž, Skot). Zaključak formulišem u vidu analize druge Marksove metafore, „carstvo slobode“. Prevrat nije sadržan u emancipatornom potencijalu nove kulture, niti u intervencionalističkom „eksportu“ slobode, nego u jednostavnom i konkretnom činu skraćenja radnog vremena – i uživanju u čitanju.