The UMI Archives - Debates in the Italian Mathematicl Community, 1922-1938 (original) (raw)
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The UME Archives – Debates in the Italian Mathematical Community, 1922–1938
EMS Newsletter umi-historical-archive /; on Italian science archives see http:// We would like to thank the former UMI president, Ciro Ciliberto, the current president, Piermarco Cannarsa, and the treasurer Veronica Gavagna for allowing us to consult the Archive; we are also grateful to the archivist Alida Caramagno for her useful suggestions.
The UMI Archives – Debates in the Italian Mathematical Community, 1922–1938
EMS Newsletter, 2019
The Archives of the Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian Mathematical Union, UMI), located at the Dipartimento di Matematica of the Bologna University, has been recently reorganized and will be soon opened to scholars. It consists of two parts: a historical covering the period from 1921 to the mid-fifties, and a modern part reaching from 1967 until today. This paper focuses on the historical part containing two sections: a first section with documents listed in the old Inventory of the UMI Archives, concerning the years 1921-1933 and 1939-1943; a second section kept in a box labelled “Correspondence relating to the Italian Mathematical Union 1938-1950. Do not open before the year 2000”. The latter is a non-inventoried archive (sealed files, “fondo secretato”) and contains 14 files from the years 1938-1952. It was forbidden to consult this section most likely to avoid the premature disclosure of documents relating to UMI’s unseemly reaction following the Racial Laws. This part mostly consists of the correspondence of Enrico Bompiani, vice-president of the UMI from 1938 to 1948 and president from 1948 to 1952. In order to hide proofs that the UMI collaborated with the fascist regime, some documents have most probably been removed. As we try to show in this paper, the documents of the UMI Archives highlight new significant aspects of the history of the UMI, in particular the attitude of the Italian Mathematical Union towards the fascist regime and the Racial Laws (1938), by enriching or completing the existing literature on the relationships between mathematicians and fascism. They moreover provide useful information on the international context of the inter-war period, when mathematicians tried with difficulty to reconstitute scientific internationalism interrupted by the First World War.
Images of Italian Mathematics in France
Trends in the history of science, 2016
Trends in the History of Science is a series devoted to the publication of volumes arising from workshops and conferences in all areas of current research in the history of science, primarily with a focus on the history of mathematics, physics, and their applications. Its aim is to make current developments available to the community as rapidly as possible without compromising quality, and to archive those developments for reference purposes. Proposals for volumes can be submitted using the online book project submission form at our website
On correspondence between B. Boncompagni and A. Genocchi
Historia Mathematica, 1990
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 17 (1!290),[48][49][50][51][52][53][54] SOURCES This department welcomes correspondence, brief announcements, and article-length descriptions of collections of publications, correspondence, and archival material relevant to the history of mathematics. Manuscripts describing major coilections (covering such matters as acquisition, size, scope, state of cataloging, and current and future availability) should follow the same standards as other articles. They will be abstracted and indexed like other articles, and authors wiIl be supplied with free reprints.
Messengers of Mathematics: European Mathematical Journals (1800–1946). Edited by Elena Ausejo and Mariano Hormigón. Madrid (Siglo XXI de España Editores, S. A.). 1993, 1998
La Ciencia es una creación humana de tan variada multiplicidad que ocupa cada vez un mayor y más privilegiado espacio en el pensamiento y en la vida actuales. El protagonismo de todas y cada una de las disciplinas que forman el tronco del pensamiento científico es producto de un largo proceso evolutivo que surge de la mera curiosidad y que se ha ido desarrollando por la vía de la necesidad. La ciencia es una actividad viva porque sus teorías nacen, crecen, se reproducen y mueren dando lugar a cuerpos de doctrina más ambiciosos y veraces. Por eso la ciencia más que ninguna otra actividad intelectual humana es una inevitable confrontación de pasado y futuro. Elena Ausejo y Mariano Hormigón recogen en este libro los trabajos que se presentaron en septiembre de 1991 en el Simposio Internacional sobre Periodismo Matemático. Esta reunión conmemoraba la aparición de El Progreso Matemático, primera revista dedicada a las matemáticas que se publicó en España, y se celebró como homenaje al que fuera su director, Zoel García Galdeano (1846-1924), el matemático español más importante de la época contemporánea. En Messengers of Mathematics aparecen por tanto estudios sobre varias de las revistas matemáticas más destacadas de los dos últimos siglos, a cargo de firmas bien conocidas y prestigiosas en el mundo de la historia de las matemáticas como las de Serguei Demidov, Jean Dhombres, Ivor Grattan-Guinnes, Lubos Novy y otros. Messengers of Mathematics es la primera aproximación seria y rigurosa al análisis de algunas publicaciones periódicas que como los Anales de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées de Gergonne, los Rendiconti del Circo lo Matematico di Palermo o los Matematischeski Sbornik de Moscú han jugado tan importante papel en el desarrollo de las matemáticas contemporáneas.