AL TAHER (A.), GABOLDE (L.), French-Egyptian Centre for the Study of the Temples of Karnak. Activity Report (original) (raw)
2022, French-Egyptian Centre for the Study of the Temples of Karnak. Activity Report 2021, Louqsor, 2022.
Epigraphic and architectural study of the Monuments of Amenhotep I (continuation Jean-François Carlotti, Luc Gabolde et alii) 2. MEMORIAL MONUMENT OF KING AY DEDICATED TO THE DECEASED TUTÂNKHAMUN 2.1. Epigraphic survey of the memorial monument of king Ay dedicated to the deceased Tutânkhamun (continuation Marc Gabolde). 3. ATLAS OF THE OBELISKS 3.1. Epigraphic survey continuation (continuation Luc Gabolde, Florence Maruejol, Marc Gabolde) 4. STUDIES OF THE KUSHITE MONUMENTS OF KARNAK 4.1. Taharqo by the Sacred Lake (continuation Jérémy Hourdin) 4.1.1. Continuation of the epigraphic survey, documentation, and publication of the architecture, study of loose blocks 4.2. Studies of the kushite colonades at Karnak (continuation Jérémy Hourdin) 4.2.1. Western Kiosk of Taharqa 4.2.2. Eastern colonnade of Taharqa 4.2.3. Columned monument of Taharqa near Khonsu temple 5. MONUMENT OF AMENHOTEP II BETWEEN THE IX th AND X th PYLONS 5.1. Epigraphic study of the monument of Amenhotep II between the IXth and Xth pylon, continuation (Shaïma Abd es-Sattar). 5.2. Continuation of the photographic survey 5.3. Restoration of the Temple of Amenhotep II rebuilt by Sethy I between the 9th and 10th pylons with a funding grant of the ARCE (M. Gad, A. Oboussier) 6. THE 2 nd PYLON STUDIES 6.1. The gate of the 2 nd Pylon. Publication issued 6.2. Western Façade: Epigraphic survey and study of the blocks from the façade of the 2nd Pylon and study of the remains still in situ (continuation Clémentine Audouit, Elena Panaite). 7. 7 th PYLON EPIGRAPHIC STUDIES 7.1. Epigraphic survey of the Graffitis of the 7th Pylon. (continuation Elizabeth Frood, Sébastien Biston Moulin, Ahmed al-Taher) 7.2. Epigraphic survey of the decoration of the 7th Pylon: in situ remains and loose blocks. (continuation Charlie Labarta). 8. 8 th PYLON EPIGRAPHIC STUDIES 8.1. Epigraphic survey of the 8th Pylon continuation (Sébastien Biston-Moulin, Elizabeth Frood). 9. EASTERN TEMPLE OF RAMSES II 9.1. End of study and publication of the eastern temple of Ramses II (Laetitia Gallet, Jean-François Carlotti) B. MINOR OPERATIONS 22. STELA OF THE PTOLEMAIC DECREE OF CANOPUS 22.1. Paleographic study of the stela of the ptolemaic decree of Canopus in the hypostyle hall (Christophe Thiers) 23. INVENTORY OF THE SEKHMET STATUE OF KARNAK 23.1. Inventory of the sekhmet statue of Karnak (continuation of Kom el Hettan programme by Hourig Sourouzian; Mirette Mohammed Al-Saeed, Abulrahman Salahuldin Nussair et alii) 24. STUDY OF THE GRANARIES AND SED-FESTIVAL BUILDINGS OF AMENHOTEP III 24.1. Achievement of the epigraphic study of the Granaries and sed-festival buildings of Amenhotep III at Karnak (continuation, S. Bickel et alii) 25. FRAGMENTS OF THE STELA OF SIAMUN IN THE CHEIKH LABIB MAGAZINE 25.1. Achievement of the epigraphic study of the fragments of the Stela of Siamun in the cheikh Labib Magazine (continuation, Frederic Payraudeau) 26. PTOLEMAIC PALAEOGRAPHY AT KARNAK 26.1. Ptolemaic palaeography at Karnak in the current documentation process (continuation): gate of the 5th pylon and of the antechambner of the 6 th pylon (René Preys, Martina Minas Nerpel) 26.2. Theological texts at Khonsu and Opet temples (Abraham Ignazio Fernandez) C. CONSERVATION & ANASTYLOSIS 27. CONSERVATION-RESTORATION LABORATORYACTIVITIES 28. CONSERVATION-RESTORATION OPERATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC DISSEMINATION