IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (original) (raw)

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb, Good morning to all of you. Dear respected keynote speakers Members of the organizing committee Dear participants and observers Distinguished guests, respected colleagues, ladies, and gentlemen Welcoming Speech of The Committee's Chairman Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of the committee, first of all let me welcome you and express our great thanks for participating in this 2 nd International Conference of Bio-Based Economy for Application and Utilization 2020 (ICBEAU-2020). Nowadays, we are still facing the CoVID-19 pandemic issue, which is significantly impact our activities and thus also our lifestyle as well. Many economic sectors are now facing difficult situation and force them to shift their work into an adaptive condition, otherwise they will suffer or fail to survive. However, this difficult situation on the other sides provide many opportunities particularly in the application and utilization of bio-based drugs and materials. In this context, this seminar event of the 2 nd ICBEAU 2020 should meet its relevancies and urgencies. Dear honored participants, In this opportunity let me sound my great thanks to all parties involving and contributing to the implementation of this seminar. Special thanks to our respected keynote speakers; Prof.