Türkiye'deki Levrek (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) Larva Üretim (original) (raw)
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Levrek'lerde (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) Sağaltım Sonrası
Determination of residue in muscle and skin of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) after oxytetracycline treatment. The research were carried out in order to determine residue depletion of oxytetracycline HCl in the muscle and skin of Listonella anguillarum infected sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) which were held in floating net cage placed in sea water. They were fed with commercial pelleted diet at a rate of 1 %biomass. Oxytetracycline HCl were given to fish one time in a day 75 mg/kg living weight for 10 days in the fed. It was attached to the pellet with mixing starch. Muscle and skin without scales and bones were sampled from fish netted at different intervals after last treatment (1 st , 2 nd ,
Levrek larvalarinda 0-42. gunler arasinda yogun yetistiricilik kosullari altinda agiz boslugunda ceneye ait elementlerin kikirdak ve kemik gelisimleri incelenmistir. Ornekler calisma boyunca uc gunde bir olacak sekilde elde edilmis ve calisma canli yeminkesilmesi ile sonlanmistir. Elde edilen ornekler formalinde sabitlendikten sonra alcian mavisi ve alizarin kirmizisi ile boyandi. Yumurtadan cikan larvada agza ait bir osteolojik olusum tespit edilmemistir. Ilk olusan element 3,8 mm total boyda (TB) Meckel’s kikirdagidir. Bu olusumu 4,6 mm TB’da trabecular bar, palato-quadrate ve hyosymplectic takip eder. 5,4 mm TB’da basibranchial, hyoid bar, maksillary ve branchial sepet oral boslugun altinda meydana gelmistir. 7,9 mm TB’da dise ait yapilarin ilk isareti olan premaksillary olusumu gozlenmistir. 11,4 mm TB’da premaksillary ve dentary kikirdak yapida olup henuz kemiklesme baslamamis olup her ikisinde de bir sira dis tespit edilmistir. 15,8 mm TB’da premaksillary ve dentarynin uc bolg...
Sinagrit (Dentex dentex (L., 1758)) Larva Yetiştiriciliğinde Kullanılan Üretim Teknikleri
Culture techniques used in larviculture of common dentex (Dentex dentex (L., 1758)). In this study, the effects of three different culture techniques on larval development during larval period (0-35 day) in common dentex (Dentex dentex) which is accepted as a new candidate species in the recent years were investigated. Larval culture techniques which are circulated sea water, airlift and closed systems were used. In circulated sea water system, sea water renewed during the day, and also renewed 10% per hour in closed system. Besides, in the airlift system, sea water circulated inside of tank and 10% of volume renewed during the day. It is determined that the best total length development and weight was found as 20.45±4.3 mm and 86.22±6.3 mg in airlift technique treated group. Also, these parameters were determined as 18.73±4.6 mm and 81.13±5.9 mg for closed system applied group and 16.96±5.2 mm and 71.34±7.4 mg for circulated sea water treated group. Although significant differences were found in circulated sea water treated group (p<0.05), there are no differences between airlift and closed system treated groups (p>0.05) in total length development and weight. Also, swimbladder inflation rates were determined as 88%, 92 % and 89% for circulated sea water, airlift and closed system treated groups respectively. Additionally, survival rates were calculated as 10.6±2.1%, 22.5±3.4% and 20.6±3.8% respectively. Similarly, differences between airlift and closed system treated groups were not significant (p>0.05) whereas circulated sea water treated group was significantly different than the other groups (p<0.05).
Bu çalışmada Ladik Gölü'nde yaşayan tatlısu levreği (Perca fluviatilis L., 1758) populasyonunun yaş kompozisyonu ve eşey oranı, üreme periyodu, yumurta verimliliği (fekondite) ve yumurta çapı gibi üreme özellikleri incelenmiştir. Örnekleme Kasım 2009-Ekim 2010 tarihleri arasında yapılmış ve toplam 858 balık yakalanmıştır. Örneklerin % 84,03'ünü dişi, % 15,62'sini erkek ve % 0,35'ini eşeyi belirlenemeyen bireyler oluşturmuştur. Balıkların yaşı 1-7 arasında tespit edilmiştir. Aylık gonadosomatik indeks değerleri yumurtlama zamanının Mart-Nisan ayları olduğunu göstermiştir. Total fekondite 3486-21435 yumurta/birey arasında değişmiştir. Ortalama fekonditenin balık boyu, ağırlığı, yaşı ve gonad ağırlığıyla artış gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Ortalama yumurta çapı Mart ayında en yüksek değerine (0,989±0,087 mm) ulaşmıştır.
Bu calismada, balik uretiminde kullanilmak uzere gelistirilen RNA ve DNA nukleotidleri katkili urun kullaniminin levrek (Dicentrarchus labrax, L. 1758) baliklarinda sorvaj ve adaptasyon donemlerindeki gelisim ve yasama oranlari uzerine etkisi arastirilmistir. Denemeler karma yeme gecis doneminde 40. gunde baslamis 45 gun surmustur. 85. gunde uygulama sonlandirilmis, 100. gune kadar gelisime etkisi gozlenmistir. Sonuc olarak nukleotid katkisi yapilan gruplar gelisim yonunden incelendiginde total boy artisinin farklilik gostermedigi (p>0.05), bununla beraber canli agirlik artisinda ve hayatta kalma oranlarinda farklilik oldugu tespit edilmistir (p
Sinagrit (Dentex dentex (L., 1758)) Larva Yetiştiriciliğinde
Culture techniques used in larviculture of common dentex (Dentex dentex (L., 1758)). In this study, the effects of three different culture techniques on larval development during larval period (0-35 day) in common dentex (Dentex dentex) which is accepted as a new candidate species in the recent years were investigated. Larval culture techniques which are circulated sea water, airlift and closed systems were used. In circulated sea water system, sea water renewed during the day, and also renewed 10% per hour in closed system. Besides, in the airlift system, sea water circulated inside of tank and 10% of volume renewed during the day. It is determined that the best total length development and weight was found as 20.45±4.3 mm and 86.22±6.3 mg in airlift technique treated group. Also, these parameters were determined as 18.73±4.6 mm and 81.13±5.9 mg for closed system applied group and 16.96±5.2 mm and 71.34±7.4 mg for circulated sea water treated group. Although significant differences were found in circulated sea water treated group (p<0.05), there are no differences between airlift and closed system treated groups (p>0.05) in total length development and weight. Also, swimbladder inflation rates were determined as 88%, 92 % and 89% for circulated sea water, airlift and closed system treated groups respectively. Additionally, survival rates were calculated as 10.6±2.1%, 22.5±3.4% and 20.6±3.8% respectively. Similarly, differences between airlift and closed system treated groups were not significant (p>0.05) whereas circulated sea water treated group was significantly different than the other groups (p<0.05).
The dietary nucleotide effect on the growth of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L., 1758) larvae. In this study, it is investigated the dietary nucleotides (DNA and RNA) effects on the growth and survival rate of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L. 1758) at nursery and adaptation stage. The treatments had started day 40 of the larvae and finished the day 85, the effect on the growth of larvae of the product was observed up to day 100. As a result of this study, it was determined that if groups were applied dietary nucleotides are investigated from growth seeing. Length increase was no differences (p>0.05), but weight increase and survival rates were differences (p<0.05).
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016
Bu çalışma İzmir'in Çeşme ilçesindeki Gerence Körfezinde yer alan özel bir su ürünleri yetiştiricilik işletmesine ait çipura-levrek üretim tesisinde toplam 91 gün süreyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneme süresince ortalama canlı ağırlıkları 35,6±1 g olan Avrupa deniz levreği (Dicentrarchus labrax L.,1758) balıkları, 20m çaplı 4 adet dairesel ağ kafes içinde 50.000'er adet olacak şekilde yerleştirilmiştir. Ağ kafeslerden A1 ve A2 (grup A) grubunda olan balıklara aşı uygulaması yapılmış, B1 ve B2 (grup B) grubunda yer alanlara ise aşı uygulaması yapılmamış ve bu gruptaki balıklar kontrol grubu olarak ayrılmıştır. Çalışma süresince ortam koşulları ve enjeksiyon yöntemiyle aşı yapılan levrek yavrularının aşı yapılmayanlara göre gelişimleri karşılaştırılmış, Mortalite oranları, Yem Dönüşüm oranı (FCR), Kondüsyon faktörü (CF) ve Spesifik Büyüme Oranı (SGR) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre aşılamanın gelişim üzerinde pozitif etkisi olduğu gözlenmiş ve sonuçlarla ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur.