New directions of technologies pointing the way to a sustainable global society

Sustainable Futures, 2023

One of the fundamental problems in modern economies is fossil-fuel pollution having detrimental effects on climate, environment and human population. The goal of this study is to identify and analyze new trajectories of technologies that can support energy and economic transition of countries for a sustainable development that reduces environmental pollution and some factors determining climate change. Results reveal that technologies with promising perspectives of growth inducing ecological transition are: offshore wind turbines and carbon capture storage and utilization (especially, electrochemical conversion and bioconversion of CO 2), sustainable production of ammonia with innovations that reduce energy consumption, and finally cellular agriculture (cellculturing technologies that produce substitutes for animal-based foods and bio-based materials with lower negative environmental impacts than conventional agriculture). These findings here suggest critical technological directions that support environmental sustainability and can guide decisions of policymakers towards R&D investments in technologies driving the transition from fossil-based systems of energy to renewable energy oriented systems in order to reduce fossil-fuel pollution and foster the outlooks of sustainable development.

New technological trajectories to reduce fossil-fuel pollution and support sustainable socioeconomic systems

Research Square (Research Square), 2022

One of the fundamental problems in modern economies is high carbon emissions and diffusion of pollutants from industrial activities focused on fossil-based energy that generate detrimental effects on climate, environment and human population. The goal of this study is to analyze new trajectories of technologies that can reduce, whenever possible, environmental degradation and support a sustainable growth. A model of technological evolution is proposed to detect new technological trajectories directed to sustainability. Results reveal that technologies with a high sustainability perspective for reducing environmental pollution and climate change are: offshore wind turbines, carbon capture storage technology associated with renewable energy, cellular agriculture and blockchain technology directed positive environmental impact. Findings here can sustain decision making of policymakers towards investment in promising technological directions that reduce environmental pollution and sustain ecological transition and sustainable development in human society.

Environmental innovative technology, CO2 , and green energy

Advanced technologies, 2022

There is a growing interest in the world for environmental protection, climate change mitigation, energy security, and sustainability of production and energy capacities of innovative renewable energy sources Increasing industrial activity has caused air pollution due to projected particles of pollutants. There are global concerns about the increased CO 2 emissions and risks to human health and sustainable development. The paper aims to apply technologies that reduce the use of fossil fuels and CO 2 emissions as much as possible. Green environmental technology is relevant worldwide because it contributes to the decarbonization and development of new technologies in the energy sector and enterprises. The purpose of the paper is to point out to decision-makers an innovative approach to the use of new technologies, which would indicate the future directions of green sustainable development. By applying different methods in the paper, it is concluded that all countries have to introduce modern technologies and innovative energy development, not only improve the quality of life of all citizens of Serbia but also of all inhabitants of the planet.

Relationship of environment with technological innovation, carbon pricing, renewable energy, and global food production

Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2020

The United Nation sustainable development goals are largely emphasized on advancement in cleaner production technologies to take action against climate change and maintain the average global temperature less than 1.5°C. The role of carbon pricing, renewable energy, and sustainable food production would be helpful to achieve sustainable development goals in line with technological innovations. This study works in given factors and evaluated the global pace of economic growth towards sustainable development. The ex-ante and ex-post analysis is carried out on the world aggregated data for a period of 1980-2017. The results show that knowledge spillover, combustible renewables & waste, and carbon pricing substantially decreases carbon emissions, whereas trademark applications have a direct relationship with carbon emissions that exhibit the innovation embodied emissions at a global scale. The results support the inverted U-shaped relationship between carbon emissions and global income with a turning point of US$15,800 and US $11,100 by using FMOLS and DOLS estimators respectively. The ex-ante analysis shows that knowledge spillover, trademark applications, and carbon pricing will largely decrease carbon emissions while carbon pricing, food production index, FDI inflows, and broad money supply will decrease fossil fuel emissions for the next 10 years time period.

Emerging Innovation system and Environmental Innovation: the case of mitigation techniques and CCS


While the environmental innovations will play a key role in the transition towards a decarbonized economy, their implementation is rather difficult to be realized in advanced economies. The techniques at stake imply for some of them scale and network economies, for others changes in habits and uses, with important technical and economic uncertainties. Developing countries can benefit as latecomers from these innovations without incurring their development costs, but they are reluctant to move towards a more decarbonized economic model if this evolution should reduce their growth and limit their development. From this point of view, mitigation techinques, especially Carbon Capture and Storage techniques, from fossil fuels (CCS) or bioenergy (BCCS) appear to be a promising way to reach stringent greenhouse gas reduction targets. They allow preserve the use of fossil fuels during a transition period towards a more decarbonized energy mix. These techniques are nevertheless submitted to ...

Diffusion of Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development: Prospective Assessment for Public Policies

Journal of technology management & innovation, 2013

Emerging technologies based on biotechnology, nanotechnology, information and communication technologies (ICT), and green chemistry will shape the future of some industries and will transform many others. In many cases, these technologies will determine the development and restructuring of industries as never before. These changes, in turn, will promote debates and revisions of current regulatory frameworks and corporate business models. This paper-which is based on a prospective study carried out by the authors in 2010-emphasizes the importance of understanding and anticipating movements of driving forces, trends and critical uncertainties at global level, which will influence the diffusion of emerging technologies into industrial processes and business models concerning seven societal sectors. The purpose of this paper is to describe the evolutionary trajectories of these sectors, based on diffusion of the so-called emergent technologies in a time horizon of 20 years.

Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change


Within the field of environmental economics, the role of technological change has received much attention. The long-term nature of many environmental problems, such as climate change, makes understanding the evolution of technology an important part of projecting future impacts. Moreover, in many cases environmental problems cannot be addressed, or can only be addressed at great cost, using existing technologies. Providing incentives to develop new environmentally-friendly technologies then becomes a focus of environmental policy. This chapter reviews the literature on technological change and the environment. Our goals are to introduce technological change economists to how the lessons of the economics of technological change have been applied in the field of environmental economics, and suggest ways in which scholars of technological change could contribute to the field of environmental economics.