Winter-Rearing Temperature Affects Growth Profiles, Age of Maturation, and Smolt-to-Adult Returns for Yearling Summer Chinook Salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin (original) (raw)

Effects of river temperature and climate warming on stock-specific survival of adult migrating Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Global Change Biology, 2011

Mean summer water temperatures in the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) have increased by $1.5 1C since the 1950s. In recent years, record high river temperatures during spawning migrations of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) have been associated with high mortality events, raising concerns about long-term viability of the numerous natal stocks faced with climate warming. In this study, the effect of freshwater thermal experience on spawning migration survival was estimated by fitting capture-recapture models to telemetry data collected for 1474 adults (captured in either the ocean or river between 2002 and 2007) from four Fraser River sockeye salmon stockaggregates (Chilko, Quesnel, Stellako-Late Stuart and Adams). Survival of Adams sockeye salmon was the most impacted by warm temperatures encountered in the lower river, followed by that of Stellako-Late Stuart and Quesnel. In contrast, survival of Chilko fish was insensitive to the encountered river temperature. In all stocks, in-river survival of ocean-captured sockeye salmon was higher than that of river-captured fish and, generally, the difference was more pronounced under warm temperatures. The survival-temperature relationships for ocean-captured fish were used to predict historic and future (2010-2099) survival under simulated lower river thermal experiences for the Quesnel, Stellako-Late Stuart and Adams stocks. A decrease of 9-16% in survival of all these stocks was predicted by the end of the century if the Fraser River continues to warm as expected. However, the decrease in future survival of Adams sockeye salmon would occur only if fish continue to enter the river abnormally early, towards warmer periods of the summer, as they have done since 1995. The survival estimates and predictions presented here are likely optimistic and emphasize the need to consider stock-specific responses to temperature and climate warming into fisheries management and conservation strategies.

Survival Comparison of Spring Chinook Salmon Reared in a Production Hatchery under Optimum Conventional and Seminatural Conditions

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2008

We found insufficient evidence to conclude that seminatural treatment (SNT; i.e., rearing in camouflage-painted raceways with surface and underwater structures and underwater feeders) of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha resulted in higher survival indices than did optimum conventional treatment (OCT; i.e., rearing in concrete raceways with surface feeding) for the specific treatments and environmental conditions tested. We reared spring Chinook salmon from fry to smolt in paired raceways under the SNT and OCT rearing treatments for five consecutive years. For four to nine SNT and OCT raceway pairs annually, we used passive integrated transponder, coded wire, and visual implant elastomer tags to compare survival indices for juvenile fish from release at three different acclimation sites 340-400 km downstream to passage at McNary Dam on the Columbia River, and for adults from release to adult return to Roza Dam in the upper Yakima basin. The observed differences in juvenile and adult survival between the SNT and OCT fish were either statistically insignificant, conflicting in their statistical significance, or explained by significant differences in the presence of the causative agents of bacterial kidney disease in juvenile fish at release.

Density and Condition of Subyearling Chinook Salmon in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary in Relation to Water Temperature and Genetic Stock of Origin

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2014

We examined the hypotheses that density and morphometric condition of subyearling juvenile Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha would decline during periods of high water temperature in the lower Columbia River and estuary. The hypotheses were tested using salmon density measurements and a condition anomaly calculated from residuals of the length-weight linear regression based on 5,536 subyearlings collected from brackish estuarine and tidal freshwater (TFW) habitats. We captured Chinook Salmon at all temperatures encountered (4.2-23.5 C). In the TFW zone, densities were highest at optimal temperatures and lowest at suboptimal and supraoptimal temperatures; in the estuary, density did not differ among temperature regimes. Fish condition was lowest in winter, when temperatures were suboptimal, and highest in summer, when temperatures were supraoptimal. Pairwise comparisons of fish condition between periods of optimal temperature (spring) and supraoptimal or stressful temperature (summer) showed little change in the estuary but a large, positive increase with temperature in the TFW zone. Similarly, we examined seasonal differences in the condition of 50-60-mm fry and again found condition to be lowest in winter and highest in summer. Finally, using genetic information, we identified stock-specific differences in migration timing and concluded that most large yearlings and many subyearlings migrated in late winter or spring and therefore were never exposed to high temperatures. Other prevalent stocks persisted in the estuary during periods of elevated temperature; however, the condition of those fish also tended to be higher or neutral in summer than in spring. High temperatures appeared to influence migration timing, as evidenced by reduced density in TFW reaches during summer. However, we found little support for the hypothesis that condition of juvenile Chinook Salmon is reduced during periods of high water temperature in the lower Columbia River and estuary.

Climate Indicators of Salmon Survival 12


Using studies from the Columbia River, salmon survival and catch measures were correlated with several Pacific Northwest climate indices. Spring chinook survival rate and catch were varied with the Pacific Northwest climate index (PNI), which characterizes temperature and precipitation cycles in the Pacific Northwest. Cool/wet conditions were associated with higher survival and catch while warm/dry conditions were associated with lower stock measures. At a finer temporal scale, the survival of spring chinook from smolt to adult was correlated with the arrival time of smolts into the estuary and the spring transition date, which signals the beginning of spring and coastal upwelling. A match/mismatch hypothesis is suggested to explain how variation in spring transition and estuary entry dates can effect stock survival. The effects of hatchery production and hydrosystem passage on year class strength is also considered in terms of the match/mismatch mechanism.

Assessing Freshwater and Marine Environmental Influences on Life-Stage-Specific Survival Rates of Snake River Spring–Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead

Transactions of The American Fisheries Society, 2012

Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. from the Snake River basin experience a wide range of environmental conditions during their freshwater, estuarine, and marine residence, which in turn influence their survival rates at each life stage. In addition, researchers have found that juvenile out-migration conditions can influence subsequent survival during estuarine and marine residence, a concept known as the hydrosystem-related, delayed-mortality hypothesis. In this analysis, we calculated seasonal, life-stage-specific survival rate estimates for Snake River spring–summer Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and steelhead O. mykiss and conducted multiple-regression analyses to identify the freshwater and marine environmental factors associated with survival at each life stage. We also conducted correlation analyses to test the hydrosystem-related, delayed-mortality hypothesis. We found that the freshwater variables we examined (the percentage of river flow spilled over out-migration dams and water transit time) were important for characterizing the variation in survival rates not only during freshwater out-migration but also during estuarine and marine residence. Of the marine factors examined, we found that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation index was the most important variable for characterizing the variation in the marine and cumulative smolt-to-adult survival rates of both species. In support of the hydrosystem-related, delayed-mortality hypothesis, we found that freshwater and marine survival rates were correlated, indicating that a portion of the mortality expressed after leaving the hydrosystem is related to processes affected by downstream migration conditions. Our results indicate that improvements in life-stage-specific and smolt-to-adult survival may be achievable across a range of marine conditions through increasing spill percentages and reducing water transit times during juvenile salmon out-migration.Received June 23, 2010; accepted July 1, 2011

High river temperature reduces survival of sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) approaching spawning grounds and exacerbates female mortality

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2012

Recent studies have shown that warm temperatures reduce survival of adult migrating sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ), but knowledge gaps exist on where high-temperature-related mortality occurs along the migration and whether females and males are differentially impacted by river temperature. In this study, we monitored 437 radio-tagged Fraser River sockeye salmon and used capture–mark–recapture modelling approaches to investigate whether river thermal conditions differentially influence (i) spatial patterns of survival along a 413-km stretch of migration and (ii) survival of the sexes. Regardless of water temperature, survival decreased in the river section containing the most hydraulically difficult passages of the migration. However, when water temperature was warm (19 °C), survival decreased even further in the final 186 km of the migration prior to reaching the spawning grounds, particularly in females. Female and male survival differed but only when they experienced warm ...

Comparison of Life History Traits between First-Generation Hatchery and Wild Upper Yakima River Spring Chinook Salmon

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2006

Life history traits in hatchery and wild spring Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the upper Yakima River were compared to determine whether locally adapted traits had diverged after one generation of state-of-the-art artificial propagation. Sex composition in wild-and hatchery-origin fish differed in three of four brood years (P 0.01). The proportion of hatchery males, primarily age 3, increased from 38% to 49% over time. Conversely, the sex composition of wild fish did not exhibit a similar linear trend. Most hatchery-and wild-origin fish reached maturity at age 4 (!76%), followed in magnitude by ages 3 and 5. Wild mean age at maturation demonstrated no significant trend over time, while hatchery mean age at maturation declined (P ¼ 0.05). Mean lengths of 3-5-year-old hatchery fish were shorter than those of wild fish of the same age (differences of 2.7 cm for age 3, 1.7 cm for age 4, and 1.9 cm for age 5). Likewise, body weights of hatchery fish were lower than those of wild fish (differences of 0.3 kg for age 3, 0.3 kg for age 4, and 0.6 kg for age 5), representing a change in body size of between 0.5 and 1.0 standard deviation (SD). Median arrival timing of hatchery and wild fish at a broodstock collection site just downstream of ancestral spawning grounds showed no consistent difference. However, the median arrival date of age-3 fish was 19-20 d later than that for fish of ages 4 and 5 (P , 0.01). Mean spawn timing of hatchery fish was significantly earlier (5.1 d) than that of wild fish in a ''common-garden'' experiment (P , 0.05). We estimate that fitness could be reduced by as much as 1-5% for traits diverging from their optima by 0.5-1.0 SD. The degree of genetic determination of the divergence is unknown, but future monitoring will help clarify this. Perhaps the most important conclusion of our study is that even a hatchery program designed to minimize differences between hatchery and wild fish did not produce fish that were identical to wild fish.

Juvenile river residence and performance of Snake River fall Chinook salmon

Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2019

An animal's performance during its early life stage can greatly influence its survival to adulthood. Therefore, understanding aspects of early life history can be informative, particularly when designing management plans to rebuild a population. For a threatened population of fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Snake River of Idaho, we reconstructed the early life history for 124 returning wild and hatchery adults using information recorded in their otoliths. Of our sampled wild adults (n = 61), 43% and 49% reared within the Snake River and Clearwater/Salmon rivers. We also found that only 21% of our sampled wild adults exhibited the historically common subyearling out-migration strategy, in which juveniles exit freshwater shortly after hatching, while the remaining wild adults exhibited the yearling out-migration strategy (i.e., individuals delay their freshwater exit). As expected, yearlings had, on average, a significantly larger body size than subyearlings at ocean entry. However, 35% of wild yearlings overlapped in size with wild subyearlings suggesting that spending more time in freshwater might not necessarily result in a larger body size. Lastly, we observed that variability in fork length at Snake River egress and ocean entry were best explained by migration strategy and where it reared, followed by hatch year and sex. Results from this study highlight the utility of adult otoliths in providing details about early life history, an understanding of which is critical to the conservation of Snake River fall Chinook salmon.