Stick insect locomotion in a complex environment: climbing over large gaps (original) (raw)
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Mechanisms of stick insect locomotion in a gap-crossing paradigm
… Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and …, 2004
Locomotion of stick insects climbing over gaps of more than twice their step length has proved to be a useful paradigm to investigate how locomotor behaviour is adapted to external conditions. In this study, swing amplitudes and extreme positions of single steps from gap-crossing sequences have been analysed and compared to corresponding parameters of undisturbed walking. We show that adaptations of the basic mechanisms concern movements of single legs as well as the coordination between the legs. Slowing down of stance velocity, searching movements of legs in protraction and the generation of short steps are crucial prerequisites in the gap-crossing task. The rules of leg coordination described for stick insect walking seem to be modified, and load on the supporting legs is assumed to have a major effect on coordination especially in slow walking.
Crossing large gaps: a simulation study of stick insect behavior
Adaptive Behavior, 2006
The motor behavior of stick insects climbing over large gaps has already been the subject of many experimental studies. The searching movement of the legs after stepping into the gap is analyzed in the first part of this study. Based on these and earlier biological results, a simulation study is carried out using WALKNET, a neural network model of the stick insect walking system. Five new modules are implemented into the model in the form of a unit assembly system. The performance of the enhanced model is evaluated in a series of tests designed based on previous biological experiments. The simulation study shows that with only four new modules (for searching movements, velocity control, a load effect and short steps), the performance of the model in a simulated gap crossing situation can be improved beyond the performance of the biological system under comparable conditions.
Active tactile exploration for adaptive locomotion in the stick insect
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011
Insects carry a pair of actively movable feelers that supply the animal with a range of multimodal information. The antennae of the stick insectCarausius morosusare straight and of nearly the same length as the legs, making them ideal probes for near-range exploration. Indeed, stick insects, like many other insects, use antennal contact information for the adaptive control of locomotion, for example, in climbing. Moreover, the active exploratory movement pattern of the antennae is context-dependent. The first objective of the present study is to reveal the significance of antennal contact information for the efficient initiation of climbing. This is done by means of kinematic analysis of freely walking animals as they undergo a tactually elicited transition from walking to climbing. The main findings are that fast, tactually elicited re-targeting movements may occur during an ongoing swing movement, and that the height of the last antennal contact prior to leg contact largely predic...
The Role of Leg Touchdown for the Control of Locomotor Activity in the Walking Stick Insect
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015
Schmitz J, Gruhn M, Büschges A. The role of leg touchdown for the control of locomotor activity in the walking stick insect. Much is known on how select sensory feedback contributes to the activation of different motoneuron pools in the locomotor control system of stick insects. However, even though activation of the stance phase muscles depressor trochanteris, retractor unguis, flexor tibiae and retractor coxae is correlated with the touchdown of the leg, the potential sensory basis of this correlation or its connection to burst intensity remains unknown. In our experiments, we are using a trap door setup to investigate how ground contact contributes to stance phase muscle activation and burst intensity in different stick insect species, and which afferent input is involved in the respective changes. While the magnitude of activation is changed in all of the above stance phase muscles, only the timing of the flexor tibiae muscle is changed if the animal unexpectedly steps into a hole. Individual and combined ablation of different force sensors on the leg demonstrated influence from femoral campaniform sensilla on flexor muscle timing, causing a significant increase in the latencies during control and air steps. Our results show that specific load feedback signals determine the timing of flexor tibiae activation at the swing-to-stance transition in stepping stick insects, but that additional feedback may also be involved in flexor muscle activation during stick insect locomotion. With respect to timing, all other investigated stance phase muscles appear to be under sensory control other than that elicited through touchdown. sensory control; campaniform sensilla; load sensing; locomotion; species comparison * J. Schmitz and M. Gruhn contributed equally to this work. Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. Gruhn,
Insects Use Two Distinct Classes of Steps during Unrestrained Locomotion
PLoS ONE, 2013
Background: Adaptive, context-dependent control of locomotion requires modulation of centrally generated rhythmic motor patterns through peripheral control loops and postural reflexes. Thus assuming that the modulation of rhythmic motor patterns accounts for much of the behavioural variability observed in legged locomotion, investigating behavioural variability is a key to the understanding of context-dependent control mechanisms in locomotion. To date, the variability of unrestrained locomotion is poorly understood, and virtually nothing is known about the features that characterise the natural statistics of legged locomotion. In this study, we quantify the natural variability of hexapedal walking and climbing in insects, drawing from a database of several thousand steps recorded over two hours of walking time. Results: We show that the range of step length used by unrestrained climbing stick insects is large, showing that step length can be changed substantially for adaptive locomotion. Step length distributions were always bimodal, irrespective of leg type and walking condition, suggesting the presence of two distinct classes of steps: short and long steps. Probability density of step length was well-described by a gamma distribution for short steps, and a logistic distribution for long steps. Major coefficients of these distributions remained largely unaffected by walking conditions. Short and long steps differed concerning their spatial occurrence on the walking substrate, their timing within the step sequence, and their prevalent swing direction. Finally, ablation of structures that serve to improve foothold increased the ratio of short to long steps, indicating a corrective function of short steps. Conclusions: Statistical and functional differences suggest that short and long steps are physiologically distinct classes of leg movements that likely reflect distinct control mechanisms at work.
Biological Cybernetics, 1991
Stick insects (Cuniculina impigra) possessing only one foreleg with restrained coxa performed searching movements. A force transducer was introduced as an obstacle into the plane of movement of femur or tibia. Depending on where it was introduced and whether it was touched for the first time during an upward or a downward movement, different kinds of behaviour of the leg were released. For these different movements, the forces applied to the obstacle and the electrical activity of the depressor, levator, retractor and protractor muscles are described. In addition the alterations occurring after ablation of several sense organs including the trochanteral campaniform sensilla are mentioned. The described movements were similar to the corresponding behaviours during walking at the end of swing phase and the beginning of stance phase. Therefore there is some probability that results obtained by this experimental paradigm can also be applied to the swing-stance transition.
Spatial co-ordination of foot contacts in unrestrained climbing insects
The Journal of experimental biology, 2014
Animals that live in a spatially complex environment such as the canopy of a tree, constantly need to find reliable foothold in three-dimensional (3D) space. In multi-legged animals, spatial co-ordination among legs is thought to improve efficiency of finding foothold by avoiding searching-movements in trailing legs. In stick insects, a 'targeting mechanism' has been described that guides foot-placement of hind- and middle legs according to the position of their leading ipsilateral leg. So far, this mechanism has been shown for standing and tethered walking animals on horizontal surfaces. Here, we investigate the efficiency of this mechanism in spatial limb co-ordination of unrestrained climbing animals. For this, we recorded whole-body kinematics of freely climbing stick insects and analysed foot placement in 3D space. We found that touch-down positions of adjacent legs were highly correlated in all three spatial dimensions, revealing 3D co-ordinate transfer among legs. Fur...
Animal behavior has long been the center of attention of biologists and manufacturers of modern robots. The special behavior of these creatures such as climbing vertical surfaces or hanging from ceilings has gained special consideration. It is, therefore, important to carefully study such behaviors in different conditions. In this study, we examined the movement of the American Cockroach in a straight path and within two different slopes. Surprisingly, we found that a cockroach does not make the same leg movements within a specific straight path. This means that the arrange of every leg strides in each cycle is completely different from the other. Furthermore, the results obtained from investigating the simultaneous stride of the two legs in different tests were remarkable. These new findings are in contrast with current findings. In addition, we examined these behaviors in three different slopes and observed the different behavior of the cockroach compared to normal movement. These...
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2001
Insects are capable of efficient locomotion in a spatially complex environment, such as walking on a forest floor or climbing in a bush. One behavioural mechanism underlying such adaptability is the searching movement that occurs after loss of ground contact. Here, the kinematic sequence of leg searching movements of the stick insect Carausius morosus is analysed. Searching movements are shown to be stereotypic rhythmic movement sequences consisting of several loops. The typical loop structure allows the mean tarsus trajectory to be calculated using a feature-based averaging procedure. Thus, it is possible to describe the common underlying structure of this movement pattern. Phase relationships between joint angles, analysed for searching front legs, indicate a central role for the thorax–coxa joint in searching movements. Accordingly, the stereotyped loop structure of searching differs between front-, middle- and hindlegs, with leg-specific patterns being caused by differing protra...
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2001
During walking, the six legs of a stick insect can be coordinated in different temporal sequences or gaits. Leg coordination in each gait is controlled and stabilized by coordinating mechanisms that affect the action of the segmental neuronal networks for walking pattern generation. At present, the motor program for single walking legs in the absence of movement-related coordinating intersegmental influences from the other legs is not known. This knowledge is a prerequisite for the investigation of the segmental neuronal mechanisms that control the movements of a leg and to study the effects of intersegmental coordinating input. A stick insect single middle leg walking preparation has been established that is able to actively perform walking movements on a treadband. The walking pattern showed a clear division into stance and swing phases and, in the absence of ground contact, the leg performed searching movements. We describe the activity patterns of the leg muscles and motoneurons...