#rescatemineros: global media events in the microblogging age. (original) (raw)

The Role of Twitter in Media Coverage during Humanitarian Crises. Data mining from International News Agencies

This study examines the use of Twitter during humanitarian crises and its impact on public opinion. The study analyzed over 3262 tweets related to crisis, war, tragedy, violence, riot, uprising, revolt, destruction, bombing, migration, and refugees from February 2021 to February 2023 from International News Agencies. The study found that Twitter, reveals the fragmentation of news consumption patterns on social media, which are influenced by the sources of information followed and strengthened by the platforms' algorithms. Furthermore, the study shows that news agencies' coverage of humanitarian crises is detectably fragmented, and governments and related organizations have an impact on them and use them for various purposes. The study concludes by recommending future research to expand the analysis to other social media and news agencies, as well as incorporate more advanced techniques for handling misinformation and analyzing the impact of social media on public opinion.

Twitter adoption and use in mass convergence and emergency events

International Journal of Emergency Management, 2009

This paper offers a descriptive account of Twitter (a micro-blogging service) across four high profile, mass convergence events-two emergency and two national security. We statistically examine how Twitter is being used surrounding these events, and compare and contrast how that behavior is different from more general Twitter use. Our findings suggest that Twitter messages sent during these types of events contain more displays of information broadcasting and brokerage, and we observe that general Twitter use seems to have evolved over time to offer more of an information-sharing purpose. We also provide preliminary evidence that Twitter users who join during and in apparent relation to a mass convergence or emergency event are more likely to become long-term adopters of the technology.

Seeking the trustworthy tweet: Can microblogged data fit the information needs of disaster response and humanitarian relief organizations


Message data has, as yet, not been adopted by large-scale, international humanitarian relief organizations in an instrumental fashion. While the largest of these organizations have adopted messaging as part of their Public Relations functions, few have used any form of message data originating in the field, at the time of disaster. The message data being contributed by bystanders and those affected by a disaster, as it is happening, has largely been deemed as unverifiable and untrustworthy, and thus construed as unsuitable for incorporation into established mechanisms for organizational decision-making. In this paper, we describe the discursive barriers to the use of microblogged data by Humanitarian NGOs during times of disaster. We present data and findings from a study involving representatives from thirteen humanitarian organizations. Our analysis suggests that the organizational barriers, both in terms of function and structure, and the data itself, form barriers to organizational use of microblogged data. We propose three socio-technical solutions to surpassing adoption bottlenecks, namely bounded microblogging, microblogged data as contextual data, and/or use of computational solutions.

Mapping networks of influence: tracking Twitter conversations through time and space


The increasing use of social media around global news events, such as the London Olympics in 2012, raises questions for international broadcasters about how to engage with users via social media in order to best achieve their individual missions. Twitter is a highly diverse social network whose conversations are multi-directional involving individual users, political and cultural actors, athletes and a range of media professionals. In so doing, users form networks of influence via their interactions affecting the ways that information is shared about specific global events. This article attempts to understand how networks of influence are formed among Twitter users, and the relative influence of global news media organisations and information providers in the Twittersphere during such global news events. We build an analysis around a set of tweets collected during the 2012 London Olympics. To understand how different users influence the conversations across Twitter, we compare three...

New Methodologies for Researching News Discussion on Twitter

Twitter has become a major instrument for the rapid dissemination and subsequent debate of news stories. It has been instrumental both in drawing attention to events as they unfolded (such as the emergency landing of a plane in New York's Hudson River in 2009) and in facilitating a sustained discussion of major stories over timeframes measured in weeks and months (including the continuing saga around Wikileaks and Julian Assange), sometimes still keeping stories alive even if mainstream media attention has moved on elsewhere.

Prominent microblog users prediction during crisis events : using phase-aware and temporal modeling of users behavior. (Prédiction des utilisateurs primordiaux des microblogs durant les situations de crise : modélisation temporelle des comportements des utilisateurs en fonction des phases des évènem


During crisis events such as disasters, the need of real-time information retrieval (IR) from microblogs remains inevitable. However, the huge amount and the variety of the shared information in real time during such events over-complicate this task. Unlike existing IR approaches based on content analysis, we propose to tackle this problem by using user-centricIR approaches with solving the wide spectrum of methodological and technological barriers inherent to : 1) the collection of the evaluated users data, 2) the modeling of user behavior, 3) the analysis of user behavior, and 4) the prediction and tracking of prominent users in real time. In this context, we detail the different proposed approaches in this dissertation leading to the prediction of prominent users who are susceptible to share the targeted relevant and exclusive information on one hand and enabling emergency responders to have a real-time access to the required information in all formats (i.e. text, image, video, l...

Microblog Analysis as a Program of Work

ACM Transactions on Social Computing, 2018

Inspired by a European project, PHEME, that requires the close analysis of Twitter-based conversations in order to look at the spread of rumors via social media, this article has two objectives. The first of these is to take the analysis of microblogs back to first principles and lay out what microblog analysis should look like as a foundational program of work. The other is to describe how this is of fundamental relevance to human-computer interaction's interest in grasping the constitution of people's interactions with technology within the social order. Our critical finding is that, despite some surface similarities, Twitter-based conversations are a wholly distinct social phenomenon requiring an independent analysis that treats them as unique phenomena in their own right, rather than as another species of conversation that can be handled within the framework of existing conversation analysis. This motivates the argument that microblog analysis be established as a foundat...

Chatter on the red: what hazards threat reveals about the social life of microblogged information

Proceedings of the 2010 …, 2010

This paper considers a subset of the computer-mediated communication (CMC) that took place during the flooding of the Red River Valley in the US and Canada in March and April 2009. Focusing on the use of Twitter, a microblogging service, we identified mechanisms of information production, distribution, and organization. The Red River event resulted in a rapid generation of Twitter communications by numerous sources using a variety of communications forms, including autobiographical and mainstream media reporting, among other types. We examine the social life of microblogged information, identifying generative, synthetic, derivative and innovative properties that sustain the broader system of interaction. The landscape of Twitter is such that the production of new information is supported through derivative activities of directing, relaying, synthesizing, and redistributing, and is additionally complemented by socio-technical innovation. These activities comprise self-organization of information.