Perbandingan Antara Metode Kauny Quantum Memory (KQM) Dengan Metode Integrated, Listening, Hand, Attention, Matching (Ilham) Sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Kesulitan Menghafal Alqur’An (original) (raw)
This study aims to determine management supervisor and head of the madrasa as an administrator to increase the performance of teachers in Government Elementary School District Pengging, Banyudono, Boyolali, include the management of head madrassa, madrassa chief supervision role, the role of administrative head of the madrassa, and teacher performance. This study uses qualitative research methods with the approach used is descriptive approach. This means that the procedures or ways pemecahkan research issues by describing the object under study as the actual facts that occurred / took place in the present. The subject of this research is the head teacher at the madrassa and Pengging MIN. Methods of data collection in this research is a method of observation or non-participant observation, interviews and documentation methods. Data analysis process begins by reviewing all the data from interviews, observation and dukomentasi results related to the implementation of management supervisor and head of the madrasa as an administrator, followed by performing data reduction and verification for making conclusions. Technical examination of the validity of the data with the technique of triangulation is obtained observation data combined with interview data or data documentation. Results obtained from this study indicate that the head of the madrassa management has been running effectively. Head of the madrasa, although still new, but his experience as head of the madrassa at another madrasa is a lot. Supervision is done regularly, although not comprehensive in all classes and all teachers because of the large existing classes and teachers. Likewise, the administration also has been implemented from the beginning of the year and done well. The performance of teachers has also increased. This was evidenced by an increase in teacher discipline in work and making an orderly administration. Activities to support the upgrading of teachers, such as teachers working group (KKG), meeting coordination, participants worshop delivery, training, and other training has been implemented. Likewise, the award for teachers who excel.