A numerical investigation for dating 210Pbex and 137Cs vertical profiles in a coastal area: The Eastern Ligurian Sea, Italy (original) (raw)
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Processes affecting long-term changes in 137Cs concentration in surface sediments off Fukushima
Journal of Oceanography
Temporal changes in cesium-137 (137 Cs) concentrations in the surface (0-10 cm) layer of seabed sediment were quantified from continuous observation data at 71 stations within a 150 km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and the primary processes affecting temporal changes were identified. From March 2011 to the end of 2015, about 80% of the initially-deposited 137 Cs in the surface sediment in the coastal region (bottom depth ≤100m) region has dissipated (radioactive decay is not included). Such a remarkable change in the 137 Cs concentration was not observed in the offshore (>100m) region. This paper focuses on the following three processes that affected the decrease in the 137 Cs concentrations, and assesses their relative importance; (1) resuspension and transport of 137 Cs-bound sediment, (2) desorption of 137 Cs from the sediment, and (3) dilution of 137 Cs by vertical mixing of sediment. Consequently, it was estimated that the first two processes together have potentially contributed to reduce the 137 Cs inventory in the top 10 cm of the coastal region by at most 35%. Furthermore, by applying a pulse input sediment mixing model to the observed vertical distribution of sedimentary 137 Cs, it was also estimated that more than 43% of the 137 Cs in the surface sediment was transported to deeper sediment layers by vertical mixing of the sediment. This indicates that the decrease of 137 Cs concentrations in coastal sediments was mainly affected by mixing of 137 Cs-bound surface sediment with less-contaminated sediment in the deeper layers.
On the accumulation-dispersion processes of the tracer 137Cs in the Italian seas
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 1997
This paper addresses the study of accumulation-dispersion processes, in the Italian Seas, of radionuclides due to fallout on to the surface of the sea. Two periods are considered: 1960-1984, during which the fallout was caused by! large scale nuclear explosions in the atmosphere; 1986-1992, during which the ,fall-out was caused by the Chernobyl accident. We focus on the analysis of vertical dispersion processes by means of mathematical models: a lumped parameter model (a depth-averaged model) for the surface layer and a depth dependent modelfor the deep layer. A regression analysis performed by fitting the experimental data (fall-out and activities in sea waters) to the model equations allows us to estimate the parameters introduced in the models. Fallout data are used as an input flux for the lumped parameter model to simulate the dispersion processes in a surface layer. This model also produces the output ,jlux at the lower interface, which is used as input flux in a depth-dependent model for the deep layer. For sufficiently slow processes, as during the period 1960-1984, the experimental data are well described and interpreted by these models. On the contrary, for rapid processes, as during the period 19861992, and when the experimental data are not complete, the analysis carried out with these models cannot be satisfactory.
Retrospective of radioactive fallout from data on sampled bottom sediments in closed water bodies
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007
A method for identifying past radiation events from dated layers of bottom sediments in stagnant water bodies is described. Results of an experimental study (2005-2006) of the samples of bottom sediments in the pond of the Timiryazev dendropark in Moscow are considered. The sediment layers are dated with 210 Pb. The same radionuclide is used as a tracer for calculating the rate of sedimentation in the pond, which is estimated at 0.3-0.4 cm/year. The maximum 137 Cs values are detected in the 0-24 cm column at depths of 7 and 13 cm. The 137 Cs peak at a depth of 13 cm is dated as 1963, which reflects the maximum global fallout from the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests. A small peak of this radionuclide at 7 cm is dated as 1986. It appears to be attributed to the long-range fallout after the Chernobyl NPP accident. The origin of the 137 Cs maximum at a depth of 13-14 cm is confirmed by characteristic ratios of radionuclide pairs available in the global fallout in the Moscow region. The ratios of 90 Sr/ 137 Cs = 0.6 and 239, 240 Pu/ 137 Cs = 0.03 in the 13-14 cm layer are characteristic of the global radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions. In the layers above this maximum, such ratios vary sharply toward the enhanced 137 Cs content in the fallout.
Journal of Paleolimnology, 2008
Global fallout is the main source of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Mediterranean Sea. This work presents 137Cs, 239+240Pu and 241Am concentrations in the water column in the southwest Alboran Sea, which was sampled in December 1999. A sediment core was taken at 800 m depth in the area (35°47′ N, 04°48′ W). 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs and 239+240Pu specific activities were measured at multiple depths in the core for dating purposes. 137Cs and 239+240Pu profiles did not show defined peaks that could be used as time markers, and they extended up to depths for which the 210Pb-based constant rate of supply (CRS) dating model provided inconsistent dates. These profiles can be useful to test dating models, understood as particular solutions of a general advection–diffusion problem, if the time series of radionuclide inputs into the sediment is provided. Thus, historical records of depth-averaged 137Cs and 239+240Pu concentrations in water, and their corresponding fluxes into the sediment, were reconstructed. A simple water-column model was used for this purpose, involving atmospheric fallout, measured distribution coefficient (k d) values, and a first-estimate of sedimentation rates. A dating model of constant mixing with constant sedimentation rate was applied successfully to three independent records (unsupported 210Pb, 137Cs and 239+240Pu), and provided the objective determination of mixing parameters and mass sedimentation rate. These results provide some insight into the fate of atmospheric inputs to this marine environment and, particularly, into the contribution from the Chernobyl accident.
Continental Shelf Research, 1991
Sediment accumulation rate studies were conducted using 21°Pb and 137Cs with the aim of understanding recent and present sedimentation patterns on the Italian Adriatic continental shelf. Since there is no simple model governing the delivery of radionuclides to coastal sediments a variety of approaches were used to estimate dry mass accumulation rates. At many sites there was little divergence between the various estimates, and the mean value is taken to be a reliable estimate of the net sediment accumulation rate. At other sites greater variation was observed. Reasons for these variations can include both secular changes in accumulation rates, and interruptions to the process of sedimentation arising from, for example, sediment mixing, scouring and focussing. At these sites best estimates of accumulation rates are given on the basis of an assessment of the most appropriate dating technique.
Estuaries, 1998
Various anthropogenic radionuclides and zl~ were analyzed in a 4.3-m-long core, sampled near the Rh6ne River mouth in March 1991, to evaluate the extent of industrial releases that accumulate in this area. The whole core was significantly marked by radionuclide inputs from the nuclear facilities located along the river (lmCs, lS4Cs, 6~ Irregular profiles in natural and artificial radionuclldes should be related to variations in their respective inputs from the Rh6ne River to the Mediterranean Sea. Minimum concentrations were found during high flow periods. Using both the lmCs/l~Cs profile in the core and the range of this ratio in Rhbne waters, mean apparent accumulation rates were estimated to range between 37 cm yr -1 and 48 cm yr ~. This core would then represent a sedimentary record over a 7-10 year period. However, the presence of a signal from the Chernobyl accident, which occurred on April 26, 1986, was not clearly observed in the core. Inventories of both artificial and natural radionuclides were greater than expected from atmospheric inputs. The increased sedimentation occurring in close vicinity to the mouth of the Rhbne River is thus responsible for trapping of elements transported by the fiver to the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, inventories of artificial radionuclides are well in excess of aerial deposition from Chernobyl and atmospheric weapons tests and are linked primarily to industrial releases. 9 1998 Estuarine Research Federation 387
Time-averaged fluxes of lead and fallout radionuclides to sediments in Florida Bay
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2000
Recent, unmixed sediments from mud banks of central Florida Bay were dated using 210 Pb/ 226 Ra, and chronologies were verified by comparing sediment lead temporal records with Pb/Ca ratios in annual layers of coral (Montastrea annularis) located on the ocean side of the Florida Keys. Dates of sediment lead peaks (1978 Ϯ 2) accord with prior observations of a 6 year lag between the occurrence of maximum atmospheric lead in 1972 and peak coral lead in 1978. Smaller lags of 1-2 years occur between the maximum atmospheric radionuclide fallout and peaks in sediment temporal records of 137 Cs and Pu. Such lags are consequences of system time averaging (STA) in which atmospherically delivered particle-associated constituents accumulate and mix in a (sedimentary?) reservoir before transferring to permanent sediments and coral. STA model calculations, using time-dependent atmospheric inputs, produced optimized profiles in excellent accord with measured sediment 137 Cs, Pu, lead, and coral lead distributions. Derived residence times of these particle tracers (16 Ϯ 1, 15.7 Ϯ 0.7, 19 Ϯ 3, and 16 Ϯ 2 years, respectively) are comparable despite differences in sampling locations, in accumulating media, and in element loading histories and geochemical properties. For a 16 year weighted mean residence time, STA generates the observed 6 year lead peak lag. Evidently, significant levels of nondegradable, particle-associated contaminants can persist in Florida Bay for many decades following elimination of external inputs. Present results, in combination with STA model analysis of previously reported radionuclide profiles, suggest that decade-scale time averaging may occur widely in recent coastal marine sedimentary environments.
Estuaries, 1998
Various anthropogenic radionuclides and uOPb were analyzed in a 4.3-m-long core, sampled near the Rhone River mouth in March 1991, to evaluate the extent of industrial releases that accwnulate in this area. The whole core was significantly marked by radionuclide inputs from the nuclear facilities located along the river (137CS, I34CS, 60CO). Irregular profiles in natural and artificial radionuclides should be related to variations in their respective inputs from the Rhone River to the Mediterranean Sea. Minimwn concentrations were found during high flow periods. Using both the 137CS/134CS profile in the core and the range of this ratio in Rhone waters, mean apparent accwnulation rates were estimated to range between 37 em yr-I and 48 em yr-I. This core would then represent a sedimentary record over a 7-10 year period. However, the presence of a signal from the Chernobyl accident, which occurred on April 26, 1986, was not clearly observed in the core. Inventories of both artificial and natural radionuclides were greater than expected from atmospheric inputs. The increased sedimentation occurring in close vicinity to the mouth of the Rhone River is thus responsible for trapping of elements transported by the river to the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, inventories of artificial radionuclides are well in excess of aerial deposition from Chernobyl and atmospheric weapons tests and are linked primarily to industrial releases.
Land, 2021
Given the importance of understanding long-term dynamics of radionuclides in the environment in general, and major gaps in the knowledge of 137Cs particulate forms in Chernobyl exclusion zone water bodies, three heavily contaminated water bodies (Lakes Glubokoe, Azbuchin, and Chernobyl NPP Cooling Pond) were studied to reconstruct time changes in particulate concentrations of 137Cs and its apparent distribution coefficient Kd, based on 137Cs depth distributions in bottom sediments. Bottom sediment cores collected from deep-water sites of the above water bodies were sliced into 2 cm layers to obtain 137Cs vertical profile. Assuming negligible sediment mixing and allowing for 137Cs strong binding to sediment, each layer of the core was attributed to a specific year of profile formation. Using this method, temporal trends for particulate 137Cs concentrations in the studied water bodies were derived for the first time and they were generally consistent with the semiempirical diffusional...
Various anthropogenic radionuclides and 210Pb were analyzed in a 4.3-m-long core, sampled near the Rhone River mouth in March 1991, to evaluate the extent of industrial releases that accumulate in this area. The whole core was significantly marked by radionuclide inputs from the nuclear facilities located along the river (l1337Cs, 134Cs, 60Co). Irregular profiles in natural and artificial radionuclides should be related to variations in their respective inputs from the Rhone River to the Mediterranean Sea. Minimum concentrations were found during high flow periods. Using both the 137Cs/134Cs profile in the core and the range of this ratio in Rhone waters, mean apparent accumulation rates were estimated to range between 37 cm yr-1 and 48 cm yr ~. This core would then represent a sedimentary record over a 7-10 year period. However, the presence of a signal from the Chernobyl accident, which occurred on April 26, 1986, was not clearly observed in the core. Inventories of both artificial and natural radionuclides were greater than expected from atmospheric inputs. The increased sedimentation occurring in close vicinity to the mouth of the Rhbne River is thus responsible for trapping of elements transported by the fiver to the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, inventories of artificial radionuclides are well in excess of aerial deposition from Chernobyl and atmospheric weapons tests and are linked primarily to industrial releases.