Vocabulary Instruction: Junk or Bunk (original) (raw)

Vocabulary, the flesh of a language and the most powerful carrier of message, is naturally difficult to teach. Teachers, especially in Nepal, encounter problems in performing instructional tasks despite their cogency. Moreover, the emerging doctrines have kept struggling since long to overcome such growing chic in lexicon sphere. As Vocabulary is the glue for holding stories, ideas and content together for making comprehension accessible and intelligible, the language practitioners should possess a strong knowledge of vocabulary to accrete intuition going through vast English literature, and communicate their ideas to others. For this noble task, many scholars have conducted researches, and proposed myriad ideas. Despite the availability of varied researches on effective vocabulary teaching, a tremendous need for more efficient vocabulary instruction at all grade levels has remained the cry of the day. This paper thus mainly aims to shade light on current approaches, and propose practical ways to teach vocabulary relevantly along with the difficulties English vocabulary holds.

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