Income generating NGOs in post apartheid South African townships: what role and challenge in poverty reduction? A case study of Women for Peace, Kagiso (original) (raw)

ISSN 1993–8225 © 2008 Academic Journals Article South Africa’s NGOs and the quest for development


NGOs are increasingly recognised as an important role-player in community or people-centred development. They are a large category of structures responsible for development. NGOs have often been viewed as important for democracy because of their strong support at grassroots level and their capacity to develop and empower poor communities. They are extremely important mechanisms in rural development and they enjoy the goodwill and acceptance of the community. Therefore NGOs have become very important players in the field of social development and upliftment. The democratisation of South Africa has opened new opportunities for NGOs to make a meaningful contribution to the development of South African society. This is particularly so at grassroots level. The primary aim of NGOs is to improve the living conditions of people through development in general. This entails various aspects of human life, such as literacy, human dignity, justice and economic ability, essentially the joy of lif...

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in South Africa with Specific Reference to Rural Development


The study aims to examine the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) because there is no discussion of poverty, equality, or development today that will be complete without considering the role of NGOs. NGOs are visible, respected, and entrenched in part of many societies. The successes of the NGOs in providing health care, education, economic opportunities, and human rights advocacy to millions of people, shows diversity in terms of their organizational form, structure, and culture. The decentralization of governments and scaling back of social spending advocated by international financial institutions and large aid-donor organizations throughout the last decades have created considerable space for NGOs and made them key figures in a wide range of social sectors. The findings of the study are that NGOs range from service-oriented, community-based initiatives operating around only one project to advocacy NGOs, intermediary NGOs to developmental NGOs. The key finding is the id...

Tensions of Poverty Challenges in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa JOURNAL OF GENDER, INFORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (JGIDA

It is essential to assess the tensions caused by poverty challenges in the povertystricken communities and to look at government interventions that act as enabling environments to reduce vulnerabilities of the downtrodden communities. Despite various policies and interventions by government to ensure safer sustainable communities, women, people living with disability, and youth been left behind; there is a dearth of research that presents them as the most vulnerable and less empowered more especially those living in rural areas. Both primary and secondary data were used to conduct an analysis of the manner in which poverty tension has affected communities, individuals and families and the ineffectiveness of the government intervention programmes.

Rural developmental initiatives in the post-apartheid South Africa : a case study on poverty alleviation in Mgobodzi, Lusikisiki Mcobothini and Gunjaneni


This study paints an unambiguous reflection of contemporary South African rural communities. That which depicts a rhetoric epitomised by abject poverty, underdevelopment, inequality and marginalisation. Such an awful depiction is synonymous with the communities of Mgobodzi, Lusikisiki Mcobothini and Gunjaneni, which are yet to benefit fully from the transformation of the post-apartheid era. As an agendum to alleviating poverty amongst these poverty-stricken and underdeveloped communities, the government instituted rural developmental initiatives such as the RDP, GEAR, ACGISA and CRDP, amongst a host interventionist approaches to alleviate poverty amongst these poverty-stricken communities.

South Africas NGOs and the quest for development


NGOs are increasingly recognised as an important role-player in community or people-centred development. They are a large category of structures responsible for development. NGOs have often been viewed as important for democracy because of their strong support at grassroots level and their capacity to develop and empower poor communities. They are extremely important mechanisms in rural development and they enjoy the goodwill and acceptance of the community. Therefore NGOs have become very important players in the field of social development and upliftment. The democratisation of South Africa has opened new opportunities for NGOs to make a meaningful contribution to the development of South African society. This is particularly so at grassroots level. The primary aim of NGOs is to improve the living conditions of people through development in general. This entails various aspects of human life, such as literacy, human dignity, justice and economic ability, essentially the joy of lif...