Статтю присвячено аналізу «Леґенд Старокиївських» Наталени Королевої як індивідуальноавторського бачення (візії) давньоукраїнської історії, проблемам їхньої жанрової специфіки, ймовірної історичної і літературної джерелографії, природи художньої образності. Стверджується, що письменниця модернізувала традиційний в українській літературі жанр легенди, зокрема через синтез міфологічного, історичного й апокрифічного елементів, використання літературних і фольклорних засобів, звернення до принципів історизму та психологізму. Ключові слова: українська література, легенда, жанр, історія, міф, образ, символ. Vasylenko Vadym. «Ancient Kyivan Legends» by Natalena Koroleva: renewal of the genre. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the collection (two volumes) Ancient Kyivan Legends by Natalena Koroleva as an individual author's vision of ancient Ukrainian history, the problems of its genre specificity, probable historical and literary sourceography, the nature of artistic imagery. In particular, plot echoes of some Koroleva's legends of the Scythian cycle with ancient Greek and Slavic myths and Herodotus stories, the Kyevan cycle with ancient Ukrainian chronicles, primary with the stories of Tale of Bygone Years, and The Kyiv-Pechersk Patericon, as well as with the Scandinavian epos, displayed in the Poetic Edda. It is noted the author modernized the legend genre traditional in Ukrainian literature, in particular through the synthesis of mythological, historical and apocryphal elements, the combination of literary and folklore means, appeal to the principles of historicism and psychologism, as well as displacement of time and space, intertextual constructions, reminiscences etc. It is argued the way of artistic representation chosen by the writer, the style and language of her works most correspond to their material, its spirit and essence. Reconstructing plots taking from the Scythian, Kyiv Rus' times, Koroleva systematically and on high ideological and artistic registers fills in the gaps in the cultural history of Ukraine, in particular, she tries to renew those links in historical memory that are necessary for understanding the continuity of the development of the Ukrainian nation. Among other things, the Scythian motives of Koroleva's legends are analyzed, in particular, author's interpretation of the story of Herodotus about the origin of the Scythians (about Heracles and Melusine), as well as her rethinking of the legend about the founders of Kyiv (three brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid).