TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK (Studi Komparasi Pemikiran Sa’id Hawwa dan Syeh Kholil Bangkalan) (original) (raw)

This study used an evaluative research approach whose subjects were Islamic Religious Education teachers at SMP Muhammadiyah 60 Medan. Data and information were collected through document analysis, observation and interviews. Based on the research conducted, the following results were obtained: (1) Context evaluation, implementation of the PAI curriculum which had been prepared very well (100%) and the program constraints faced, namely the number of study hours which was only 3 JP x 40 minutes/week, unsupportive infrastructure, there are some students who experience delays and learning difficulties, there are no religiosity-based extracurricular activities, lack of good cooperation with parents of students. (2) Evaluation of input, two aspects, namely the aspect of PAI teachers in fulfilling learning administration requirements including preparation of lesson plans (82%), syllabus processing (73%), annual program processing (92%), semester program preparation already (90%), PAI teachers have attended the PAI curriculum training once and on the aspect of facilities and infrastructure in PAI learning are inadequate. (3) Evaluation of the process (process), three aspects namely learning process activities (87.5%) in terms of the results of observations, assessment process activities include assessing the attitude of achieving (75%), assessing knowledge already (100%), and assessing skills reached (89%) and the existence of student services such as fostering reading the Koran and practicing worship. (4) Evaluation of the results (product), related to student learning outcomes in the form of report cards in which there are values and KKM for PAI subjects at SMP Muhammadiyah 60 Medan. Preparation and processing of KKM already (75%). As for the achievement of KKM in PAI subjects by students at SMP Muhammadiyah 60 Medan, 32% are in the very good category, 48% are in the good category, 16% are in the fairly good category, and 4% are in the less category/remedial/enrichment is still needed.