Occupational diseases in Finland in 2012 :New cases of recognized and suspected occupational diseases (original) (raw)
2014, Työterveyslaitos eBooks
This publication presents a statistical summary of recognized and suspected occupational diseases in Finland. The first part of the publication is a review, which aims to give an overall picture of the incidence of occupational diseases in 2012, and of the main trends in recent years. The second part consists of statistical tables, which describe in greater detail the occurrence of occupational diseases in Finland in 2012. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Register of Occupational Diseases (FROD), established in 1964, was consolidated as a research register in Finnish legislation in 1993. The Register's unit of observation is a filed claim of an occupational disease, either recognized or suspected. Since 2007, FROD has published not only total numbers of notified diseases, that is, all recognized and suspected occupational diseases, but also separately cases recognized by insurance companies. Recognition means that the insurance company has received sufficient data and decided to officially recognize a person's disease as an occupational disease, in accordance with Finnish legislation. Appendix 1 describes FROD in more detail, and Appendices 2-4 include the definition of an occupational disease in Finnish legislation. FROD cases are recorded according to the year of reporting rather than the insurance company's technical date of occurrence, which may differ by several years in cases of disease with a long latency time. In addition to cases diagnosed among wage-earners, the statistics also cover farmers, who are recorded under separate statistics in the insurance system. This publication is available as a pdf document on the FIOH website at http:// www.ttl.fi/en/publications/electronic\_publications/all\_in\_alphabetical\_order/ pages/default.aspx. Further information on occupational diseases and their causes is also available on the FIOH website (www.ttl.fi).