Development of Android-based Interactive Multimedia to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Matters (original) (raw)

The Development of Mobile Base Interactive Learning Multimedia For Critical Thinking Improvement


This research study aimed to solve common problems often faced by learners. This is a Research and Development (R&D) with the APPED model which consists consisting of five stages of development. The subjects of this research were the 10 th -grade students of the Vocational Program of Computer and Network Technology at SMK Negeri 1 Tulung Klaten (State Vocational School 1 of Tulung, Klaten). The data analysis were analy z ed using technique was done through the descriptive quantitative technique . Based on the research, the data from the validation of performed by experts and practitioners of mobile-based interactive learning multimedia, out of four validators, obtained showed an overall value of 87.92%, which was included in categori z ed in the very good category, and meaning that it is proper for use in learning. The N-gain of T t he critical thinking ability improvement at the application stage obtained an N-gain of was 82.9%, and it was which was categorized as included in the ...

The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based on Android Mobile to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High School Students

Asian Journal of Science Education

The development of science teaching materials based on android mobile is based on the need for teaching materials that are suitable for 21st-century learning which is synonymous with the use of technology, information, and communication. This research aims to know the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of science teaching materials based on android mobile in improving students' critical thinking skills. The manufacture of teaching materials also aims to improve the low critical thinking skills of junior high school students. The research conducted is development research with the ADDIE development model. The subject of the study was a grade 7A student of SMPN 2 Maesan, Bondowoso. This study used instruments in the form of validation sheets, practicality sheets, and critical thinking skill tests. Data analysis techniques used in research consist of validity test analysis, practicality test analysis, and effectiveness test analysis. The results showed that (1) the percenta...

Effectiveness of Android-Based Science Learning Media for Critical Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students

International Journal of Advanced Research, 2020

IPA learning media based on android is a tool to provide learning information about natural phenomena in the form of events and causes of environmental consequences contained in the android operating system. Android-based science learning media designed in the form of an application. This research development research with 4D model with stages of definition, design, development, and dissemination.Covid-19 pandemic period is difficult to do effective learning.This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of android-based and conventional learning media in measuring students critical thinking ability on environmental pollution materials.This research is a development research conducted in MTs Negeri 8 Banyuwangi. Based on the results of the research that has been implemented, the use of android-based science learning media in experimental classes and decimination classes is quite effective for students critical thinking skills.Whereas in control classes that use conventional means are ...

The Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Mobile Learning Media Usage In Train Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

The Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Mobile Learning Media Usage In Train Students’ Critical Thinking Skills , 2023

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyediakan materi pembelajaran rigid body equilibrium dan rotational dynamics untuk perangkat mobile menggunakan App Inventor yang layak, efisien, dan dapat digunakan serta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D sebagai metodologi penelitiannya, dengan hanya tahap pengembangan yang termasuk dalam langkah-langkah mendefinisikan, mendesain, mengembangkan, dan menyebarluaskan. Siswa di kelas dijadikan sebagai subjek penelitian. Tes dan nontes (kuesioner) adalah jenis instrumen yang digunakan. Instrumen tes diberikan kepada 30 siswa, dan angket penilaian diberikan kepada ahli (desain pembelajaran, bahasa, media, dan materi), siswa (uji coba terbatas), dan dua orang guru fisika. Media yang dihasilkan dinilai layak oleh ahli (rancangan pembelajaran, bahasa, media, dan materi) dan efektif untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan nilai N-gain 0,49 kategori sedang dan angket efektivitas pendidik dengan persentase 86% sangat kategori efektif. Siswa menilai kepraktisan materi mobile learning memanfaatkan App Inventor sebesar 78,5%, sedangkan guru menilainya sebesar 92%. Kata kunci: media mobile learning, berpikir kritis, siswa, media

Utilizing Students’ Critical Thinking Skill On Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Through Android (Gejog Lesung) Based-E-Learning Media


The android-based learning media development for civic education learning process is very important to develop.This study was purpose determining students' critical thinking skills enchancement using Android (Gejog Lesung) based civic elearning. The method used in this study was a quasi-experimental method, conducting to one-group Pretest-Posttest Group Design. The population Public senior high school Ngaglik 1 in the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The sample in this study was determined by cluster random sampling and focusing on represented a class to be a sample. The research instrument used was a matter of pretest-posttest. Data analysis using t-test. The results of the study showed that (1) Android (Gejog lesung) based-civic elearning was able to improve the critical thinking skills of students on Public senior high school Ngaglik 1 Sleman, Yogyakarta, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 with values n-gain of 1,34 in the high category. In accor with the data obtained, it can be seen that the...

The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Android-Based Learning Media on Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Physics Communication

PISA data shows that the critical thinking skills of 21st century students are still at a low level. The 21st century requires students to be able to integrate technology in learning activities. Android-based learning media is an alternative learning media that is integrated with technology. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is an integrative approach that can improve critical thinking skills. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Android-based learning media with the STEM approach to improve students' critical thinking skills. The study used Research and Development (RD) method, namely introduction, media validation, and media testing. The subject of this research is class X vocational school majoring in motorcycle engineering and business. Data collection techniques used research instruments with quantitative data analysis. The data collection instrument was given through a written test in the form of essay questions that included aspects of cr...

Development of Android-Based Science Learning Media "Wismaya" with an Inquiry Approach in Improving Critical Thinking Ability

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

This study aims to develop an android-based game learning media by applying the steps of the ADDIE model RnD research method. The data collection technique was in the form of a validated questionnaire for media experts, linguists, materials, teachers, and student responses. The results of media, material, and language validation were 0.917; 0.898, and 0.791 with very feasible criteria for media and material validation, while for language validation it shows feasible criteria. The classical mastery of student learning outcomes reached 94% and the N percent gain of 59.34 indicated that the criteria were quite effective. Student responses were seen from the usefulness, convenience, and satisfaction indicators each of 0.82; 0.9; and 0.92 indicating very good response criteria. The teacher's response questionnaire, seen from the indicators of presentation and use of language, was 0.9 and 0.875 respectively, indicating very good response criteria, while in the indicators of instructio...

Development of flash-based learning media to improve critical thinking ability of grade VII middle school students

Union: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

The development of technology is certainly very helpful for developing the world of education. But, many learning activities are carried out using conventional methods, namely lectures with books and blackboards which result in boring learning and poor critical thinking skills on the initial test. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of interactive media used to improve critical thinking skills. Research using the ADDIE model shows that the developed interactive media has very valid criteria based on the media validator's assessment of 97.67 and the material validator's assessment of 57 categories. The media developed with very practical criteria based on student practicality questionnaires of 85.06% and teacher practicality questionnaires of 96% categories. In addition, the developed media obtained an effectiveness score of 90.63% based on the posttest of critical thinking skills. From the above findings, it can b...

Development of Interactive Learning Multimedia "Mejabando" for Improving Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Indonesian Language Learning Class V Elementary School\_Vol.9\_Issue.2\_Feb2022/IJRR-Abstract051.html, 2022

This study aims to produce android-based learning multimedia. The research method used is R&D research with the ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The steps in the research include analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. Data collection techniques in this study include interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The trial was carried out using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of this study are (1) the need for multimedia mejabando learning in the high category (2) the validity of the interactive multimedia mejabando from the material expert got a score of 4.18 in the good category and 4.64 from the material expert in the good category (3) multimedia practicality is in the very practical category with a score of 87%, 88% and 89% (4) the effectiveness of interactive multimedia learning mejabando can be seen from the results of the students' pretest and posttest. Critical thinking skills get an N-Gain score of 0.66 in a fairly effective category and N-Gain score for creative thinking skills of 0.57 in a moderately effective category. Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be concluded that the interactive multimedia mejabando learning to improve critical and creative thinking skills in learning Indonesian for fifth-grade elementary school is practical, valid and effective for use in learning.

The Effect of the Usage of Interactive Multimedia on the Students’ Concept Mastery and Critical Thinking Skill

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022

f the use of interactive multimedia on the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students in courses. Some of the most important findings expected in this study are (1) the influence of this model can improve students' learning competence in the cognitive realm. (2) through software, students' skills and independence can improve critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. This research is an experimental study using pretest-posttest control design. The research sample is even semester students in 2020/2021 with random sampling cluster technique. The instrument used to collect data is a concept mastery test sheet developed based on data analysis indicators and provides interachievement. While the critical thinking ability test developed based on argumentation analysis indicators showed that the average concept mastery score of the experimental group was 69% and the control group was 55%. The results of the t-test mastery of critical concepts and thinking skills showed that the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group. This means that the use of interactive multimedia affects the mastery of students' critical thinking concepts and skills in data analysis and achievement materials. Keywords— interactive multimedia, concept mastery, critical thinking skills, data analysis and achievement