Frecuencia y características de hallazgos endodónticos en radiografías panorámicas digitales (original) (raw)
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Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the quality of root canal treatments and coronal restorations and to associate them with periapical status. Materials and method: 79 panoramic radiographs were analyzed, with 234 teeth identified with endodontic treatment, thus constituting the study group. The radiographs monitored the status of the teeth treated endodontically by means of the periapical index scoring system (PAI). The data were statistically analyzed with the SPSS Statistics IBM-trial version. Results: Of the 234 teeth evaluated, 69.6% had radiographic signs of periapical lesions (PAI>2). Only 9.82% of endodontically treated teeth (n = 234) showed the criteria of a properly performed root canal obturation and showed no signs of periapical lesions. 28.12% of correctly treated endodontic teeth (n = 32) have periapical lesions (PAI = 3/4/5). No tooth with severe periodontitis with exacerbating features (PAI = 5) had the characteristics of a correctly performed endodontic treatment. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that improper root canal treatment is often associated with an increase in frequency of chronic apical periodontitis. Many endodontic treatments have been incorrectly from a technical point of view and substantial efforts are needed to improve the standard of endodontic treatment.
Radiographic Considerations in Endodontics
Quality radiographs of diagnostic value are important in root canal treatment. The dentist who has knowledge and skills in the use of radiographs for diagnostic purposes has a professional responsibility to ensure that the radiographs are obtained with minimum risk of radiation dose to and for the benefit of the patient. This article reviews the effectiveness of radiography techniques required for successful root canal treatment with the patient's interest in mind. Awareness of effectual radiographic techniques, their constraints and applicable techniques for improvements are discussed. It seeks to reduce potentially harmful ionising radiation dose to patients and optimise the use of X-rays to produce diagnostic radiographs during root canal treatment.
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde/Brazilian Journal of Health Research, 2021
Introdução: A cirurgia periapical é uma das opções de tratamento utilizadas em casos de falha da terapia endodôntica, principalmente nos casos associados a bactérias localizadas em áreas inacessíveis ao sistema imunológico. Objetivo: Este relato de caso apresenta o manejo cirúrgico de um paciente do sexo masculino, 17 anos, com uma lesão periapical envolvendo os ápices radiculares dos elementos 21 e 22, com histórico de trauma. Métodos: O elemento 21 apresentava tratamento endodôntico e restauração com retentor intrarradicular, enquanto o elemento 22 respondeu positivamente ao teste de sensibilidade pulpar. Exames clínico, radiográfico e tomográfico foram utilizados para a elaboração do plano de tratamento. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado no elemento 21, com apicectomia, realização do retropreparo e retrobturação com Agregado Trióxido Mineral (MTA). Resultados: Os exames histopatológicos indicaram cisto periodontal apical. As avaliações radiográficas e tomográficas pós-operatór...
Valor Preditivo Da Radiografia Odontológica Para Comunicação Bucosinusal Durante Exodontias
Publicatio UEPG: Ciencias Biologicas e da Saude, 2021
Background: In Oral Surgery, conventional dental radiography (DXR) is widely used to evaluate the tooth root and the adjacent structures. During dental extraction, if the tooth root is too close to the maxillary sinus it may be displaced into the maxillary sinus or an oroantral perforation (OAP) may be possibly established. This study aimed to determine the validity of DXR screening the maxillary sinus and the prevalence of OAP in dental extraction. Methods: This study examined all medical records of individuals treated at Dental School of Ponta Grossa State University-Brazil, in 2016 and 2017. The inclusion criteria were: medical records with DXR; medical records with upper posterior tooth extraction. The exclusion criteria were medical records without DXR; medical records with mandibular tooth extraction; medical records with upper anterior tooth extraction; medical records without tooth extraction. The close relationship between the tooth root and the maxillary sinus were evaluated in DXR of upper posterior teeth predictive value, likelihood ratio and odds ratio were calculated. Conclusion: The dental radiography shows relative positive predictive validity in determining the possibility of occurring oroantral perforation during tooth extraction-indicating many false if dental radiography presents signs of close relationship between tooth root and maxillary sinus this possibility increases for 1:24.
Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Cases Referred to Endodontic Surgery
Acta Stomatologica Croatica
Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Cases Referred to Endodontic Surgery Klinička i radiološka procjena pacijenata upućenih na endodontsku kirurgiju Uvod Svrha endodontskog postupka jest očuvati funkciju zuba s patološki promijenjenom pulpom, a da se ne ugrozi pacijentovo opće zdravlje. Prema preporukama Europskoga endodontskog društva (engl. European Society of Endodontology-ESE) i Američke endodontske udruge (engl. American Association of Endodontists-AAE) standardni endodontski postupak uključuje čišćenje, širenje, dezinfekciju i punjenje korijenskih kanala (1, 2). Postupak se smatra uspješnim ako nema kliničkih simptoma periapikalne bolesti i kada radiološka analiza potvrđuje cijeljenje periapikalne lezije (3, 4). Prema literaturi, od 14 do 16 % primarnih endodontskih liječenja rezultira neuspjehom (5). Ako klinički nalaz i radiogram upućuju na neuspjeh, treba razmotriti tri terapijske mogućnosti-konzervativnu reviziju liječenja, endodontsku kirurgiju (uključujući resekciju vrška korijena i retrogradno punjenje) ili ekstrakciju zuba (1, 6). Najčešći uzrok za neuspjeh je trajna, perzistentna infekcija u sustavu korijenskih kanala i/ili u periradikularnom području (7, 8). Ostali mogući razlozi uključuju periradikularne prave ciste, akumula-ACTA STOMATOLOGICA CROATICA
INTRODUCTION The advent of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in endodontics has enhanced the diagnosis of periapical radiolucencies and the assessment of endodontically treated teeth. AIM The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of periapical radiolucencies in a Bulgarian subpopulation and the quality of previous endodontic treatment using CBCT scans. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study included 2795 roots from 160 Large FOV CBCT which were evaluated by two independent examiners using two scoring systems: CBCT-PAI and PESS. RESULTS The inter-examiner agreement spanned from strong to almost perfect (0.892 and 0.983). The prevalence of periapical lesions according to the two scoring systems was 23.1% and 12.9 %, respectively. The prevalence of endodontically treated teeth was high (34.1%). Sixty-five percent of them presented with signs of periapical radiolucencies, while only 1.4% of all non-treated roots had a periapical lesion. A significant association between periap...
Correlación en el diagnóstico clínico, radiográfi co e histológico de lesiones apicales dentales
Objective: To establish a correlation amongst clinical, radiographic and histological characteristics of dental apical lesions at the time of diagnosis. Material and methods: A descriptive study which undertook to establish comparison of clinical and radiographic characteristics with histopathological study of lesions. Included in the study were samples of individuals which had been previously diagnosed with periapical disease processes; samples were harvested from apicoectomies and dental extractions. In order to achieve histological diagnosis, a pathologist routinely processed and assessed all specimens. Results: 50% of all samples were diagnosed as apical periodontitis, followed by periapical cysts (28.5%). An association of (p = 0.01) was found when correlating clinical characteristics such as sensitivity to percussion and spontaneous pain. The same situation arose when relating vertical bone loss to dental mobility (p = 0.023), and dental mobility with affected tooth (p = 0.036), nevertheless, no association was found with correlation of patient's symptomatic status, such as spontaneous pain, and type of predominant inflammatory infi ltrate in the lesions (p = 1.4), nevertheless, association was found with the secondary infi ltrate type existing in them (p = 0.057). Dental mobility was taken as diagnostic marker for granuloma and periapical cyst (p = 0.025). Conclusions: Certain clinical markers were found with the ability to predict histological manifestation of the lesions, such as dental mobility for granuloma and periapical cyst cases. Nevertheless, exact prediction of each one of the diseases is still diffi cult to obtain, this is due to the lesion's dynamics and the scarce correlation existing among clinical and radiographic characteristics with the histological description of the lesions. RESUMEN Objetivo: Establecer la correlación entre las características clínicas, radiográfi cas e histológicas de lesiones apicales dentales al momento de su diagnóstico. Material y métodos: Estudi o descriptivo en el que se realizó la comparación de las características clínico-radiográfi cas con el estudio histopatológico de las lesiones. Se incluyeron mues-tras de individuos que fueron diagnosticados con procesos de pato-logía periapical, obtenidas a través de apicectomías y extracciones dentales. Los cortes fueron procesados rutinariamente y evaluados por patólogo para su diagnóstico histológico. Resultados: El 50% de las muestras fue diagnosticado como periodontitis apical, seguido por quistes periapicales (28.5%). Al correlacionar entre sí características clínicas como sensibilidad a la percusión y dolor espontáneo hubo asociación (p = 0.01). Igualmente, al relacionar la pérdida ósea vertical con movilidad dental (p = 0.023) y ésta con el órgano dentario afectado (p = 0.036). Sin embargo, no mostró asociación, la correla-ción entre el estado sintomático del paciente como dolor espontáneo y el tipo de infi ltrado infl amatorio predominante en las lesiones (p = 1.4); pero sí la hubo, con el tipo de infi ltrado secundario que existía en ellas (p = 0.057). La movilidad dental se mostró como un marca-dor diagnóstico para granuloma y quiste periapical (p = 0.025). Con-clusiones: Se hallaron ciertos marcadores clínicos capaces de pre-decir la presentación histológica de las lesiones, como la movilidad dental para granuloma y quiste periapical. Sin embargo, la predicción exacta de cada una de las patologías aún se hace difícil, debido a la misma dinámica de las lesiones y a la poca correlación que existe entre las características clínico-radiográfi cas con la descripción histo-lógica de las lesiones. Correlation of clinical, radiographic and histological diagnoses of apical dental lesions Correlación en el diagnóstico clínico, radiográfi co e histológico de lesiones apicales dentales
Endodontic treatment is common in dentistry and for a correct diagnosis it is necessary to observe clinical and radiographic signs, taking into account pulp and periapical changes in the element to be treated. Studying this frequency can contribute to the literature, elucidating whether the greatest number of cases is occurring in young or elderly patients, women or men, anterior or posterior teeth. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of endodontically treated teeth, through 900 panoramic radiographs. A cross-sectional study was carried out evaluating the prevalence of teeth treated endodontically from a sample of 900 panoramic radiographs, corresponding to exams performed in 2020, in a radiological clinic located in central west Brazil. The sample consisted of 540 (60%) female subjects and 360 (40%) male subjects, aged between 18 and 88 years old, being more prevalent for Individuals <31 years old with (34.9%) Sample. The prevalence of endodontically treate...
Odontología, 2018
Después de realizar una exodoncia inicia un proceso de remodelación ósea, dejando como consecuencia un volumen óseo disminuido que puede impedir la colocación de un implante dental en óptimas condiciones. Objetivo: Evaluarla preservación alveolar post-exodoncia utilizando sulfato de calciooxenoinjerto en cobayos en comparación con la cicatrización espontánea. Materiales y Métodos: Se utilizaron 30 cobayos machos, de cuatro meses de edad, asignados en tres grupos de 10 cobayos cada uno: G1 Sulfato de calcio, G2 Xenoinjerto (bovino) G3 Control Negativo (sin sustituto óseo). Se realizó la exodoncia del incisivo central inferior derechose cureteó y lavó con suero fisiológico, el grupo G1 y G2 se rellenaron con el biomaterial correspondiente, el grupo G3 no recibió ningún biomaterial. La sutura fue punto en X con Vicryl (4/0). Se tomó radiografías estandarizadas en el pos operatorio inmediato y a los 40 dias,se medió la cresta alveolar en mesial, distal y coronal. A los 40 díaslos cobayo...