Retroactive Categorizations, or Postcoloniality as Condition (original) (raw)


Österreichische Zeitgeschichte - Zeitgeschichte in Österreich

forderte Reinhard Bösch als amtierender Wehrsprecher der FPÖ und Vorsitzender des Parlamentarischen Verteidigungsausschusses in einem Interview mit den "Vorarlberger Neuen Nachrichten", in Nordafrika "einen Raum in Besitz zu nehmen", um dort "Anlandezentren" für Asylsuchende einzurichtenbeispielsweise in Libyen. Diese Maßnahme, so Bösch, sei notfalls auch gegen den Willen nordafrikanischer Regierungen mit "verschiedensten militärischen und polizeilichen Kräften einfach durchzuführen". 2 VertreterInnen von Oppositionsparteien und Medien kritisierten Böschs Äußerungen scharf. Böschs Ideen erinnerten an die Kolonialzeit, sagte Alma Zadić (Liste Pilz), während SPÖ-Bundesgeschäftsführer Max Lercher Bösch zum Rücktritt aufforderte und meinte, dessen "Kolonialphantasien gehören ins 19. Jahrhundert". 3 Die Bezüge auf den Kolonialismus in der Kritik an Bösch blieben allgemein, sie bezogen sich nicht auf eine spezifisch österreichische Kolonialvergangenheit. Dieser Geschichte gilt es jedoch mehr Beachtung beizumessen. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit postkolonialistischen Perspektiven in der Zeitgeschichte und Forschungen zu Österreichs "Kolonialismus ohne Kolonien", 4 der mit einem etablierten Orientalismus und tiefverankerten Vorstellungen eines "weißen" Österreichs einherging-also Elemente, die auch in Böschs Äußerungen mitschwingen. Im Zentrum stehen dabei Kontinuitäten und Rekonfigurationen im Verhältnis zum Globalen Süden mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Kolonialismus und Antikolonialismus.

The Postmodern Condition


The interview with a famous theorist of architecture, researcher of postmodernism Charles Jencks is a part of the book "Architectural Theories in Monologues" by Prof. G. Stanishev. In the conversation conducted in a free tone, Charles Jencks shares his thoughts on the matter of postmodernism and its relations with the previous stages of development of architectural thought.

Between Nostalgia and Retrotopia


The notion of nostalgia has been used across various social sciences and humanities, having been rethought many times and acquiring many conceptual configurations. These configurations are not always easy to integrate with each other. Yet a number of new approaches have emerged that make it possible to look upon a person’s (a collective’s, a society’s) attitude to their pass differently. The brightest of them all is the theory of retrotopia as provided by Zygmunt Bauman in his last book. Thus the article has two goals. First, various approaches to theories of nostalgia are observed. Second, it is an attempt to fnd out how Bauman’s retrotopia could help to think more clearly about the problems traditionally discussed within theories of nostalgia.

Decolonize Knowledge and See the Postsocialist "Other" Review on Tlostanova, M., 2017, Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art. London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham


The essay considers approaches to understanding the current situation of the former socialist countries, proposed by the decolonial researcher Madina Tlostanova in her 2017 work «Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art». The eight chapters of Tlostanova's book analyze specific temporal and spatial relationships that define both the postsocialist cultural and political context. Tlostanova notes the impossibility of applying the terminology that has been integrated into Western scientific discourse since the Cold War to the postsocialist space. Such an approach automatically places the postsocialist countries in the post-bipolar hierarchy of the world built by the West. The article's author compared the basis of Tlostanova's research with the approaches of other colonialism and imperialism researchers, such as John McKenzie, Touraj Atabaki, Saurabh Dube, and Ramon Grosfoguel. In my opinion, they can expand the theoretical model formulated by Tlostanava. Tlostanova criticizes postcolonial optics as a paradigm leaving the countries of the former «Socialist Camp» behind a new, but already epistemological «Iron Curtain» and continuing to reproduce colonial narratives. In the book, Tlostanova considers postsocialism as a special state, marked by the intersection of multiple post-dependencies-Russian, post-soviet, post-dictatorship, as well as global coloniality. A symptom of global coloniality is, in particular, the phenomenon of self-colonization. This phenomenon manifests itself in self-exoticization through the transformation of folk culture into a commodity, unhealthy nostalgia for the past, historical memory distortion, and instrumentalization of images of the past. Tlostanova explains this recursiveness of the postsocialist space through the concept of tempo-localities, which are most clearly traced in art. Thus, decolonial artistic practices in a post-dependent society forms a sensual basis for art and knowledge decolonization in general.

Postmodernity and Deviations

Problemi na postmodernostta, 2012

The article analyzes the process which makes deviant behavior possible and the process in which deviance is, from a certain point, perceived as the norm. The key argument is that these processes are in a way a mirror image of one another, but more importantly - are subject to the same phenomenon: the increased variability of the habitus, which comes into existence to overcome the mismatch between the objective structures of the social reality and the internalized structuring structures.

Postcolonial Epistemology: African “Registers”

Vestnik RUDN. International Relations

With global digitalization and the resulting intensification of communication processes, the accumulation and retransmission of ideas and their connotations have accelerated. The academic environment has changed in the course of updating the research field and building up a new picture of the world, complex and diversified. The accumulation of “critical mass” of talented intellectual scholars based both in Africa and within the African Diaspora, focused on “breakthrough” in philosophy and epistemology, was reflected in an attack on the theoretical principles of postmodernism and Postcolonialism and a dynamic transformation of the conceptual principles and content of African studies. Contrary to Eurocentrism, Africa has become an epistemological laboratory, where the developing theories claiming to become metanarratives, within which new metalexemes and metagenres are emerging. Postcolonial discourse contains elements of metascience, a universal system of knowledge production. The in...

Классификация наук в контексте постнеклассической рациональности / Classification of sciences in the context of postnonclassical rationality

Общество: философия, история, культура, 2023

В настоящей статье рассматривается проблема классификации наук в контексте современной постнеклассической интеллектуальной культуры. Целью статьи является краткий философский анализ подходов к классификации наук и характеристика их применения для решения прикладных задач систематизации современной науки. В первой части статьи на материале классических систем научного знания, предложенных Аристотелем, Ф. Бэконом, Г.В. Лейбницем, рассматриваются фундаментальные принципы категоризации наук, предполагающие отражение онтологической структуры окружающего мира. Поскольку постнеклассическая наука является динамичной системой, то для решения современных прикладных задач систематизации науки предлагается сочетание аналитического (априорного, теоретического) и синтетического (апостериорного, эмпирического) подходов. Во второй части статьи рассматриваются некоторые недостатки и практические рекомендации для составления научных классификаций. Основной упор делается на необходимости отражения междисциплинарных исследований. В заключение сформулированы выводы о том, что в контексте постнеклассической рациональности универсальная классификация наук невозможна, однако существует необходимость в философском поиске техник для реализации прикладных задач классификации современных наук.

Postcapitalism and the Birth of the Personaliat


Recently, the idea of a post-capitalist society has become increasingly relevant. The systemic crisis of capitalism and many of the contradictions revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to the intensification of the search for post-capitalist development. Researchers are increasingly proposing an alternative future in which robots and artificial intelligence bestow an abundance of material wealth, everyone is provided with everything they need, and people themselves are predominantly engaged in free creative activity. All of these utopian pictures are largely inspired by classical Marxist views of communism as the most likely non-antagonistic form of post-capitalist society. This book attempts to look at the post-capitalist perspective from a radically different angle. Many facts and trends indicate that we are moving towards a new antagonistic social formation. Instead of relative social harmony, the dominance of a new class, the personaliat, is established.

Историческая теория после "культурного поворота" / Historical Theory after Cultural Turn

Диалог со временем. 2007. № 20. С. 5-13.

В самом конце ХХ века, когда история совершила свой очередной виток -«культурный» (или «культурологический») поворот, в рамках социокультурного подхода была поставлена задача раскрыть культурный механизм социального взаимодействия. Одновременно обнаружились радикальные сдвиги в области исторической эпистемологии, в концептуализации самого исторического знания, в оценке познавательных возможностей исторической науки. Сегодня речь идет о формировании нового исторического мышления и становлении новой исторической культуры 1 .


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Post-Soviet "decadence" / Постсоветский «декаданс»

Эвалльё В.Д. Постсоветский «декаданс» // Смена вех: отечественное кино середины 1980-х—1990-х / Отв. ред. Е.В. Сальникова; сост. Д.А. Журкова, Н.А. Хренов, В.Д. Эвалльё. М.: Канон+ РООИ «Реабилитация», 2022. С. 427-446.