Developed Surfaces as a Factor for Optimizing the Design of Heat Exchangers (original) (raw)

Desain Dan Rancang Bangun Alat Penukar Kalor (Heat Exchanger ) Jenis Shell Dan Tube

Baut dan Manufaktur, 2021

Heat Exchanger is a tool for the process of transferring energy (heat), using fluid media both gas, hot, and cold, from one area to another because of differences in temperature and temperature. Therefore we need a design and design of a shell and tube heat exchanger, and fabricate the thermal and mechanical components into a heat exchanger. In addition, so that the design can be well directed, there are several things that must be done such as : calculation of the main components of the shell and tube and the design process of a heat exchanger (heat exchanger). The flow diagrams used are: starting with literature studies, preparing tools and materials for design, then calculating the main components of the shell and tube, making 2D and 3D images, the fabrication process, if the heat exchanger goes down, it will return to the main component calculation phase, if the tool functions properly then the design and design process is complete. Based on the TEMA Standard design and the use of the HTRI application, the required surface area based on the application is 8.27 m2 while the manual calculation is 9.09 m2. This shows that the design of the shell and tube heat exchanger is appropriate.

Developing highly efficient industrial contact heat exchanger


The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the intensification of heat transfer of a swirling flow in a cylindrical channel with two tangential and axial swirlers. During the experiments, such parameters were measured as: air flow in front of the vortex apparatus; hot water consumption; pressure drop in the vortex apparatus; temperature of working media at the inlet to the apparatus and at the outlet of it. A method for intensifying the heat transfer process, which is based on swirling a gas stream by its tangential supply, has been developed and investigated. Experimental studies of the intensity of heat transfer in a vortex apparatus have been carried out. The effect of gas velocity and irrigation density on the heat transfer rate has been established. In addition, experimental data are presented in the form of a dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the ratios of the mass flow rates of liquid and gas, which confirmed the increase in heat transfer intensit...

Justification of the Structural and Technological Parameters of the Adaptive Three-Pipe Heat Exchanger for Animal Room


As a result of the research, an adaptive three-pipe heat exchanger was developed, containing coaxially installed pipes, a condensate drain pipe, an exhaust shaft passing through the outer pipe, a supply fan, an exhaust fan, distribution openings, an air filter, and a duct electric heater. The adaptive three-pipe heat exchanger is additionally equipped with servo drives with dampers, temperature sensors, air velocity sensors installed on all distribution openings, an air quality sensor located in the room, a control unit that is connected to the supply fan, exhaust valve by means of signal wires. heater, servo drives, temperature sensors, air speed sensors and air quality sensor As a result of theoretical studies, confirmed experimentally (correlation coefficient R = 0.98), a method was developed and based on it an algorithm for determining the area of holes in the air duct of an adaptive three-pipe heat exchanger for livestock buildings was developed . It has been established that t...

Comparative Tests of the Heater of a New Design

Gornoe oborudovanie i èlektromehanika, 2022

Федеральный исследовательский центр угля и углехимии Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук 2 Кузбасский государственный технический университет имени Т.Ф. Горбачева, 3 Московский государственный технический университет имени Н.Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет)

Optimization of working surfaces heat transfer based on local control of thermophysical parameters


The progressive trend of increasing the efficiency and operational reliability of equipment requires continuous improvement of methods for monitoring and managing work processes. One of the most promising methods for studying transport processes occurring in difficult conditions is physical modeling. The object of this research is heat-exchange prismatic surfaces, which are typical for many technical applications. The purpose of the work is to develop methods for optimizing heat transfer of working surfaces based on local control of thermophysical parameters in characteristic zones of the working environment. The studies were carried out in the ADS-1 aerodynamic stand using the methods of heat and mass analogy and hot-wire anemometry. The arrangement included four rows of prismatic elements. The essence of the local approach is to determine the average surface heat transfer coefficient from the local velocity, measured above each prismatic element, which makes it possible to estimat...

Placement Optimization of Printed Circuit Boards in Thermal Design of Hermetically Sealed Unit

Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Priborostroenie, 2015

Рассматривается влияние принципа размещения печатных плат на тепловой режим герметичных блоков этажерочной конструкции. Описаны особенности теплоотвода в герметичных блоках. Предложен метод оптимизации размещения плат c учетом различной мощности рассеяния теплоты функциональными узлами, разработанный с использованием программных средств инженерного анализа для моделирования тепловых процессов.

Comparison of channels of compact heat exchangers for low-grade heat utilization in industry


Компактные теплообменные аппараты находят все большее применение в про-мышленности благодаря низкой материалоемкости и стоимости, высокой надежности теплообменного оборудования и интенсификации процессов теплообмена в каналах. При повышении компактности оборудования необходимо учитывать влияние размеров каналов на тепло-гидравлические характеристики аппаратов. В данной статье проведен анализ изменения коэффициента гидравлического сопротивления и теплоотдачи от числа Рейнольдса для каналов пластинчатых теплообменных аппаратов, гладких труб и труб с искусственной шероховатостью. Приведено исследование влияния гидравличе-ского диаметра для каналов различных типов на компактность теплообменного аппара-та, при этом рассматривалась площадь теплообменной поверхности и длина канала для движения теплоносителей. Результаты данной работы могут быть использованы при разработке конструкций компактных теплообменных аппаратов с интенсификацией теплообмена для процессов утилизации низкопотенциально...