Constructing own professional career by students of pedagogy (original) (raw)


‘Skills and Architectural Education: A New Paradigm’, 2021

Education is a systematic process through which one acquires knowledge, experience, and skills (1). It gives hope to solve the problems that humanity faces today. It strengthens the ethical ground and ability to question ‘wrong’. It develops the abilities and strengths. Design of a pedagogy that addresses students’ diversity, and up brings them with a central focus of overall development becomes important. Undergrad education of architecture is a platform to make students future ready for profession. If it is said that education is unending process, and it goes on for whole life, then it can also be said that a professional base (foundation) in the form of ‘skill set’, ‘expertise’, ‘morals and ethics’ can be created right at the time of formal education. And other than transaction part of the profession there are all opportunities to learn and function as a professional during education. A Faculty of Architecture, who has been teaching a variety of subjects, has worked on a pedagogy that can be adopted for a number of courses. This paper represents summary of the documented teaching for three subjects taught by her. One subject is from school’s thinking lab and two subjects are from tools and technology lab. This pedagogy is based on three core themes- contextualization and sensitization, challenging activities and participative approach. She established the direct relation of the subject with the present context and sensitized the students towards the need of their profession and developed a skill set to resolve the issues.

Pedagogue's Career: Satisfaction and Disatisfaction Factors with Professional Activity


Teacher's role in today's society is extremely important. It is expected, that teachers will educate active knowledge society members, will train the necessary abilities to achieve economic prosperity. Therefore, teacher's satisfaction with his activity has a distinctive meaning educating young generation. Pedagogues' work motivation and satisfaction with work affect the quality of their teaching subject and can have great significance to the pupils' learning, to the high academic results of the pupils, strengthen their motivation and wish to improve. Therefore, this research deals with early, middle and late career pedagogues' satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their professional career factors. It has been sought to ascertain how teachers understand their career, what aspects they distinguish in it, which of their roles they consider the most important, how they evaluate pedagogue status in society, which factors related with pedagogical activity raise s...

Universities as the Environment for Students’ Development in the Light of Own Research on Professional and Educational Aspirations of Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Poland

Edulern2018, 2018

The studies on professional and educational aspirations are the important dilemmas on a national scale in each country. Knowledge of teachers’ aspirations is really important because in their social role they will interact with future generations. Students are the part of society that is entering a new stage of their life. Their development makes new demands for the society. It should be concluded that the basic condition for the development of contemporary man is thinking about future perspective. An individual – a student faces new challenges that require multi-sided activity and multiple competencies, which are as follows: ability to change, to communicate, organizational and negotiation skills, assertiveness, self-presentation skills, entrepreneurship and many others. These skills are based on knowledge, sense of responsibility and appropriate activity. Diagnosis of the aspirations is particularly important as far as students are concerned, who will adopt roles and tasks of adult people after their studies. The studies on planes and development of young people are triggered by the psychological cognitive concept that interprets a person as an independent subject who decides about own destiny. When making decisions, a person influences the course of events and feels their effects. A lot of similar studies have recently appeared and many research tools have been created regarding emotional-social behaviors. Researchers often use ready-made questionnaires, observation sheets, tests or surveys. In this case, the presented results of the study have been collected on the basis of the author’s survey questionnaire directed to students of the last year of master’s studies at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Poland. The study focuses on professional and educational aspirations of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy. The cognitive aim of this study is to find an answer to the question: What is the level of abovementioned aspirations in the case of students at the Faculty of Pedagogy? In order to acquire more precise data to answer abovementioned question, following detailed questions have been formulated: Do the students plan to access jobs fitting their qualifications? What is most important for the students in their work? What was the strongest motivation to start particular field of study? Do the students feel prepared for their job? Do the students have a system of values that they want to follow in their life? The results of the study show that professional and educational aspirations are really mature in the case of contemporary universities graduates. The results that have been presented seem to confirm the tendency we observe not only in Poland, but also in Europe and all over the world concerning employment chances for university graduates. Educational aspirations of the people who have started university education are considerably high. The high level of professional aspirations of students confirms their readiness to access jobs fitting their university education. According to the students, the job should give satisfaction, enable comprehensive development and provide them with a sense of fulfilment.

Novice Teachers (in the Creating Process of) Forming Professional Career Thinking and Teachers Beliefs

Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2014

The purpose of this study is to identify a process of forming professional career thinking and teachers beliefs. The process is creating on mapping approaches in upbringing in the process of professional thinking of novice teachers. The primary objective of this study is to show methodological possibilities of mapping the process of forming professional career thinking and beliefs of future teachers in the undergraduate training. Undergraduate training then, in relation to the nature of the study, can be simply described as the process of transition from education to the subjective theory of general formal representation of knowledge based on universally shared semantic structure. The study is conducted with the participation of 5 (small focus group) novice teachers on Czech Republic. Novice teachers write essays on the theme "Education process of my beliefs after a one year work on school" and write report (free literacy form) on the questions: "What do you think education is?" "Who participates in education?" "How does education work?" Then was the report of analyses by Meaning Constitution Analyses (MCA) method and its software version Minerva is based on a self-report of an examined person.

The structural model of the pedagogy students ’ readiness for professional activities in the educational environment


The article deals with the structural model of the pedagogy students’ readiness for professional activities in the educational environment. When developing the conception of pedagogy students’ practice, educational ecology was chosen as the methodological basis. Educational ecology is one of the trends of human ecology: an integrative, interdisciplinary science trend of natural, social sciences, and the humanities that studies the development of a human being as an individual and/or social systems within the interaction with the multidimensional environment in its holistic perspective by ensuring the multi-aspect view on education. The structure of readiness for professional activities is formed of two basic components – psychological readiness and competence based readiness. A school needs educators, who: are aware of a teacher’s mission under the changing circumstances nowadays; perform their teachers’ duties in good faith; are creative teachers; set the requirements not only towa...

The Development Specifics of the Professional Training of Students


The relevance of this study is due to significant changes in the field of modern education. In new aspects, the concepts of “equality” and “social justice” appeared on the background of the educational space. Modern society needs to build a qualitatively new system of training of a teacher, capable to solve fundamentally new tasks that meet the needs of the time. The psychological and pedagogical conditions of vocational training are based on a system of pedagogical actions that activate the creative, individual and personal abilities of students, ensuring the social and moral formation of the future generation. These actions are aimed at creating a cultural and educational space that forms the students' personal readiness to master a profession in the changing world of educational realities. The purpose of research is to work out a paradigm for the development of competence of pedagogical support of students in the course of multifunctional activity with its subsequent testing....

Moksleivių ugdymas karjerai = Schoolchildren career education: situation analysis and perspectives at a general education school : padėties analizė ir perspektyvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose


Sparèios ekonomikos plëtros ir padidëjusios konkurencijos darbo rinkoje sàlygomis tampa vis sudëtingiau prisitaikyti prie rinkos pokyèiø, pasirinkti perspektyviausià, individualius ir visuomenës poreikius atitinkanèià profesijà. Tinkamai pasirinkta profesija, mëgstamas darbas, karjera svarbûs dalykai kiekvieno þmogaus gyvenime. Rinktis tam tikrà veiklà, anot T. Tamoðiûno (1999), skatina: 1) prigimtis gabumai ir aktyvumas, 2) socialinë aplinka noras uþimti joje tam tikrà padëtá, 3) subjektyvûs gyvenimo tikslai idealai, gyvenimo prasmës, savo misijos samprata. Ðie trys veiksniai apibûdina vienà pagrindiniø asmenybës bruoþø paðaukimà tam tikrai veiklai. Kuo labiau veikla atitinka paðaukimà, tuo didesná pasitenkinimà þmogus joje randa. Darbas be paðaukimo virsta prakeikimu, o darbas, atitinkantis paðaukimà, teikia tà dþiaugsmo ir gyvenimo jëgà, kuri sudaro maistà þmogaus dvasios gyvenimui (Vabalas-Gudaitis, 1983). Tinkamai pasirinkta profesija yra pagrindinë individo pasitikëjimo savo jëgomis, jo socialinës adaptacijos, gyvenimo stabilumo, galimybës planuoti savo ir ðeimos at

Features of the Educational Process Subjects Self-Actualization in the Conditions of Mastering the Profession of a Teacher

Proceedings of the First International Volga Region Conference on Economics, Humanities and Sports (FICEHS 2019), 2019

In the conditions of mastering professional activity in the system of higher education, the foundations of a self-actualizing personality of a future specialist are laid. The survey involved students aged 18-20 years, studying in the direction of "teacher education" of various profiles. The scale of the need for security is basic, including the implementation of: biological, mental and social needs. The results of the study showed that young people in the development of professional activities, to fulfill the needs on a safety scale, need to satisfy the need for communication and knowledge. Girls are extremely sensitive to social influences and need approval and creativity. Both boys and girls need self-esteem. In boys, value orientations coincide with social values, and in girls they have a personal character. As subjects of the educational process, young men and women studying at, acquiring psychological and pedagogical knowledge, need support, approval, respect, quality knowledge necessary to meet individual needs and optimal functioning in professional activities.

Professional competencies of future pedagogues

Research in Pedagogy, 2015

Originalni naučni rad Jelena Osmanović 3 UDK: 37.015 Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu ============================================================================== PROFESIONALNE KOMPETENCIJE BUDUĆIH PEDAGOGA 4 Rezime: Ekspanzija visokog obrazovanja širom sveta otvorila je pitanje o kvalitetu znanja diplomiranih studenata i njihovoj kompetentnosti da zadovolje zahteve buduće profesije. Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje studenata za profesionalni rad u našim uslovima realizuje se na različite načine, kroz: teorijska predavanja, vežbe, izradu seminarskih radova, projekata istraživanja, konsultativni rad, stručnu pedagoško-metodičku praksu. Ovo su samo neka od ključnih pitanja koja je potrebno razmotriti u sistemu univerzitetskog obrazovanja budućih pedagoga da bi ih osposobili za kvalitetno pedagoško delovanje. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se na osnovu različitih klasifikacija postojećih kompetencija pedagoga konstruiše skala procene za ispitivanje značaja kompetencija budućih pedagoga, koje stiču tokom studiranja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da studenti visoko vrednuju profesionalna znanja pedagoga koja su neophodna za kvalitetno pedagoško delovanje, upoznati su sa područjima rada pedagoga i zahtevima struke. Takođe, uviđaju i značaj sticanja naučno-istraživačkih i profesionalnih kompetencija. Svi statistički parametri pokazuju vrlo ohrabrujuće i dobre podatke, jer cilj univerzitetskog obrazovanja i jeste osposobljavanje budućih pedagoga za kvalitetno pedagoško delovanje i izgrađivanje njihove ličnosti sposobne za snalaženje u raznim situacijama. Posebna vrednost rada sadržana je u tome što je obavljeno istraživanje koncipirano tako da je naglasak stavljen na analizu studijskih programa pedagogije iz ugla studenata. Uz blagovremeno informisanje o zahtevima struke i podsticanje interesovanja za istraživanje pedagoške prakse, moguće je podstaći i razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija mladih pedagoga.

Challenges for Education Career in the Lithuanian Schools of General Education: Experience of Career Specialists

SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2020

The article presents the challenges for the career specialist in provision of career education services in the school of general education. Based on the results of the qualitative research, employing the methods of the focus group discussion, the following conclusions should be made: The main problems faced by the career specialists providing career services in general education schools are the following: heavy workload, lack of cooperation among the career specialists; the schools lack informational and methodological means which would correspond to special needs of the students, of age groups; for improvement of efficiency of the activity of career specialists an information data base containing all available informational, counselling, methodological material designated for the career specialist is required; psychological tests on the subjects of self-awareness and career which could be applied by career specialists on their own, without having psychological education; lack of a...