Implementation of a quantum metamaterial using superconducting qubits (original) (raw)
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Superconducting metamaterial transmission lines implemented with lumped circuit elements can exhibit left-handed dispersion, where the group and phase velocity have opposite sign, in a frequency range relevant for superconducting artificial atoms. Forming such a metamaterial transmission line into a ring and coupling it to qubits at different points around the ring results in a multimode bus resonator with a compact footprint. Using flux-tunable qubits, we characterize and theoretically model the variation in the coupling strength between the two qubits and each of the ring-resonator modes. Although the qubits have negligible direct coupling between them, their interactions with the multimode ring resonator result in both a transverse exchange coupling and a higher-order ZZ interaction between the qubits. As we vary the detuning between the qubits and their frequency relative to the ring-resonator modes, we observe significant variations in both of these interqubit interactions, including zero crossings and changes of sign. The ability to modulate interaction terms such as the ZZ scale between zero and large values for small changes in qubit frequency provides a promising pathway for implementing entangling gates in a system capable of hosting many qubits.
Qubit-photon bound states in superconducting metamaterials
Physical review, 2022
We study quantum features of electromagnetic radiation propagating in the one-dimensional superconducting quantum metamaterial comprised of an infinite chain of charge qubits placed within two-stripe massive superconducting resonators. The Quantum-mechanical model is derived assuming weak fields and that, at low temperatures, each qubit is either unoccupied (N = 0) or occupied by a single Cooper pair (N = 1). We demonstrate the emergence of two bands of single-photon-qubitbound states with the energies lying outside the photon continuum: highly above and slightly below it. The higher energy band slowly varies with the qubit-photon center of mass quasi-momentum. It becomes practically flat provided that electromagnetic energy is far below the Josephson one, while the latter is small compared to the charging one. The dispersion of the lower band is practically identical to that of free photons. The emergence of bound states may cause radiation trapping indicating its application for the control of photon transport in superconducting qubit-based artificial media.
A new class of dynamic quantum metamaterials
By coupling controllable quantum systems into larger structures we introduce the concept of a quantum metamaterial. Conventional meta-materials represent one of the most important frontiers in optical design, with applications in diverse fields ranging from medicine to aerospace. Up until now however, metamaterials have themselves been classical structures and interact only with the classical properties of light. Here we describe a class of dynamic metamaterials, based on the quantum properties of coupled atom-cavity arrays, which are intrinsically lossless, reconfigurable, and operate fundamentally at the quantum level. We show how this new class of metamaterial could be used to create a reconfigurable quantum superlens possessing a negative index gradient for single photon imaging. With the inherent features of quantum superposition and entanglement of metamaterial properties, this new class of dynamic quantum metamaterial, opens a new vista for quantum science and technology.
Quantum metamaterials in the microwave and optical ranges
EPJ Quantum Technology, 2016
Quantum metamaterials generalize the concept of metamaterials (artificial optical media) to the case when their optical properties are determined by the interplay of quantum effects in the constituent 'artificial atoms' with the electromagnetic field modes in the system. The theoretical investigation of these structures demonstrated that a number of new effects (such as quantum birefringence, strongly nonclassical states of light, etc) are to be expected, prompting the efforts on their fabrication and experimental investigation. Here we provide a summary of the principal features of quantum metamaterials and review the current state of research in this quickly developing field, which bridges quantum optics, quantum condensed matter theory and quantum information processing. Contents
Superconducting qubit-resonator-atom hybrid system
Quantum Science and Technology
We propose a hybrid quantum system, where an LC resonator inductively interacts with a flux qubit and is capacitively coupled to a Rydberg atom. Varying the external magnetic flux bias controls the flux-qubit flipping and the flux qubit-resonator interface. The atomic spectrum is tuned via an electrostatic field, manipulating the qubit-state transition of atom and the atom-resonator coupling. Different types of entanglement of superconducting, photonic, and atomic qubits can be prepared via simply tuning the flux bias and electrostatic field, leading to the implementation of three-qubit Toffoli logic gate.
Physical Review A, 2008
We study the coherent control of microwave photons propagating in a superconducting waveguide consisting of coupled transmission line resonators, each of which is connected to a tunable charge qubit. While these coupled line resonators form an artificial photonic crystal with an engineered photonic band structure, the charge qubits collectively behave as spin waves in the low excitation limit, which modify the band-gap structure to slow and stop the microwave propagation. The conceptual exploration here suggests an electromagnetically controlled quantum device based on the on-chip circuit QED for the coherent manipulation of photons, such as the dynamic creation of laser-like output from the waveguide by pumping the artificial atoms for population inversion.
Large-amplitude driving of a superconducting artificial atom
Quantum Information Processing, 2009
Superconducting persistent-current qubits are quantum-coherent artificial atoms with multiple, tunable energy levels. In the presence of large-amplitude harmonic excitation, the qubit state can be driven through one or more of the constituent energy-level avoided crossings. The resulting Landau-Zener-Stückelberg (LZS) transitions mediate a rich array of quantum-coherent phenomena. We review here three experimental works based on LZS transitions: Mach-Zehnder-type interferometry between repeated LZS transitions, microwave-induced cooling, and amplitude spectroscopy. These experiments exhibit a remarkable agreement with theory, and are extensible to other solid-state and atomic qubit modalities. We anticipate they will find application to qubit state-preparation and control methods for quantum information science and technology. PACS numbers: 03.67.Lx, 03.65.Yz, 07.60.Ly, 39.25.+k, 85.25.Cp, 85.25.Dq
The influence of dissipation in a 1D quantum metamaterial
Superconductor Science and Technology, 2013
Quantum metamaterials consist of quantum coherent structures made up of artificial atoms connected by a transmission medium. In this work we investigate the effects of decoherence in both the transmission medium and the artificial atom using a fully quantum mechanical model. We consider a prototypical solid state 1D quantum metamaterial, i.e. a superconducting flux qubit coupled to a transmission line section on resonance. An initially excited qubit is found to effectively pump a propagating coherent pulse and increase the average output power of the transmission line. Evidence of entanglement between the qubit and the transmission line with a propagating coherent pulse is also demonstrated. This signature behaviour is found to still be evident when a level of decoherence in line with that found in typical experiments is introduced into the transmission line section as well as the qubit. Increasing levels of decoherence, particularly in the qubit, are shown to be dangerous as they destroy the quantum correlations between the qubit and the propagating field.
Reversible state transfer between superconducting qubits and atomic ensembles
Physical Review A, 2009
We examine the possibility of coherent, reversible information transfer between solid-state superconducting qubits and ensembles of ultra-cold atoms. Strong coupling between these systems is mediated by a microwave transmission line resonator that interacts near-resonantly with the atoms via their optically excited Rydberg states. The solid-state qubits can then be used to implement rapid quantum logic gates, while collective metastable states of the atoms can be employed for long-term storage and optical read-out of quantum information.