2ND National Efl, Elt and Ele Usta Tunja Congress: Teaching Challenges and Ict Use in Languages Classes (original) (raw)
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The main theme of the 50th ASOCOPI Conference held in 2015, was an opportunity to celebrate not only its accomplishments, but also to reflect on the situation of the English as a foreign language teaching and learning process in Colombia. The purpose of this article is to share with the readers the results of a study entitled “The History of Teaching English in Colombian High Schools: 1962-1994.” The report is based on a documentary analysis and on testimonies of key informants about such topics as: teaching planning, objectives, syllabi, methods, and materials, and their impact on the history of teaching English as a foreign language. Conclusions will be drawn at the end of the article.
Enletawa Journal
English as a lingua franca is a phenomenon that has been gaining importance in the last few years. In the international scenario, scholarly literature has already explored the possible benefits of incorporating ELF in the ELT field. In Colombia, however, the empirical and conceptual studies on this area are scarce. Keeping this in mind, this reflective article discusses the possibility of progressively incorporating ELF in the Colombian ELT. In the first place, what ELF is, is analyzed, and this and other terms that have been used to refer to this linguistic phenomenon are differentiated. Second, some of the areas that need to take into consideration (materials design, assessment practices, to mention a few) are presented if we want to integrate ELF in Colombian ELT. Finally, some conclusions are presented, as well as potential research scenarios regarding ELF
Analysis of teaching resources used in EFL classes in selected Ecuadorian universities
This study looks at how Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is implemented in Ecuadorian universities through analysis of teaching resources that teachers use in classes. A survey was conducted through the administration of a questionnaire. A total of 65 teachers responded to the survey. The results indicated that in developing productive skills, group-oriented activities such as pair-and-share scheme and role-plays are frequently conducted, and the use of worksheets, translator applications and audio materials were often used in developing students" receptive skills. Teachers did not often use resources on pronunciation activities, direction-oriented tasks and translation using Spanish. Analysis of frequently used resources showed that teachers tried to develop students" communicative competence, one of the core principles of CLT, however, most of these resources were not teacher-made but support materials of textbooks produced by publishing houses abroad. Too much dependence on these resources influences teacher interaction with students and also diminishes the role of the teacher as the frontline source of language use especially in listening and speaking when audio materials and worksheets replace the teachers" voice. Indeed, the selection of a teaching resource is as crucial as the method employed in CLT implementation in EFL classroom.
Language considerations in teaching English Content Based courses in the Colombian context
Educacion Y Educadores, 2004
El artículo presenta algunas reflexiones sobre la enseñanza de núcleos temáticos del currículo en inglés (English Content Based Courses), dentro del concepto de "inglés del mundo", el cual se refiere al uso del inglés con propósitos específicos, principalmente en el ámbito académico por personas que no son hablantes nativos del mismo, o al inglés que se utiliza en la academia a través del mundo, cuyos usuarios son principalmente hablantes de lenguas diferentes al inglés. La Universidad de La Sabana ha formado parte de la comunidad del "inglés del mundo", al incluir en los currículos de sus programas estos cursos. Además, el artículo contempla las inquietudes más frecuentes por parte de los estudiantes universitarios que toman estos cursos, con relación al acento del profesor, a su interés en utilizar la lengua inglesa en su proceso de formación, a las razones por las cuales se utilizan textos en inglés auténticos, y presenta algunas claves y estrategias para hacer que los cursos en "inglés del mundo" sean interesantes para profesores, instructores y estudiantes involucrados con este tema de gran actualidad. A ABSTRA BSTRACT CT This article provides some insights into teaching English Content Based Courses within the realm of "World English" or English used throughout the world, whose users are largely non-native speakers in the academic world. Universidad de La Sabana, has been part of the "World English" community as it has been teaching English Content Based Courses (Course work in English.) This article provides answers to questions which are frequently asked by students who are in courses which use "World English" at the university level. Questions regarding the relevance of the teacher's accent, students desire to use the English language, reasons for texts in English, how to make a course in English interesting are addressed in the paper along with strategies for teachers, instructors and students in courses that are English Content Based.
Challenges in English Teaching and Learning in Colombia
English Language Teaching
This article presents a reflection on the educational scenario that permeates the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) in its political, methodological, didactic, curricular and investigative dimensions. A description of the current English reading comprehension level in the national context is presented. On the other hand, from a transformative conception in which educational practices must be developed, different elements aiming to the development of formative practices are explored. This is achieved, with the active participation of all the subjects that participate in the educational process by conducting research, which plays a fundamental role that contributes to achieve the emancipation of human beings and the transformation of the environment where they live. Furthermore, this article invites readers to think about and transform the pedagogical practices that are around the teaching of English as a foreign language in Colombia, Latin America and the whole world. T...
This text aims at reporting a sociocultural vision of English as a foreign language in Colombia context. Through this paper we can see how some programs and projects from the government are looking for improve the acquisition and use of EFL to get more competitiveness citizens. A big challenge in a country where no at all has the same conditions to acquire a foreign language and to use it effectively. Teachers and students come from different context, but in any way they put in contact which each other and acquire knowledge activating their ZPD. In this way a theoretical review of sociocultural theory and about what is the future of English and the government policies around teaching English leads to analyze how to achieve the government's goal for the next years. Keywords: ELT, EFL, environment, Colombia government policies, global language.
English Language Teaching in Colombia: A Necessary Paradigm Shift
Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras, 2018
In a first step, this article presents a reflection on the current state of the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Colombia. Analysing teachers’ certification and teacher training, methodologies, language policies, and materials used, the text discusses how these processes essentially rely on technology importation. In a second step, the article introduces the sociocritical approach (SA), a recent development in Foreign Language Teaching which would contribute to the aforementioned issue since SA implies a shift in current policies from a private to a public orientation, from a top-down to a bottom-up approach in order to implement a context-based and adapted English Language Teaching (ELT) in Colombia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- En primera instancia, este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el estado de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en Colombia. A través del análisis de las certificaciones y formaciones de docentes, las metodologías, las políticas lingüísticas y los materiales usados, el texto discute cómo estos procesos dependen esencialmente de importaciones tecnológicas. En segundo lugar, el artículo presenta el abordaje socio-crítico, un desarrollo reciente en el área de lenguas extranjeras que podría resolver el problema de las importaciones tecnológicas dado que este abordaje implica cambiar las políticas actuales de una orientación privada a pública, de un enfoque “arriba-abajo” a “abajo-arriba” para implementar un abordaje del Inglés como lengua extranjera basado en el contexto local colombiano.