Service Quality Its Influence on Customer Loyalty Go-Jek in Denpasar City (original) (raw)

The Effect of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction toward the Loyality of Customer


This research aims to identify and analyze the effect of service quality and satisfaction variables on customer loyalty. The method of data collection in this research is using the survey method with questionnaires. The population in this research is the customers of Indosat Unlimited in Depok. Based on the results of the analysis, it indicates that the service quality significantly influences customer loyalty, shown by the t significant value of 0.000 smaller than α 0.05 with the regression coefficient of 2.537. Service quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty indicated by the t significant value of 0.000 less than α =0.05. Service quality and satisfaction significantly influence the customer loyalty shown by F significant value of 0.000 smaller than α=0.05 and are able to contribute to the customer loyalty variables of 0.504 or 51.7%. The remaining 48.3% is influenced by other variables that are not examined in this research.

The impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

To be successful, organization must look into the needs and wants of their customers. That is why many researchers and academicians have continuously emphasized on the importance of service for customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study was aimed to examine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study was conducted by considering the five dimension of service quality, i.e. tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy and it was found that the combined effect of these factors influences customer satisfaction and loyalty. The five variables collectively as a service quality factors prove a synergic effect and increase the overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research outcome was revealed that service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty and they are significantly correlated. The study was placed in three randomly selected branches (Sillassie, Arat Kilo, and St. Marry Branches) out of four hundred an...

The Effect of Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction\_Vol.7\_Issue.8\_Aug2020/Abstract\_IJRR0026.html, 2020

Customer loyalty is an important aspect of business that needs special attention so that business continuity is maintained. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and product quality on customer loyalty through scaffolding tenant customer satisfaction at PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. This research used quantitative method and type of research is descriptive quantitative. The object of this research is the customers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. Populations were consumers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan totalling 106 consumers, using incidental sampling techniques. Service quality measurement uses a service quality questionnaire, product quality measurement uses a product quality questionnaire, customer satisfaction measurement uses a customer satisfaction questionnaire, and customer loyalty measurement uses a customer loyalty questionnaire. This study uses path analysis to analyze quantitative data. This study revealed that service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction had a significant effect on customer loyalty, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction, and product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.

Analysis of Customer Loyalty through Total Quality Service, Customer Relationship Management and Customer Satisfaction By Feliks Anggia Binsar Kristian P., Hotman Panjaitan

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2014

This research talks about total quality service and customer relationship management effects toward customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty.Fast Food Restaurant KFC, always strive to continue to make improvement in total quality service, so that customer satisfaction can be maintained, which in turn will have an impact on customer satisfaction increase in customer loyalty. Being able to create customer loyalty is also necessary to have a good relationship, between the customer with the restaurant.The research population was all KFC fast food restaurant customers at Rungkut Surabaya, Indonesia. From the results of the testing of the model in this research, by using accidental sampling, analysis of structural equation models, and using Amos 20 software support, the 200 respondents, was able to explain the relationship between the total service quality, customer relationship management, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty KFC fast food restaurants Rungkut Surabaya Indonesia. The result shows that: total quality service have significant effect on customer satisfaction; total quality service have significant effect on customer loyalty; customer relationship management have significant effect on customer satisfaction; customer relationship management have significant effect on customer loyalty; customer satisfaction significantly effect customer loyalty. Keyword: Customer loyalty, Customer relationship, management, Customer satisfaction, Total service quality

Analysis of the Influence of Service Quality Factors, and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2022

This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality factors, service quality on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The study used primary data obtained directly from data sources collected specifically and directly related to the problem under study as many as 160 respondents The scale used using the Likert scale. In this research, the data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The data analysis method used is quantitative, namely validity test, reliability test, R square test, F square test, Q square test, Fit Model Test, VIF inner model, correlation analysis between dimensions, and hypothesis testing. The results show that Service Quality mediates to Customer Loyalty, Service Quality mediates to Customer Loyalty, Service Quality mediates to Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality mediates to Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction mediates to Customer Loyalty. Service quality is the variable that has the greatest influence on customer loyalty at PT Bhum Mulia Prima (RCL Group).


With around 70 million people of middle class income in Indonesia and the passion to travel which is also increasing year by year up to 9 million, PT Santafi Travel should have taken advantage in expanding the travel business,but instead they are declining. Lack of customer loyalty which is the result of lack satisfaction might be one of the reasons. Hence, this research aim is to examine the effect of retail service quality scale (RSQS) and customer satisfaction on loyalty. RSQS was developed by Dhabolkar expanding SERVQUAL by PARASURAMAN which he found not suit for retail business. Quantitative approach was used with 250 samples. Validity test with factor analysis came out to be valid and reliability test with Cronbach's alpha came out ranging from 0.6 to 0.65. As for the Multiple Regression, data were adequate to proceed since they passed the classical assumptions model. From the coefficient of determination dependent variables can explain about 23.7% of the variation in dependent variable. Partially, each independent variable (RSQS) influences Customer Loyalty. Reliability has the highest influence towards Customer Loyalty, followed by Personal Interaction, Problem Solving, and Physical Aspects.

Quality of Service, Satisfaction and The Effect towards Customer Loyalty


The purpose of the research is to analyze and identify the effect of the service quality and satisfaction variables toward customer loyalty. the data collection method used in this researchi uses the survey method with questionnaires. This research population is the customers of Indosat Unlimited in Depok. From the results of the analysis, it shows that the service quality significantly influences the customer loyalty, proven by the t significant value of 0.000 smaller that α 0.05 with the coefficient of 2.537. Quality of service has a significant effect on the customer loyalty ishown by the t significant value 0.000 less than 0.05. service quality and satisfaction significantly influence the customer loyalty shown by F value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05 and are able contribute to the customer loyalty variables of 0.504 or 51.7%. the remaining 48.3% is influenced by other variables that are not analized in this research.

Service Quality as a Predictor of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty


Background: Service quality, customer satisfaction and custome r loyalty have received a special attention in the recent health sector literature. T he aim of this study was to examine the correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction as well as the co rrelation between service quality and customer loya lty. Methods: The self-report questionnaires gathered from patie nts at army medical centres in West Malaysia were u sed for this purpose. Results: The outcomes of SmartPLS path model analysis showe d that service quality dimensions, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were significantly correlated with customer satisfa ction and customer loyalty. Conclusions: This finding confirms that the capability of servic e providers to appropriately implement the quality dimensions in providing medical services has enhanc ed customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in th e organizational

The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Consumer Loyalty in Using Go-Jek Services


This study aims to analyze how the influence of service quality and price on consumer loyalty in using Go-Jek services (Study on consumers in Medan City using the Go-Jek application). The effect of the related variables, namely service quality and price, will be carried out partially and simultaneously on increasing consumer loyalty. This research uses quantitative research with an associative approach. Sampling using purposive sampling technique using 100 respondents as the research sample. Primary data in this study was obtained from distributing questionnaires through google form, and secondary data obtained through literature study. The analytical method used is validity test, classical assumption test, reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the service quality variable (X1) and the price variable (X2) partially had a significant effect on consumer loyalty (Y). Based on the coefficient of determination test, the R2 v...

Service Quality as Determinant of Customer Loyalty

International Journal of Business and Innovation, 2014

Retaining customers and creating loyal customers is vital for business continuity as a means of sustenance in the competitive telecommunication market. Employees that execute distinctive service encounters are responsible for creating valuable customer experience in the service industry, a sign of differentiation over its rivals. This study uses the SERVQUAL model to measure the level of performance delivered by Telekom Malaysia (TM) employees in influencing customer loyalty towards TM products and services. Evidence from the findings revealed that reliability and empathy are significantly positive in influencing customer loyalty.