Determination Of Some Engineering, Pomological And Chemical Parameters Of The Wild Tomato (Solanum peruvianum and Solanum huaylasense) Genotypes To Be Used In Breeding Programs (original) (raw)
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African Journal of Plant Science, 2014
Field trials and laboratory experiments were conducted on six advanced breeding lines of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) between 2004 and 2006 to genetically assess the organoleptic properties of the tomato lines, determine the relationships among tomato traits using correlation analysis and to estimate the fruit yield potential of the tomato lines. The trial was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replicates. Planting was done on four-row plots of 8 x 5 m using intra row spacing of 60 x 50 cm to obtain a plant population of 33,333 per ha. The results show that agronomic traits such as plant height, fruit weight and fruit yield differed significantly from one line to another, while significant differences exist in their organoleptic properties such as percentage titratable acid, organic acids, sugars and dry matter contents. Fruit yield ranged from 11.0 Mg/ha (CLN 1462B) to 30.0 Mg/ha (Manuella). The highest correlation coefficient (r=0.99) was found in the r...
Evaluation of physico-chemical characterization of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) germplasm
Eleven tomato germplasm (Cherry tomato, Rio Grande, Gala, Kalam, Red Star, Roma VF, Taj, Peshawar Local, Bambino, Roma and Roma King) of edible tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were investigated at The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2017. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate and select tomato germplasm, which could be grown for raw material production and future breeding, taking into account their nutrition composition. The statistically analyzed data indicated that tomato germplasm were highly significant (P ≥ 0.01) in physical and chemical contributing parameters. Physical and chemical data of different tomato fruits at harvesting stage indicated that maximum fruit weight (81.3g) and highest Ascorbic acid content (14.64 mg 100 g-1) was found in tomato cv. Gala. Maximum fruit firmness (2.07) was observed in variety Roma. Maximum percent juice content (91.8 %) were taken by tomato germplasmKalam. Maximum Total Soluble Solid (TSS) (4.8) was measured in tomato germplasm Bambino, whereas maximum (0.37%) acidity was measured in cv. Rio Grande. Maximum (4.63) fruit pH was recorded in germplasm Roma King, which statistically at par with fruit pH (4.56) observed in tomato variety Bambino. It was established that according to above results the tomato cv. Gala and Rio Grande performed best in physical and chemical contributing parameters for quality attributes. These tomatoes cultivars can be grown for raw material production and may be used in future breeding.
Acta Agronómica
La industria de procesamiento de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) requiere cultivares con producción y calidad superiores, además de resistencia a plagas, para que los productores prefieran sembrar estos cultivares. La presente investigación se efectuó con el objetivo de evaluar 112 materiales en relación a parámetros de producción y calidad, provenientes de los siguientes proveedores: Orsetti Seed, Heiz Seed, Ohio University, United Genetic y Harrys Moran. El experimento se realizó en la Estación Experimental Portoviejo del INIAP. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon metodología de análisis de componentes principales para la agrupación de 112 cultivares basados en parámetros de producción como: rendimiento (t.ha-1), peso promedio de fruto (g), número de frutos por plantas, número de frutos defectuosos; y además los parámetros de calidad son: grados brix, pH y acidez. Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis de varianza y pruebas de Tukey para establecer diferencias estadístic...
Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2012
Glogovac S et al. of high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Pursuit of achieving the highest possible yields with higher fruit firmness led to a deterioration of fruit quality. Breeding strategies are not only focused on the yield enhancement and disease resistance any more, but also on the improvement of fruit quality, due to the recent medical research on tomato effects on human health. Taking into account very narrow genetic base of the most widely grown cultivars, significance of divergent initial material in breeding programs is remarkable. There is much more diversity in old cultivars (heirloom tomatoes), wild forms and local populations, and therefore they represent significant source of desirable genes. Authors Takač et al. (2005) emphasize the importance of these local populations because of their good adaptability and fruit quality. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia contributes to the preservation, original scientific paper / originalni naučni članak
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2021
Ten edible tomato genotypes and their hybrids were investigated with one check variety in 2018-2019. Fruit quality parameters like vitamin C, total soluble solids, lycopene and titrable acidity were evaluated. Among parents, Arka Meghali was recorded highest mean value for vitamin C (20 mg/100g). PKM 1 was recorded high mean value for TSS (5.83 0 Brix). Akshaya was recorded high mean value for Lycopene (20.18 mg/100g). Lowest mean value for titratable acidity was recorded by Anagha (0.17%). Among the hybrids, L1T1, L1T2, L1T3, L2T3, L4T1, L4T3, L6T2, L7T1, L7T2 and L7T3 were recorded high mean value for Vitamin C (16 mg/100g). L5T2 and L7T2 were recorded high mean value for Total soluble solids (5.50 0 Brix). Highest mean value for Lycopene was recorded by L7T2 (23.92 mg/100g). L1T3 was recorded lowest mean value for titratable acidity (0.17%). Therefore, choosing these genotypes and hybrids will enhance the flexibility of farmers and traders to when and where to market their fresh tomatoes in order to make maximum profit.
Improvement of hybrids and cultivars for the heterosis breeding and high production needs recognition of good specific and general combiners. To estimate The GCA, SCA, heterosis, potence ratio and correlation coefficient for earliness, production and other traits in were estimated in 28 F1 hybrids produced from 8 lines tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The line C.JPS3 was a good general combiner for earliness and the highest positive values of GCA effects were in the parent S.2274 for branch length and production per plant, K.2274 for length and diameter of fruit, C.JPS3 for SPAD index, P for weight of single fruit and A13012 for biomass. The best combination for number of leaves to first inflorescence, number of days to turning, production per plant and biomass were C20 × C.JPS3, C20 × S.L, P × H.1370 and A13012 × H.1370, respectively. The parental line S.L. produced the highest mean values for weight of single fruit and biomass and the parental line H.1370 had the highest mean val...
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is called 'the poor man's orange' due to its low price and improved nutritional values. An experiment was conducted to study the breeding potential of some exotic tomato lines by assessing various qualitative and quantitative traits conferring yield and quality attributes. Among the qualitative traits, greater variability was observed for growth type, stem hairiness, and fruit shape and size. A determinate growth habit was observed in the genotype AVTO9802 while the genotype AVTO0102 produced yellow color fruits. A significant (p ≤ 0.01) variation was also observed for the studied quantitative traits. Based on yield and traits attributed to yield, the genotypes AVTO0314, GPB0107, GPB0120 and AVTO9802 were selected as promising genotypes. The differences between the genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation (GCV and PCV) of the studied quantitative traits were very low. This suggests that the apparent variation was mainly due to the genotypes. The higher GCV and PCV values were observed for the number of primary branches plant −1 (NPB), number of fruits cluster −1 (NFC), individual fruit weight (IFW) and total soluble solids (TSS). High heritability was recorded for all quantitative traits in a broad sense. However, the individual fruit diameter showed the highest heritability (99.56). The highest (102.75) genetic advance (GA) was observed for the number of fruits plant −1 (NFP). High heritability coupled with high GA as percentage of mean were recorded for the traits NFP, NFC, fruit yield plant −1 (FYP) and IFW. FYP showed a significant positive correlation with NFC (0.714***) and a negative correlation with days to the first harvest (−0.539***) and plant height (−0.492**). Principal component analysis revealed that the first four components explained 78.5% of the total variation among the genotypes. Thus, the promising genotypes (AVTO0314, GPB0107, GPB0120, AVTO9802 and AVTO0102) isolated from this study can be used for developing high-yielding and high-quality tomato varieties.
(249) Evaluation of Five Genotypes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Greenhouse
The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), is native to South America. It occupies the second place in worldwide vegetable consumption. Because of this, the evaluation of tomato varieties for the fresh consumption is important. The Mexican production is 1,908,607 tons of fresh product (SAGARPA, 2004). In the state of Colima, production has a mean efficiency of 18.13 t·ha-1 (INEGI, 2000). The following genotypes were evaluated `Peralta', `Montijo', Pavia', `Grande River', and `Yaqui' (control). A randomized experimental block was used, with five treatments and four repetitions. The obtained results indicate that `Yaqui' (control) had the better yield of fresh fruit, with 37.5 t·ha-1, followed by `Peralta' (27.2t·ha-1), and `Montijo' (12.6 t·ha-1), respectively. The height of plant in…