Серегин Н.Н. и др. Элементы поясов населения Северного Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам некрополя Чобурак-I) / Seregin N. et al. Elements of the belts of the Northern Altai population in the Rouran period (original) (raw)

Серегин и др. Костяные (роговые) детали плетей в предметном комплексе населения Алтая жужанского времени / Seregin N. et al. BONE (ANTLER) DETAILS OF WHIPS IN THE ARTIFACT COMPLEX OF THE ALTAI POPULATION OF THE ROURAN PERIOD

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Костяные (роговые) детали плетей в предметном комплексе населения Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам некрополя Чобурак-I) // Археология евразийских степей. 2023. №3. С. 257–267. , 2023

The article presents the results of the study of one of the rather rare groups of findings – bone (antler) parts of whips, revealed during the excavations of the objects of the Rouran period necropolis on the Choburak-I burial site. This complex, studied by the Altai State University expedition, is located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The details of the whips, that make up the most numerous series of such items from the published objects of the Bulan-Koby culture, come from the burials of four men and one teenager (barrows 29a, 30a, 31, 32, 38). The morphological analysis of the finds, their classification and comparison with materials from the sites of North and Central Asia of the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages made it possible to determine the functional characteristics of the objects, among which parts of handles and ends of whips, as well as knobs (end-pieces) of crops were identified. The chronology of different types of items within the first half of the I millennium AD has been specified. It was found that crops with knobs (end-pieces) in the form of massive tubes were material culture indicative elements of the Altai nomads in the second half of the IV – the first half of the V centuries AD. The thesis that whips were a stable marker of the burial set of the male population of the region under consideration in the Great Migration period is confirmed.

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Новые материалы жужанского времени из Северного Алтая / Seregin et al. NEW MATERIALS OF ROURAN PERIOD FROM NORTHERN ALTAI

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Новые материалы жужанского времени из Северного Алтая // Уфимский археологический вестник. 2023. №1. С. 63–75. , 2023

The article covers how the materials discovered by excavations in Kurgan No. 32 of Choburak-1 complex are introduced in scientific use and how they are interpreted from the cultural, chronological and so- cial point of view. This monument includes items of various chronological periods and lays on the right bank of the Katun River, Chemalsky District, the Republic of Altai. The monument is explored by the archaeological expedition of the Altai State University. The above-ground structure of Kurgan No. 32 is a small oval bulk of soil fringed with a crepidoma. A shallow grave is discovered with an intact human body buried face-up with the head pointed North-West. The person is buried with a horse at the foot. The body is surrounded with multiple items discovered by excavations. There are various types of weapon, equipment items, tools and horse harness pieces. The research finds above-ground and underground structures. The ritualistic evidence indicates that the find belongs to the Dyalyan burial tradition born by the Bulan-Koby culture people. The found items are ana- lysed to establish the latest ones (trigonal armor-piercing arrow heads, iron parts of a combat knife scabbard, belt buckle clamps, girth buckle with a movable swivel prong, saddle edges). Besides, radiocarbon dating al- lows to date the burial back to the middle – second half of 4 century AD. The list of the items found beside the body (in particular, infighting bladed weapon and equipment) shows that this particular person used to have a high social status when still alive. Even though he was inferior to professional warriors buried in Choburak-1 necropolis.

Серегин и др. Начало исследований некрополя сяньбийско-жужанского времени на комплексе Чобурак-I (Северный Алтай) // Seregin and others. Beginning of studies of the Xianbei-Rouran period necropolis in Northern Altai

The article publishes materials obtained during the excavation of the burial mound №29 of the Choburak-I funeral-ritual complex (Chemal district of the Altai Republic). The authors present a detailed description of the discovered accompanying inventory, as well as a fixed burial rite. The main marker for determining the cultural and chronological belonging of the excavated object is the accompanying inventory, which, in spite of the scarcity, seems quite informative. It is established that this object can be dated within the boundary of III–IV – V centuries AD and attributed to the end of the Belo-Bom –Verkh-Uymon stage in the development of the Bulan-Coby archaeological culture. Further excavations of the necropolis will make it possible to clarify the conclusions made, as well as expand existing ideas about the specifics of this complex. Key words: Northern Altai, Choburak-I, Xianbei-Rouran period, mound, accompanying inventory, burial rite, Bulan-Cuby culture.

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Комплекс вооружения кочевников Северного Алтая жужанского времени / Seregin N. et al. The weapon complex of the nomads of the Northern Altai at Rouran period

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Комплекс вооружения кочевников Северного Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам памятника Чобурак-I) // Археология Казахстана. 2024. No 3 (25). С. 57–73., 2024

The article presents the results of the study of weapons found during excavations of the burials of the necropolis of the Rouran period at the site of Choburak-I. This muti-temporal complex, explored by the expedition of the Altai State University, is located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The analyzed series of products, found in the undisturbed burials of seven men, one teenager and a child, includes eight composite bows, 48 iron arrowheads, three swords, six combat knives and one armor plate. It has been established that this set of military equipment of nomads was focused on effective confrontation with a well-protected enemy and corresponded to medium cavalry and, possibly, heavily armed infantry. The armament complex was dominated quantitatively by items characteristic of the second quarter of the 1st millennium AD, and at the same iteme there were specimens that became widespread in Altai no earlier than the middle of the 4th century AD. In terms of their diversity and level of development, the studied set of objects was not inferior to the military arsenals of the Xianbei, as well as other groups of the population of Central and North Asia in the pre-Turkic period.

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Редкие категории предметного комплекса из объектов жужанского времени некрополя Чобурак-I (Северный Алтай) / Seregin N. et al. Rare Categories of Finds from Objects of the Rouran Period on the Choburak-I Necropolis (Northern Altai)

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Редкие категории предметного комплекса из объектов жужанского времени некрополя Чобурак-I (Северный Алтай) // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул: Изд-во Алт. ун-та, 2023. Вып. XXIX. C. 218–225., 2023

The article presents a characteristic of a series of items discovered during excavations of the Rouran period necropolis at the Choburak-I burial ground. This multi- temporal site, located in Northern Altai, was studied by the expedition of Altai State University. As part of the numerous inventory of 12 undisturbed burials, the finds are distinguished that are rare for the subject complex of the population of the Bulan-Koby culture. These include an iron cauldron, a collection of items made of bone and horn (a comb, an arrowhead, a cosmetic brush, claps, fasteners for elements of horse equipment), as well as stone whorls. It has been established that these finds demonstrate the original characteristics of the material culture of the nomads of the Northern Altai in the Rouran period. Some finds at the same time testify to the influence of the traditions of the “Bulan-Kobins” on the formation of the appearance of some functional sets of the early Turks (the second half of the 5th–7th centuries AD).

Серегин и др. Новые материалы для изучения оружия дальнего боя у населения северного Алтая в жужанское время / Seregin et al. New Materials for the Study of Long- Range Battle Weapons of the Population of the Northern Altai in Rouran Time

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Новые материалы для изучения оружия дальнего боя у населения северного Алтая в жужанское время // Теория и практика археологических исследований. 2020. №3. С. 99–118. , 2020

The article publishes a collection of iron arrowheads from the Choburak-I necropolis of the Bulan-Koby culture (the Chemal district of the Altai Republic), the research of which was conducted by the expedition of Altai State University in 2017–2019. As a result of the classification of 45 products, represented by complete and partially destroyed samples, 13 types of arrowheads were identified, supplemented by 23 options. A typological study made it possible to determine the relative chronology of various modifications of the intruders and their possible genesis. Among the longline tips there are samples of the Xiungnu tradition of the 2nd – 5th centuries AD (types 1a, 2a, 4a–b) and the South Siberian tradition of the 3rd – 5th centuries AD (types 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c). Three-bladed arrowheads date from different times: hexagonal without emphasis (type 8a) – the 2nd century BC – the 5th century AD; asymmetric rhombic and rhombic without emphasis (types 6a, 7a) – the 2nd – the 5th centuries AD; asymmetric rhombic, rhombic, hexagonal with an annular emphasis (types 6b, 7b, 8b) – the 3rd –the 5th centuries AD. Trihedral-three-lobed tips of type 10a are the result of a combination of local and Central Asian (Kenkol) military traditions. Armor-piercing tips (types 11a–b, 12a–b, 13a) demonstrate the familiarity of the population of the Northern Altai with advanced means of defeating protective armor, which was widely used in Central Asia from the 2nd half of the 4th century AD influenced by the late Xianbi weapons complex. Published materials expand the source base for a comparative study of the long-range battle weapons of the peoples of eastern Eurasia in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. Key words: Altai, Rouran time, Bulan-Koby culture, iron arrowheads, classification, typology, chronology

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Седельные канты из раскопанных курганов Алтая жужанского времени / Seregin et al. SADDLE FACINGS FROM THE EXCAVATED MOUNDS OF ROURAN PERIOD IN ALTAI

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Седельные канты из раскопанных курганов Алтая жужанского времени // Народы и религии Евразии. 2021. №1 (26). С. 25–36., 2021

The article concerns a series of bone (horn) saddle facings discovered during excavations of archaeological complexes of Altai of the Roruan period (2nd half of the 4th — 1st half of the 5th centuries AD). This category of objects, as well as the saddles of nomads in the Asian region at the turn of antiquity and the Middle Ages, have been investigated rather fragmentarily, which is mainly explained by the state of the source base. Saddle facings were found in the burials of three necropolises of the Roruan period, belonging to the Bulan-Koby culture of Altai. The most numerous collection of such items was revealed during the excavations of the Choburak-I complex. The article provides a detailed description of these products, which represent the upper end edging of bow saddles. A significant similarity of the published elements of horse equipment with the finds from the sites of the early medieval Turks of the 2nd half of the 5th — early 8th centuries is noted. The question of the functions of saddle facings, taking into account the well-known fragmentation of the available materials, is still open. It seems possible to admit both a decorative and a utilitarian purpose of the products. Key words: Altai, Rouran period, horse equipment, saddle facing, archaeological complex, Bulan-Koby culture.

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Погребение жужанского времени из Северного Алтая / Seregin N. et al. Burial of the Rouran Time from North Altai

Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Погребение жужанского времени из Северного Алтая (по материалам могильника Чобурак-I) // Теория и практика археологических исследований. 2019. №4. С. 51–68.

The article is devoted to the publication of excavation materials of barrow No. 33 of the funeral-memorial site Choburak-I, located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The author presents a detailed characteristic of the research results, including a description of the recorded elements of the burial rite and the discovered accompanying equipment. It has been established that the analyzed complex demonstrates a number of burial practice indicators that distinguish the “Dyalyan” group of sites of the Bulan-Koby culture (a ground structure in the form of a small oval embankment; the deceased person is oriented with his head to the north-western sector of the horizon and ccompanied by a horse laid “at the feet” of a person; simple grave pit; chamber in the form of a deck). The study of the surviving subject complex provides grounds for attributing burial mound No. 33 of the Choburak-I site to the 4th – beginning of the 5th centuries AD. This relative chronology of the object is confirmed by the results of radiocarbon analysis of bone material samples. The belonging of the burial to the end of the Belo-Bom stage or to the begining of the Verkh-Uymon stage of the Bulan-Koby culture will be clarified in the process of studying the archaeological age of other objects of the necropolis belonging to the era of the Great Migration period. Key words: Altai, Bulan-Koby culture, Choburak-I, burial, Rouran time, funeral rite, subject complex, chronology.

Серегин Н.Н., Матренин С.С. Монголия в жужанское время: основные аспекты интерпретации археологических материалов / Seregin N., Matrenin S. Mongolia in Rouran period

Серегин Н.Н., Матренин С.С. Монголия в жужанское время: основные аспекты интерпретации археологических материалов // Поволжская археология. 2020. №4 (34). С. 36–49. , 2020

The paper concerns the materials of Rouran time obtained during excavations in the territory of Mongolia. The authors present a review of the history of research and interpretation of the sites of the second half of the 4th – the first half of the 6th centuries located in different parts of the country. The characteristic of the accompanying inventory from the complexes of the Rouran time is concerned and the dating for each object is proposed. The authors establish that wide analogies to finds from the burials of Mongolia are found in the sites of the Altai-Sayan region and Transbaikalia, as well as in the Syanbi and Kogure complexes of East Asia. In addition, western connections are clearly distinguished, apparently demonstrating the processes of the Great Migration period. The funeral rite recorded during the study of objects of the Rouran time is characterized by a high degree of variability of indicators. In general, the available materials reflect the existence of a heterogeneous society, which included various groups of the population, for a short time united in the Rouran kaganate. Keywords: archaeological sites, Rouran time, Mongolia, funeral rite, inventory, chronology, interpretation.


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