61 Anos de Museu Monográfico de Conimbriga - Museu Nacional: um caso de estudo para a museologia portuguesa (original) (raw)

2023, Al-Madan, Arqueologia, Património, História Local. Dossier: musealizar e expor sítio arqueológicos, n.º 26, 2ª série, novembro 2023, p. 83-91. Centro de Arqueologia de Almada.

The historiography of the Conimbriga Monographic Museum, created in 1962 and later classified as National Museum, follows closely the methodological evolution of Portuguese archaeological research and museology. During those 61 years, scientific knowledge and international recognition led to the development of a special cultural syncretism between the museum and the territory, where both are essential to each other’s identity and that of the whole. This unified background provides the context for this reflection about the Museum’s mission, which has been renovated through the contribution of different generations. The author also projects the future and the museology of the archaeological site that gave origin to the museum which, in turn, safekeeps an archaeological field in progress. Key words: Site Musealisation; Museology; Archaeology; Conservation; Conimbriga.