Social network sites usage habits of undergraduate students: case study of Facebook (original) (raw)
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Facebook is using by students in great extent. They are using this social networking for various purposes. This study is based on usage of Facebook by the students for various purposes. This study is done on students of Central University of Jharkhand. Total 100 students were selected as sample for this study. Half students were selected from graduation level and other half students were selected from post-graduation level. 50 girl students and 50 boy students were selected for this research. University students use Facebook for chatting with friends and relatives. They use this website to make new friends and search old friends. They use this social networking website to get information and news. University students use this website to share their views on current issues. They use this website to get beauty tips also. But they don't use this website for group chatting, sharing videos, audios, funny videos. They don't use this website to comment on social and political issues
West East Institute International European Academic Conference Proceedings, 2012
In this paper I investigate the way in which first year students in the Department of Media, Information and Communication at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, use Facebook. I provide an overview of recent studies on Facebook usage and present the results of a survey (in the form of an online questionnaire) on the Facebook activities of 618 students (78.6 % of all first year students) in this department. Previous studies identified four major Facebook activities: 1) information sharing (receiving/providing information and generating ideas), 2) sharing for educational purposes (for learning, problem solving and sharing work), 3) social purposes (retrieving personal information about others or themselves, chatting, making appointments and generally keeping in touch) and 4) leisure (gaming and relaxing). The questionnaire's answers were grouped accordingly and then compared, to provide a better understanding of how students use Facebook. In addition, a range of variables were measured in the survey, in order to map student characteristics such as gender, age, place of birth, living arrangements and the socioeconomic status of their parents. Those variables were compared with the Facebook activities using PAWS Statistics 18.0 (formally SPSS) to determine any correlation.
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science , 2021
The recent COVID-19 pandemic brought a lot of changes globally particularly in education sector.With this, teachers used different platforms to serve as an avenue for teaching –learning and one of which is the use of Facebook. This study utilizeddescriptive quantitative research. A total of210 student –respondents answered the questionnaire, which wasadapted and modified from Nguyen (2017). Frequency, mean and t-test wereused to analyze the generateddata.Results revealed thatmajority of the students used smartphone as a device to access Facebookandthey were connected with their friends and teachers. They used Facebook daily and spend 1 to 6 hours per week. In addition, Facebook wasbeing used as learning platform. Most students used Facebook to get informationand to communicate with their classmatesabout school-related topics. When dataon actual usage of Facebookwere grouped according to gender, significant differenceexists, while, there was no significant differencewhen the datawere grouped according to track. The common issues encountered by the students were poor internet connectivity, verification of education-related resources and easily distractedby other Facebook contents. When data were grouped according to gender and track, results revealed that therewereno significant difference.
ABSTRAKT Internetové sociální sítě (Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, …) se staly skutečně významným jevem mezilidské komunikace a mají výrazný vliv na to, jakým způsobem mezi sebou lidé udržují spojení. V současnosti užívají sociální sítě milióny mladých lidí. Mezi nejaktivnější uživatele patří mládež ve věku 13-19 let. Z recentních studií vyplývá, že mládež tráví značnou část dne interakcemi na sociálních médiích a je třeba hledat fundované odpovědi na palčivou otázku vlivu sociálních sítí na vývoj mladých lidí. Jen málo je známo o základních údajích -v jaké míře, proč a jak mládež tyto sítě využívá. V rámci této studie se 561 univerzitních studentů různých národností zúčastnilo průzkumu, který pomáhá osvětlit aktivity mladých lidí v těchto internetových komunitách. Naše zjištění naznačují, že aktivní působení na sociálních sítích je pro tuto novou generaci zcela typické a že Facebook je nejčastěji využíván k udržení kontaktu, udržení se ve středu dění. Dále byl zjištěn silný vztah mezi užíváním Facebooku a závislostí na udržení sociálního kapitálu.
Social Networking Experiences on Facebook: A Study on the Stude nts’ of Comilla University
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism, 2017
This study is to identify the students' experiences on the uses of their favourite social networking site like Facebook and its effect on their daily life. In this paper, a survey was conducted by ninety five (95) students' from the six faculties of the Comilla University are taken as samples. Data were collected by using a questionnaire during July to August 2016.Most of the respondents reported that a constructive effects of using social networking sites is evident in their daily life. This study significantly found that they used Facebook for communication with their friends and others, getting information, educational purpose, sending birthday greetings, job purpose and entertainment etc. This study also suggested that there is a need for higher education policy makers in Bangladesh to properly connect the students' involvement in social networking to their academic purposes.
The Students’ Perception of the Importance of Using Facebook for Academic Purposes
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
Facebook as the most popular social network, has found great application among students, who, in addition to entertainment and communication use it for the exchange of relevant information regarding their study. Considering Facebook is the most used social network among the student population, the aims of this research were to analyse the key factors that motivate students to use Facebook, identify reasons for using Facebook as well as the potential of its use for academic purposes. The basic research instrument is a structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted in September 2016 at the Belgrade Banking Academy for the purposes of this study. There were 159 participants-students from all years of primary and master studies. The results were analysed using the following methods: t-test, correlation coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. The obtained results show that students mostly use Facebook for social purposes. Regarding the use for educational purposes, Facebook is the most respected platform for exchange of materials and information from lectures, communication with colleagues and creating academic groups. In recent years, a growing popularity of social networks has been observed among students, a potential to become an important source of support for educational communications and cooperation with the faculty.
The effect of using Facebook on university student’s
Facebook is only an electronic communication between human but unfortunately it has become an addiction for all. This paper examines the usage of Facebook among university students and its influence in their academic performance. The impact of Facebook can either be good or bad on university students and in their academic activities. Even though a closer look on the real impact of Facebook reveals that it leads to several problems in university students’ academic performances. Today Facebook is somehow destroying the future and academic carrier of university students. At the same time also intended to find the significance of use of Facebook by University students in their academic success with the help of a survey conducted to collect the data among more than 40 students of PSTU University
Originally, the Facebook network was meant for students ’ use on campus, but is it worthwhile for them? Facebook is a broad source of information for students, offering correspondence between students, providing files and information exchange, and allowing new acquaintances on campus. On the other hand, Facebook includes a variety of distractions, such as uploading pictures, view-ing profiles, videos, and photos of friends, chatting with friends, and playing, which lead to pro-crastination and injures the learning process. The present study was conducted in order to exam-ine the influence of Facebook on the students ’ learning process in undergraduate demanding fac-ulties, such as engineering. In particular, it was aimed at identifying various costs and benefits associated with the students ’ use of Facebook and investigating the impact of the col-leges/schools ’ Facebook pages on the students ’ use of Facebook for learning purposes. A ques-tionnaire was filled in by undergraduate s...