Hardiness Pada ,Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja (original) (raw)
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Academic Hardiness pada Mahasiswa Aktivis dan Mahasiswa yang Bekerja
Psyche 165 Journal
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the differences in academic hardiness levels seen from college student's activity while working and student who actively participate in an organization. The approach of this research is quantitative by using the T-test analysis technique, while sampling uses the purposive sampling technique. The subjects in this study were students who studying while working and actively participate in an organization in a total of 120 people. Measuring tools to collect data using a scale of academic hardiness. Scale academic hardiness consists of 45 items (with reliability = 0.898). Based on the data analysis performed, the value of t count
Hubungan Antara Hardiness Dengan Stres Akademik Pada Mahasiswa
Academic stress is stress that occurs when there are academic demands on a person who are considered beyond his ability to adjust. Hardiness is a personality style that can deal with stressful situations and under pressure, or another name for this hardiness is a tough and optimistic attitude. This study aims to examine the relationship between Hardiness and Academic Stress in Students. The population in this study amounted to 34,000 subjects with research subjects amounted to 380 subjects. Sampling was done by random sampling technique because all the population met the requirements to be research subjects. The instrument used is a hardiness scale based on Kobasa theory (with validity 0.92 to 1 and reliability 0.751) and an academic stress scale based on Busari theory (with validity0.92 to 1 and reliability 0.791) . Data analysis techniques were carried out by spearman rho analysis. The results showed that there is a negative relationship between hardiness and academic stress in st...
Happiness, Journal of Psychology and Islamic Science, 2022
Hardiness is a tough condition in oneself that is needed to overcome obstacles in oneself and also in the world of work in general, in the current condition of students there is a sense of anxiety, lack of confidence and difficulty in competing. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between hardiness and work readiness in Islamic Psychology students of IAIN Kediri class 2018. The subjects of this study were 97 students of Islamic Psychology IAIN Kediri class 2018. As for the sampling technique, the researchers used a non-probability technique, namely accidental sampling. Furthermore, for the processing of the data itself, the researcher uses the SPSS 20 for windows application by using non-parametric analysis methods with the Spearman Rho hypothesis test. Based on this research, the results obtained based on the results of the analysis of spearman rho obtained a score of 0.802 with a significance value of 0.000. This statement can be interpreted that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Then the correlation value is positive and has very strong criteria, which means that the relationship between hardiness and work readiness is 0.802 and has very strong criteria. If the student's hardiness is high, the student's work readiness will also be high and vice versa.
Coping Stress Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja
This study aimed to describe the coping strategies by working students. Respondents are 5 working students. Data collected by interview and observation methods. The results showed that of the five respondents note that the source of stress is difficult to manage time on doing their tasks, workloads and schedules collide, and not easy to get permission to attend the classes. At respondents 2 and 5, less family support while respondents 4, co-workers who do not support. Respondents 5, there are transportation constraints. The coping strategies that do fifth respondent is to be open to the closest associates and families, assertive to the boss, and try to look at the issues more positively. In the second respondent also doing hobbies with friends and did not procrastinate. On 3 respondents anticipated by ditching college and make it a priority. In the fourth respondent, trying to avoid problems with sleep, surrender to God, and to receive advice from others. While the respondent 5, gra...
Hubungan Hardiness dan Adaptabilitas Karir Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Counsellia: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Adulthood has an important role in a career. However, individuals often make mistakes in designing and making career choices. Determining and preparing for a career are usually experienced by final year students in college. In preparing for a career, individuals need to have career adaptability so that they are able to determine the career achieved, be confident about the career achieved, and be able to overcome obstacles in a career. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between hardiness and career adaptability in final year students. The type of research method used is quantitative with a correlational design. The participants involved in this study were 165 people spread throughout Indonesia. The measurement scale used is a hardiness scale and a career adaptability scale. The results based on the product moment-Pearson correlation test, r = 0.661 with sig. = 0.000 (p<0.01). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relat...
Gambaran Grit Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja
Jurnal Konseling Pendidikan Islam
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Grit akademik pada mahasiswa yang bekerja, adapaun jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan metode studi Fenomenologis untuk memahami pengalaman yang dialami individu dan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Untuk data peneliti menggunakan wawancara menggunakan 3 aspek yaitu: Tekad, ketahanan dan fokus. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian responden penelitian memiliki target dan cita-cita yang ingin dicapai untuk lulus tepat waktu serta terus berusaha menyelesaikan tanggung jawab di bidang akademik. Strategi yang diterapkan untuk dapat bertahan hingga lulus tepat waktu dengan cara mengorbankan waktu kerja untuk bisa menyelesaikan tugas, menyempatkan pengerjaan tugas di sela waktu kerja, dan melakukan lembur demi menyelesaikan tugas kuliah. Adapun faktor yang membuat subjek penelitian masih tetap fokus untuk meraih tujuan lulus tepat waktu, yaitu: dukungan orangtua, dan dukungan pendidik.
Hardiness, Penyesuaian Diri Dan Stres Pada Siswa Taruna
The research objective was to determine the role of hardiness and personal adjustment towards stress. The hypothesis is there is role of hardiness and personal adjustment towards stress. The population of the study was 237 cadets of POLTEKTRANSSDP Palembang. The researcher sample was 116 students and for try out was 60 students. This study used quota sampling technique. Hardiness, personal adjustment and stress was measured by the scale wich refers to the aspects of hardiness from Kobasa, Maddi, and Khan (1982), characteristics of personal adjustment from Schneiders (1960), and symptoms of stres from Hariharan and Rath (2008). The data was analyze using multiple resgression analysis. The result of hypothesis shows that hardiness and personal adjustment have a role to the stress, with p-value=0,000 (p<0,05) R= 0,750, R square= 0,563, F=72,730. Therefore the hypothesis are accepted.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hardiness dengan stres akademik pada mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sipil Universitas Diponegoro Angkatan 2017. Stres akademik didefinisikan sebagai stres yang bersumber dari proses belajar mengajar atau hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan belajar yang meliputi tekanan belajar, lama belajar, tugas yang banyak, hasil dari nilai ujian, menentukan karir ketika sudah lulus maupun kecemasan dalam ujian dan manajemen waktu. Hardiness merupakan pola dari sikap dan perilaku yang dimiliki individu untuk melawan stres dengan cara mengubah keadaan yang penuh dengan tekanan menjadi peluang pertumbuhan. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sipil Universitas Diponegoro Angkatan 2017 yang berjumlah 210 mahasiswa dengan sampel penelitian 118 mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Skala Hardiness (25 item, α= 0,903) dan Skala Stres Akademik (3...
Coping Strategi Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja
Prosiding Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Coping strategi mengupayakan individu untuk dapat mengendalikan keadaan yang penuh tekanan dengan berusaha untuk mencari jalan keluar atas masalah yang terjadi dan mencari penyebab utama untuk mengurangi stres yang timbul. Sumber stres yang berasal dari tekanan dunia perkuliahan maupun dunia kerja mengharuskan untuk individu melakukan coping. Coping yang efektif lah yang dapat membuat individu dapat menjalankan peran gandanya dengan lebih baik sebagai mahasiswa dan pekerja Oleh karena itu, artikel ini ingin menggambarkan bagaimana coping strategi yang dilakukan mahasiswa yang bekerja. Coping strategies strive for individuals to be able to control the stressful situation by trying to find a way out of the problems that occur and look for the main causes to reduce the stress that arises. The source of stress that comes from the pressure of the world of lectures and the world of work requires that individuals do coping. Effective coping can make individuals perform their dual roles bet...
Academic Hardiness dan Prokrastinasi pada Mahasiswa
Jurnal Psikologi
Prokrastinasi merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya.. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara academic hardiness dengan prokrastinasi pada mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan skala academic hardiness dan skala prokrastinasi. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 301 mahasiswa/i. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan product moment correlation oleh pearson. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar-0,177 dengan probabilitas (p) 0,001 (p≤0,01). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara academic hardiness dengan prokrastinasi pada mahasiswa/i. Artinya, semakin tinggi academic hardiness maka semakin rendah prokrastinasi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan sumbangan efektif academic hardiness terhadap prokrastinasi sebesar 3,1%.