Enactment of Legal Rules as a Link to Philosophy and Politics (original) (raw)
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Between Democracy and the Rule of Law
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie [Teka Commission of Legal Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Lublin], vol. 9, 84-99, 2016
This article discusses two basic concepts in scientific legal discourse the concept of democracy and the concept of the rule of law. Obviously, both concepts are inextricably linked to the concept of the state of law (legal state). The necessary condition for the rule of law is the existence of the legal order, but it should be emphasised that one may link the idea of the rule of law to either the theory of the separation of powers or the theory of the sovereignty of the people. The authors analy-sis concerns vertical and horizontal relationships between, in particular, the concept of the rule of law and the concept of the state and law. The author also considers the question of the binding force of legal norms. The thesis that the author makes is that, although there is a relationship between these concepts, one should also point out that both democracy without parliamentarianism and parliamen-tarianism without democracy are possible. Likewise, dictatorship does not essentially contradict democracy, which was emphasised especially by Jean- Jacques Rousseau, just like democracy does not necessarily rule out dictatorship.
The main thesis discussed in this article is that it seems reasonable to argue in favour of a strict and structural connection between philosophy and law, so that philosophy of law – interpreted as a metaphysical questioning on law – is a keycomponent of law and legal knowledge that is not possible to eliminate. This conclusion is reached by reflecting on philosophy, following the explanation given by Enrico Berti, who classifies it as kind of knowledge dialogical, allabsorbing and problematic in its nature, so to be, as Aristotle himself explains, transcendental and undeniable. This same feature is the one that is possible to attribute to dialogue and truth, that are really interrelated and connected with philosophy (and so with philosophy of law): for this reason, also a brief inquiry on the nature of truth, following the explanation given by Franca D’Agostini, is presented in the article, arguing for a realistic and Aristotelian conception of truth.
LAW AND PHILOSOPHY: Selected Papers in Legal Theory
Foreword [1994] 1–4 LAW AS PRACTICE QUELQUES QUESTIONS MÉTHODOLOGIQUES DE LA FORMATION DES CONCEPTS EN SCIENCES JURIDIQUES [1970] 7–33: 1. Introduction 7 / 2. La particularité de l’objet des sciences juridiques 8 / 3. La particularité de la méthodologie des sciences juridiques 10 / 4. La particularité de la formation des concepts en sciences juridiques: Quelques problèmes 15 [4.1. Le concept du droit 16 / 4.2. Le concept dogmatique du contenu du droit 21 / 4.3. Le concept de la normativité juridique 23 / 4.4. Le concept des lacunes en droit 24] / 5. La particularité de la formation des concepts en sciencesjuridiques: Quelques conclusions 26 / 6. La formation des concepts en sciences juridiques et la réalité: Conclusion finale 29 / 7. Annexe: Des bases d’une classification possible des définitions en sciences juridiques 31 // GELTUNG DES RECHTS – WIRKSAMKEIT DES RECHTS [1978] 35–42 // MACROSOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF LAW: A SURVEY AND APPRAISAL [1983] 43–76: I. Issues of the Macrosociological Theories of Law 46 / II. The Role of the Macrosociological Theories in the Social Science Foundation of Legal Thinking 63 // REFLECTIONS ON LAW AND ITS INNER MORALITY [1984] 77–89: 1. Law and Morals As Two Systems of Norms, and the Inner Morality of Law 77 / 2. Law As A Value Bearer and As A Mere External Indicator 78 / 3. The Inner and External Moral Credit of Legislator 83 / 4. The Inner Morality of Law 86 // THE LAW AND ITS LIMITS [1985] 91–96 LAW AS TECHNIQUE DOMAINE »EXTERNE« ET DOMAINE »INTERNE« EN DROIT [1983] 99–117: 1. Le »juridique« et le »non-juridique« 99 / 2. Domaine »externe« et domaine »interne« en tant que groupes de phénomènes 104 / 3. Domaine »externe« et domaine »interne« en tant que points de références 112 / 4. Conclusion 116 // DIE MINISTERIELLE BEGRÜNDUNG IN RECHTSPHILOSOPHISCHER SICHT [1977] 119–139: I. Die prinzipiellen und geschichtlichen Grundlagen der Herausforderung der ministeriellen Begründungen 120 / II. Die möglichen und erwünschten Funktionen der ministeriellen Begründung im sozialistischen Rechts 128 / III. Die ministerielle Begründung und ihr Wert in der Auslegung derRechtsnormen 132 // THE PREAMBLE: A QUESTION OF JURISPRUDENCE [1970] 141–167: I. The Notion of the Preamble 142 / II. Content and Functions of the Preambles 146 / III. Normativity of the Preamble Content 150 / IV. The Problem of the Justifiability of Preamble-drafting in the Light of Socialist Legal Policy 161 // PRESUMPTION AND FICTION: MEANS OF LEGAL TECHNIQUE [1988] 169–185: I. Presumption 169 [1. In the Judicial Process of Establishing the Facts: praesumptio homini vel facti 170 / 2. In the Normative Definition of the Facts: praesumptio juris tantum 170 / 3. In the Normative Definition of the Facts: praesumptio juris et de jure 171 / 4. In a Possible Theoretical Reconstruction 171] On »Presumption« 172 [1. Function 172 / 2. Presumption and Fiction 173 / 3. Irrelevancy of Epistemological Foundation 173 / 4. The Technique of Presumption 174] II. Fiction 175 [1. In the Linguistic Formation of Legal Norms 175 / 2. In the Judicial Application of Legal Norms 175 / 3. In the Doctrinal Processing of Legal Norms 176 / 4. In the Theoretical Reconstruction of Legal Norms 176 / 5. Approaches to and Understandings of Fiction 177] On »Fiction« 178 [1. History and Understandings 178 / 2. Classification 180 / 3. Law as Fiction 181 / 4. Presumption and Fiction 182] // LEGAL TECHNIQUE [1988] 187–198: I. Legal Technique 187 [1. In the Large Sense 1987/ 2. In Legal Practice 189 / 3. In Legal Science 189 / 4. As a Special Technique 190] II. On Legal Technique [1. Definition and Function 190 / 2. Legal Technique and Legal Cultures 192 / 3. Postulates of Legal Technique in the Cultures of Modem Formal Law 195 {a) The Principle of Consequentiality 195 / b) The Principle of Coherency 195 / c) The Principle of Conceptual Economy 196 / d) The Principle of Non-redundancy 196}] LAW AS LOGIC MODERNE STAATLICHKEIT UND MODERNES FORMALES RECHT [1982] 201–207: 1. Die Klassifizierung als logisches und als gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Verfahren 202 / 2. Typologie der staatlichen und rechtlichen Erscheinungen 202 / 3. Der moderne Staat und das moderne formale Recht: Frage der Zusammenhänge und Entwicklungsalternativen 204 // HETEROGENEITY AND VALIDITY OF LAW: OUTLINES OF AN ONTOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION [1986] 209–218 // LEIBNIZ UND DIE FRAGE DER RECHTLICHEN SYSTEMBILDUNG [1973] 219–232: 1. Aktualität von Leibniz 219 / 2. Der Gedanke der universalen mathematischen Methode 221 / 3. Die logischen Konzeption der Rechtswissenschaft 224 / 4. Die geometrische Vision der rechtlichen Systembildung 227 / 5. Das Scheitern der Leibnizschen Idee und seine Lehre 230 // LAW AND ITS APPROACH AS A SYSTEM [1975] 233–255: 1. The Logical Structure of Law as a Historical Product 233 / 2. Tendencies of Formal Rationalization in Legal Development 234 / 3. Historical Development of the Approach to Law as a System 239 / 4. Present State of the Attempts at a Logical Reconstruction of Law and Legal Reasoning 243 / 5. Question of the Axiomatic Conception of Law 248 / 6. Heuristic Value of the Approach to Law as a System 250 // LOGIC OF LAW AND JUDICIAL ACTIVITY: A GAP BETWEEN IDEALS, REALITY AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES [1982] 258–288: 1. Historical Background 259 / 2. Ideals 264 / 3. Reality 270 / 4. Future Perspectives 277 // KELSEN’S PURE THEORY OF LAW – YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW [ms] 289–293, THE NATURE OF THE JUDICIAL APPLICATION OF NORMS: SCIENCE- AND LANGUAGE-PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS [ms] 295–314: 1. Presuppositions 295 / 2. The Context of the Application of Norms 300 [2.1 Actualisation in Concrete Meaning 300 / 2.2 Linguistic Undefinedness 304 / 2.3 Lack of Logical Consequence in the Normative Sphere 308] LAW AS EXPERIENCE ON THE SOCIALLY DETERMINED NATURE OF LEGAL REASONING [1971] 317–374: 1. Interrelation of the Creation and Application of Law 317 / 2. The Socially Determined Nature of the Application of Law 332 / 3. The Socially Determined Nature of Legal Reasoning 337 / 4. The Question of Perspectives 363 // TOWARDS THE ONTOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF LAW: SOME THESES ON THE BASIS OF LUKÁCS’ ONTOLOGY [1983] 375–390, IS LAW A SYSTEM OF ENACTMENTS? [1984] 391–398: 1. Working Models of Law 391 / 2. Senses of ContExtuality in Law 393 / 3. Jurisprudential Approach and Socio-ontological Approach 394 / 4. Conclusions 396 [4.1. Law as Historical Continuum 396 / 4.2.Law as Open System 396 / 4.3. / Law as Complex Phenomenon with Alternative Strategy 396 / 4.4. Law as an Irreversible Process 397 / 4.5. The Genuinely Societal Character of Law 397] // EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE UNIQUENESS OF NATIONAL LEGAL CULTURES [1992] 399–411: 1. The Philosophical Framework 399 / 2. Law as Tradition 403 / 3. European Integration and the Preservation of the Uniqueness of National Legal Orders 407 // INSTITUTIONS AS SYSTEMS: NOTES ON THE CLOSED SETS, OPEN VISTAS OF DEVELOPMENT, AND TRANSCENDENCY OF INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR CONCEPTUAL REPRESENTATIONS [1991] 413–424: I. A Logic of Systems 413 / II. Ideal Types and Historically Concrete Manifestations 416 / III. Ideal Type As A Normative Ideology 418 / IV.Objectivity and Contingency of Systems 420 / V. Limits and Bonds, ConsEquEntiality and Practicability of a System 423 LAW AS HISTORY FROM LEGAL CUSTOMS TO LEGAL FOLKWAYS [1981] 427–436, ANTHROPOLOGICAL JURISPRUDENCE? LEOPOLD POSPÍŠIL AND THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LEGAL CULTURES [1985] 437–457: 1. Rule, Fact and Principle in the Concept of Law 438 [a) Abstract rules 439 / b) Abstracts from actual behaviour 439 / c) Principles Upheld by Legal Decisions 440] 2. Attributes of Law 445 [a) Authority 446 / b) Intention of Universal Application 446 / c) Obligatio 447 / d) Sanction 447] 3. Law and its Social Functional Definition 450 [(1) Law is a Global Phenomenon 451 / (2) Law is a Phenomenon Able to Settle Conflicts of Interests 451 / 3) Law is a Phenomenon Prevailing as the Supreme Controlling Factor 452] 4. Conclusion 454 // LAW AS A SOCIAL ISSUE [1985] 459–475: I. The Social Prestige of Law 459 / II. The Social Nature of Law 463 / III. Law and Language in the Service of Social Mediation 466 (1. Passive Mediation and Active Intervention 468 / 2. The Dilemma of the Mediation of Values 472) // LAW AS HISTORY? [1986] 477–484: 1. Understandings of the Term »Law« 477 / 2. Law and History 478 / 3. Law as History 481 // RECHTSKULTUR – DENKKULTUR: EINFÜHRUNG ZUM THEMA [1988] 485–489 Curriculum Vitae 491 / Bibliography 493 // Index 515 / Index of Normative Materials 523 / Index of Names 525
O Ativismo Judicial e Sua Validade No Âmbito Do Estado Democrático De Direito
Revista da Faculdade Mineira de Direito, 2021
The actual article aims to analyze the validity of judicial activism within the scope of the Democratic State of Law under the bias of the Systems Theory. For that purpose, the following aspects will be investigated: the distinction between society, system, communication, programming and coding; the luhmannian theory and its systems; the evolution of systems and the and the communicative forms of propagation; the time according to Luhmann, the conception of a systemic unity and the existence of autonomous branches of the law, and the distinction between judicial activism, motivated free conviction of the judge and judicial pro-activity and the risk to the Democratic State of Law in the face of an eventual dictatorship of the judiciary. In order to obtain the results intended by this research, the method of approach to be followed will be the empirico-dialectic, making use of a bibliographic and legislative research, having as a background a reference system based on the linguistic turnaround, represented by the Logical Semantic Constructivism taken from Paulo de Barros Carvalho. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that judicial activism does not have validity within the Democratic State of Law, if it is based on the theoretical framework adopted here.
Important aspects of Law and State concepts in the Philosophy of Law
"Savad", 2024
One of the themes which are studied at the Western Philosophy is law and state. Law and state concepts have always been investigated properly to the requirements of that period, socio-political issues between them have been primary investigation source for all philosophers, politicians, and lawyers. Law and state which Western thinkers always based on, do not comprehend only practical and political issues, law and state in their views are distinctive measures that empower spiritual, moral and ethical values in society, and have a significant influence on the community. In this present research, alongside showing the relevant and distinctive features of the concepts of law and state examined in the philosophy of law, as well as commitment and analyzed other important issues by reliabale sources. Keywords: philosophers, legal philosophers, law, state, ethics, society
The actual article aims to analyze the validity of judicial activism within the scope of the Democratic State of Law under the bias of the Systems Theory. For that purpose, the following aspects will be investigated: the distinction between society, system, communication, programming and coding; the luhmannian theory and its systems; the evolution of systems and the and the communicative forms of propagation; the time according to Luhmann, the conception of a systemic unity and the existence of autonomous branches of the law, and the distinction between judicial activism, motivated free conviction of the judge and judicial pro-activity and the risk to the Democratic State of Law in the face of an eventual dictatorship of the judiciary. In order to obtain the results intended by this research, the method of approach to be followed will be the empirico-dialectic, making use of a bibliographic and legislative research, having as a background a reference system based on the linguistic t...
Correlation between Philosophy and Theory of State and Law
At first glance, the relationship between philosophy and theory of law is not applied but is considered a purely theoretical aspect. This thesis is not correct due to the adoption of the European legal standard of human and civil rights, the role of philosophy of law, the foundations of the theory of state and law in the training of lawyers, the formation of future lawyers of high philosophical and methodological culture.In this article, based on the analysis of the history of philosophy of law and the general theory of state and law and their development, the authors justify as an autonomous status in the jurisprudence of the two disciplines, their relationship and vice versa - differences.To do this, the authors explored the historical excursion of world philosophical and legal thought, grouped scientific and theoretical views on the relationship between philosophy of law and theory of state and law and provided an argument for the close intersection of philosophy of law and theor...
This work concerns is to emphasize the importance of relativistic thinking especially considering positive norms, not as a simple submission to the desire of others, but as a respect for our democratic system and the separation of powers. The aim of this work is not to make a judgment of value about the content of specific laws – in a non-axiological sens – but to try to understand how some rules, even socially considered as " unjust " , may be valid in a legal system. Addressing the theme of justice and the norm validity of law, which is fundamental to the understanding of the problem, this text finds its foundation in the guidelines drawn up by Hans Kelsen in his legal positivism grounded in skepticism and relativism.