Phylogenetic analysis and systematic revision of Remipedia (Nectiopoda) from Bayesian analysis of molecular data (original) (raw)

Robles, R., Tudge, C.C., Dworschak, P.C., Poore, G.C.B. & Felder, D.L. (2009) Molecular phylogeny of the Thalassinidea based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. In: Martin, J.W., Crandall, K.A. & Felder, D.L. (Eds.) Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. Taylor & Francis/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 309-326.

Poore G.C.B., Dworschak P.C., Robles R., Mantelatto F. & Felder D.L., 2019 A new classification of Callianassidae and related families (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea) derived from a molecular phylogeny with morphological support

Memoirs of Museum Victoria 78: 73-146, 2019

The classification of the families and genera of Callianassidae and related families (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea) is significantly revised based on the results of a separately published molecular phylogeny with morphological support. Seven families are recognised: Anacalliacidae Manning and Felder, 1991; Callianassidae Dana, 1852; Callianopsidae Manning and Felder, 1991; Callichiridae Manning and Felder, 1991; Ctenochelidae Manning and Felder, 1991; Eucalliacidae Manning and Felder, 1991; and Paracalliacidae Sakai, 2005. The families comprise 53 genera, 17 new: Anacalliacidae—Anacalliax de Saint Laurent, 1973. Callianassidae—Aqaballianassa gen. nov.; Arenallianassa gen. nov.; Biffarius Manning and Felder, 1991; Callianassa Leach, 1814; Caviallianassa gen. nov.; Cheramoides Sakai, 2011; Cheramus Bate, 1888; Coriollianassa gen. nov.; Filhollianassa gen. nov.; Fragillianassa gen. nov.; Gilvossius Manning and Felder, 1992; Jocullianassa gen. nov.; Lipkecallianassa Sakai, 2002; Necallianassa Heard and Manning, 1998; Neotrypaea Manning and Felder, 1991; Notiax Manning and Felder, 1991; Paratrypaea Komai and Tachikawa, 2008; Poti Rodrigues and Manning, 1992; Praedatrypaea gen. nov.; Pugnatrypaea gen. nov.; Rayllianassa Komai and Tachikawa, 2008; Rudisullianassa gen. nov.; Scallasis Bate, 1888; Spinicallianassa gen. nov.; Tastrypaea gen. nov. and Trypaea Dana, 1852. Callianopsidae—Bathycalliax Sakai and Türkay, 1999; Callianopsis de Saint Laurent, 1973; and Vulcanocalliax Dworschak and Cunha, 2007. Callichiridae—Audacallichirus gen. nov.; Balsscallichirus Sakai, 2011; Calliapagurops de Saint Laurent, 1973; Callichirus Stimpson, 1866; Corallianassa Manning, 1987; Glypturoides Sakai, 2011; Glypturus Stimpson, 1866; Grynaminna Poore, 2000; Karumballichirus gen. nov.; Kraussillichirus gen. nov.; Laticallichirus Komai, Yokooka, Henmi and Itani, 2019; Lepidophthalmus Holmes, 1904; Michaelcallianassa Sakai, 2002; Mocallichirus gen. nov.; Mucrollichirus gen. nov.; Neocallichirus Sakai, 1988; and Thailandcallichirus Sakai, 2011. Ctenochelidae—Ctenocheles Kishinouye, 1926; Ctenocheloides Anker, 2010; Dawsonius Manning and Felder, 1991; Kiictenocheloides Sakai, 2013; Gourretia de Saint Laurent, 1973; Laurentgourretia Sakai, 2004; and Paragourretia Sakai, 2004. Eucalliacidae—Andamancalliax Sakai, 2011; Calliax de Saint Laurent, 1973; Calliaxina Ngoc-Ho, 2003; Eucalliax Manning and Felder, 1991; Eucalliaxiopsis Sakai, 2011; Pseudocalliax Sakai, 2011; and Paraglypturus Türkay and Sakai, 1995. Paracalliacidae—Paracalliax de Saint Laurent, 1979. Of 19 available family-level names that have accumulated since 1852, ten have been previously synonymised or are synonymised in this work. Of 74 available genus-level names of extant species, 43 have been previously synonymised. The following are synonymised in this work. Anacalliaopsis Sakai, 2011, is synonymised with Anacalliax de Saint Laurent, 1973. Nihonotrypaea Manning and Tamaki, 1998, and Pseudobiffarius Heard and Manning, 2000, are synonymised with Neotrypaea Manning and Felder, 1991. Calliaxiopsis Sakai and Türkay, 2014; Bakercalliax Sakai, 2018; Heardcalliax Sakai, 2018; and Manningcalliax Sakai, 2018, are synoymised with Eucalliaxiopsis Sakai, 2011. Forestcallichirus Sakai, 2011, and Capecalliax Sakai, 2011, are synonymised with Balsscallichirus Sakai, 2011. Podocallichirus Sakai, 1999; Lepidophthalmoides Sakai, 2011; and Lepidophthalminus Sakai, 2015, are synonymised with Lepidophthalmus Holmes, 1904. Sergio Manning and Lemaitre, 1994, and Callichiropsis Sakai, 2010, are synonymised with Neocallichirus Sakai, 1988. Ivorygourretia Sakai, 2017; Plantesgourretia Sakai, 2017; and Ruiyuliugourretia Sakai, 2017, are synonymised with Gourretia de Saint Laurent, 1973. Heterogourretia Sakai, 2017, and Tuerkaygourretia Sakai, 2017, are synoymised with Paragourretia Sakai, 2004. Keys are presented to families and to genera within families. All available species names are tabulated within the new family and genus arrangement. Some remain incertae sedis because they have been only partially described. Accepted species of Callianassidae and related families number 265, excluding junior synonyms, of which one third (87) are placed in new genus–species combinations. These are tabulated alphabetically by species and in systematic order.