Peran Pemuridan bagi Kebangkitan Pemimpin Rohani Baru dalam Gereja Masa Kini (original) (raw)
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Implikasi Strategi Pemuridan Yesus dalam Gereja Meregenerasi Pemimpin
Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen
There is a statement, "Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ. And the fact is that until now there are still quite a lot of churches that practice Christianity without discipleship, so that the existence of the church today is still ineffective in carrying out its calling role in this world. Even the most dangerous effects of an exemplary and Jesus-like Christianity have created leaders addicted to recognition and success simply without. So the Christian problem is unchanging faith. This research was conducted using the literature method. The result of this research is that the method that Jesus taught and inherited to His church in regenerating leaders is still the most effective method. And a church that wants to do a pattern like Jesus did at least must consider important factors: Prayer, Authority and power from God, Awareness (awareness) is blessed to be a blessing, Carry out the process of evangelism and discipleship, multiplication (multiplicat...
Peran Pemimpin Gereja Dalam Kepemimpinan Pelayanan Kaum Muda Masa Kini
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Today's youth ministry is a ministry that has very different challenges and struggles than the youth ministry in the previous decade. The need for leaders in the service of young people today is needed so that youth services can be strong. Through a qualitative review of the literature using a practical theological research method that will discuss the role of church leaders in the leadership of youth ministry today. The purpose of this research is expected to open new understanding for church leaders to build and guide young people to become leaders for youth ministry. The benefit of this research is that the presence of young people in the church is well served to grow prospective young leaders who bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus. Found several things that must be done by church leaders in building and guiding young people to be leaders in youth ministry are: First, as a spiritual guide. Second, as a pilot model followed. Third, the personal example of having the lov...
Kepemimpinan Musa Sebagai Pedoman Bagi Pemimpin Rohani Di Gereja Masa Kini
I L L U M I N A T E , 2023
The growing church is determined by the quality of spiritual leaders. However, nowadays there are spiritual leaders whose ministry focus is themselves, with the aim of gaining name and popularity. Apart from that, there are spiritual leaders who leave the ministry because they feel they have no more calling to lead the congregation, there are also spiritual leaders who leave the ministry because they feel they have no more calling to lead the congregation. There are also spiritual leaders who carry out their duties and ministry in the church no longer based on Biblical leadership. Therefore, this research will explore the leadership of Moses which is a guide for spiritual leaders in the church today. The research method used is literature research. This method collects data and information in the form of documents, data archives and other literature information. The writer will do a descriptive approach. The process of analysis carried out is to use reliable sources of literature journals, books and articles such as to support the analysis of the research topic. Based on the results of the research, guided by Musa's leadership, a spiritual leader in the church today includes the following: A spiritual leader in the church must have a calling from God, have a vision that comes from God, be able to build a relationship with God, have good character. patient, humble and gentle. In addition, must be able to form a new leader.
Implementasi Pemuridan dalam Efesus 4:11-16 bagi Pertumbuhan Rohani Jemaat di Masa Kini
Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen, 2021
Discipleship is the message of the Lord Jesus in the great commission to go to make disciples of all nations. Many Christians are just regular spectators and congregants. In fact, many churches are not very serious about the church. So that it does not implement the concepts of discipleship and causes the church to not grow or mature spiritually. The spirituality of the congregation that does not grow has many negative effects on the movement of God's church. It can even be said that a congregation whose spirituality does not grow will hinder God's work from growing tremendously. In fact, discipleship is the most important part of the life of God's church, especially in the spiritual growth of the congregation. In fact, the survey has shown that churches with a strong focus on discipleship will produce the maximum strength of the church. This is the background of an understanding of discipleship which has an impact on the spiritual growth of the congregation. This discus...
Peranan Pemimpin Gereja Dalam Memperlengkapi Jemaat Bagi Pertumbuhan Gereja
Abstract: This study discusses the Role of Church Leaders in Equipping the Congregation for Church Growth. Researchers used qualitative methods, researchers found the conclusion that the role of church leaders is very significant for the growth of congregation faith. Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas tentang Peranan Pemimpin Gereja Memperlengkapi Jemaat Bagi Pertumbuhan Gereja. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif, peneliti menemukan kesimpulan bahwa peran pemimpin gereja sangat signifikan bagi pertumbuhan iman jemaat.
Pertumbuhan Gereja Lokal Jemaat Melalui Proses Pemuridan
Predica Verbum: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi
There is a fundamental difference between being a disciple and being a follower. There are no shortcuts to high-quality Christianity. This noble goal can only be achieved through the process of discipleship. The outreach and discipleship practiced today should reflect on what is written in the Bible. The examples of discipleship in Scripture should be the pattern of discipleship in the post-modern era. This is what drives the implementation of this research (as an urgency). God's Word applies to all generations, so there must be a breakthrough to find relevance with what’s stated in the Bible. The goal of this writing should reflect on what is written in the Bible for the church to make discipleship as the main strategy in triggering congregational growth, in quality and subsequently quantity growth. Church cannot be satisfied with the overflowing number of visitors at Sunday services. Nor by the grandeur church building, which is indeed the main attraction. A good and proper re...
Membangun Jiwa Kepemimpinan Gereja Muda
SAPA - Jurnal Kateketik dan Pastoral
Di tengah pandemi COVID-19 dan bahkan jauh sebelumnya, keterlibatan dan ketertarikan kaum muda untuk masuk dalam organisasi Gereja menjadi keprihatinan. Pada gilirannya memang, sulit sekali mencari generasi pemimpin dari kalangan kaum muda. Para pemuda tidak tertarik dengan pekerjaan kepemimpinan bagi masyarakat luas dan Gereja. Bagaimana membuat generasi muda tertarik untuk terlibat dalam kepemimpinan? Namun, nyatanya kepemimpinan tidak lahir begitu saja. Perlu ada usaha dan kerja keras untuk membina dan mempersiapkan generasi pemimpin masa depan. Bagaimana cara? Apa saja yang harus dikerjakan? Beberapa pertanyaan inilah yang akan menjadi pergumulan dalam tulisan kecil ini. Beberapa refleksi yang disajikan pada tulisan ini bukanlah hal baru namun perlu mendapatkan bingkai baru ketika pandemi Covid -19 benar-benar hadir nyata di tahun 2020 yang lalu. Kepemimpinan tidak lagi bisa menunggu. Kepemimpinan harus ditumbuhkan dengan sadar dan tersistem dengan baik. Artikel ini berusaha men...
Sinergitas Pemimpin Gereja Menuju Kepemimpinan Transformatif di Era Disruptif
Jurnal Teruna Bhakti, 2024
Synergistic leadership is one of the keys to success in building an organization. Despite this, a leader is often associated with seniority or gender status. Still, in the current era of disruption, the stigma of leadership based on seniority and gender must be eliminated because today's leaders place more emphasis on personal competence. To achieve remarkable goals, church leaders must build leadership that synergizes with subordinates, such as church ministers. The synergy referred to here is the collaboration of leadership teams between generations and genders. This study aims to explore the benefits of leadership synergy in an organization and provide direction for leaders on building optimal leadership synergy. Use literature reviews (books and journals) to analyze leadership synergies, transformative leaders, and technological disruption. The author proposes several steps to build leadership synergy to be optimal, including shepherds, creating a clear framework regarding the duties and responsibilities of each leader; generations of leaders respect each other's roles and authorities, strengthen communication in an attitude of mutual respect, and respect; establish a shared vision, mission, and goals; Develop a culture of collaborative work between leaders.
Tugas Pemimpin Muda Kristen Masa Kini Sebagai Gembala Menurut 1 Timotius 4
Angelion: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
The church is God's people who need guidance and leadership so that people can know God. Therefore the Church needs a leader who understands his duties as a leader. But there are still church leaders who do not understand their duties as leaders based on Bible principles. The church is less prepared for the younger generation as leaders. This we can see in the church in general does not provide opportunities for young people to develop their potential to lead. This church's disbelief in youth leadership is increasingly apparent because of the life of the Christian youth itself. Aside from not being able to be considered capable, the church is reluctant to entrust great responsibility to the youth because the lives of Christian youth are often considered far from God's word. Today's young Christian leaders are those who carry out Christian leadership duties at a relatively young age. Today's young leaders have so many weaknesses that young leaders are less accepted and respected by many people, so that Christian youths are trusted they must carry out the duties of young Christian leaders today according to 1 Timothy 4 namely young Christian leaders should remind the congregation of the word, teach the truth of the word , be an example for God's people who are led, grow in service, supervise themselves and teachings. So that the Christian Young leaders can be respected by everyone.