Projects, Project Capabilities and Project Organizations (original) (raw)
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The Project-Based firm as a new organization form: A dynamic capabilities approach
This paper focuses on the application of the Dynamic Capabilities framework to Project Management discipline. A review of project management literature illustrates the new project and project managers' conceptualization and the shift towards a more strategic perspective. Commonalities and overlaps between project management and dynamic capabilities approach are highlighted both from a theoretical and professional point of view. The findings indicate the closeness between project management and dynamic capabilities by creating an integrative framework useful both for top and project managers. Besides, we show the potential benefits of the application of strategic management theories to Project Management.
The Project-Based Firm: A Theoretical Framework for Building Dynamic Capabilities
Sustainability, 2020
The problem of achieving individual project performance has been replaced by the problem of achieving organizational goals through project performance. Only project-based firms able to learn and build project capabilities can successfully compete in today’s dynamic environments. The purpose of this paper is to present a dynamic capability-based framework that sheds light on how project and organizational dynamic capabilities are built and how these dynamic capabilities allow project-based firms to perform in dynamic environments. Our theoretical framework unpacks the processes of building dynamic capabilities inside a project-based firm, discussing the routines and procedures that are useful to manage projects in unstable and dynamic environments and to build and reconfigure organizational capabilities from project-led knowledge.
Knowledge processes and capabilities in project-based organizations
The beauty of projects lies in their ability to integrate different knowledge bases and expertise in novel ways. Projects, though, are temporary in nature and this has consequences for the organization that uses them as a business strategy to improve its efficiency. Project-based organizations are representative of this organizational form and can either be standalone or subsidiary organizations within a larger corporation. In project-based organizations the majority of products or services are produced through projects for either internal or external customers. Nevertheless, project-based organizations are characterized as loosely coupled systems with independent sub-units resulting in sparse internal knowledge processes and capability development. Real estate organizations are often composite organizations where one part is project-based with a temporary perspective, and the other parts perceive the organization to have a longer term perspective, represented by facility management...
Recent developments in project-based organisations
International Journal of Project Management, 2007
Project-based organisations (PBO) refer to a variety of organisational forms that involve the creation of temporary systems for the performance of project tasks. Recently, project-based organisations have received increasing attention in recent years as an emerging organisational form.
The Management of Innovation in Project-Based Firms
Long Range Planning, 2002
Innovation is an important area of management theory, but there is a paucity of research on innovation in project based firms. Project based firms are simultaneously becoming a more vital and important organisational context, exemplifying many current managerial challenges. In this paper we research innovation in twenty project based firms. We identify three key areas of innovation from the theoretical literature and conduct empirical research, discovering (1) whether project based firms provide an organisational context supportive of innovation, (2) how project based firms address the question of innovation and slack resources, and finally (3) whether project based firms view innovation as universally desirable, or adopt a more cautious approach to developing and driving their innovation strategies. Our findings add to current theorising on innovation in organisations, expanding our knowledge of project based firms and innovation strategies.
Project Management as a Strategic Asset: What does it look like and how do companies get there?
In the global marketplace, companies are increasingly turning to project management as a way of work and the discipline is gaining ground as an important organizational asset. Strategic assets are vital to a firm's strategy and its competitive advantage position. Strategic assets are a firm's heterogeneous resource bundles that are valuable, rare, inimitable, and have an organizational focus. Although the connection between strategy and project management is relatively new, it is germane to many organizations from a competitive advantage perspective. Within the strategy literature, the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm focuses on a company's internal assets as sources of advantage. Project management is a knowledge-based organizational asset and most strategic assets are knowledgebased versus physical or financial.
Factors influencing design and performance of the business model of a project-based firm
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Project-based organization as adaptation to risk and opportunity in small firms
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in SMEs working collaboratively in inter-organizational projects. But what drives the emergence of such projects, and what types of industries breed them the most? To address these questions, this paper extends the long running literature on the firm and industry antecedents of new venturing and alliance formation to the domain of project-based organization by SMEs.
Aligning Project Success with Organizational Strategy within a Project-Based Organization 1
Whereas organizations that are not project based make their income mainly through production, project-based organizations derive their income from projects. In companies where the primary business consists of performing projects for clients, it is projects that generate both revenue and profits (Rietiker, 2013). Moreover, for a project-based organization, strategic success equates primarily with financial success derived from project execution, not from the project deliverable. This obviously means that finding reliable ways of measuring project success is a key consideration in project-based organizations. However, if all we are measuring is the traditional variables of time, cost, and scope, then the assessment of project management we come up with will address only tactical (operational) value – not strategic value. (For an elaboration of this truth, see Jugdev and Muller, 2005.) For a project-based organization, project execution is an essential area that differentiates it from ...