Analysis The Use Of Qawaid Fiqhiyyah In The Decree Of The Fatwa Of Aceh Islamic Scholar Consultative Assembly (MPU) (original) (raw)
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The Implementation of Islamic Qanun Law in the Modern Aceh Society
Proceedings of the 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMuSSS 2019), 2020
Aceh is a province that exists at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, which has a variety of different ethnic groups, living side by side with one another, carrying out Islamic law or the Qanun law. The qanun is a regional regulation that is not owned by other provinces, but it must be obeyed by all levels of society in Aceh Province. This paper is aimed at exploring the implementation of the qanun law in Aceh society. To obtain data, direct observations are made to observe the community, and interview the relevant parties. This paper finds out that not all people in Aceh obey the qanun, because Acehnese people are plural. Yet, in order to support the implementation of the qanun law in reality, some efforts have been carried out continually by the regional government, as evidenced by the enactment of the Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014, concerning jinayat (criminal) law, and of the Aceh Qanun, number 7, 2013, concerning jinayat procedural law. Although many people cannot accept the implementation of the punishment, the rules must be followed.
The original sources of Islamic law, which include the constitutional law and the law of the land, are the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. These two are the Divine sources. However, by the passing of the time the acts of the khulafa-i-rashidin and of the companions (ridwanullahi ta'ala 'alayhim ajma'in) were also included in it. Their source was still based on the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. Further by exercising the right of qiyas, which is a favour of Allah Almighty on the Muslim 'Ummah, the law making continued and the results obtained were applied by Muslims practically in their lives and thus confirmed them, like was Consensus ('Ijmaمَاع) is one of the significant basis of Islamic Law. By this methodology the matters on which there is any ambiguity or doubt and that ambiguity or doubt is removed away by Consensus ('Ijma'/اِمَاع) those are made an absolute part of the Islamic law on the force or authority of the agreement of the 'Ummah. This shows that the will of the people is, among others, one of the most significant effective thing in the philosophy of Islamic law. Normally, the expert jurists (fuqaha') are considered law makers of Islam and it is they who interpret, explain and state the meanings of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah but when deeply pondered upon the verdict of any single jurist (faqih/فقیہ ) is not accepted. Rather, the agreement of the generality of the men of knowledge ('ulama'/عُلَمَاء) is necessary to accept such a verdict. At the back of the men of knowledge ('ulama'/عُلَمَاء) there is the will of the people in general. In other the 'Ummah gives to the men of knowledge ('ulama'/عُلَمَاء) the right of ijtihad on its behalf. Out of the A'immah Ijtihad whose verdicts have been accepted by the 'Ummah only their conclusions have been declared as acceptable. This shows that the general consensual tendencies have also a role in creating significance (and force) that has come in these fiqhi qawanin. In any case, at the back of the men of knowledge ('ulama'/عُلَمَاء) there is certainly the public will i.e. the 'Ummah gives the ulama' the right to exercise Ijtihad on its behalf. [Islami 'Adl Gustari, Abdul Hafiz Siddiqi, 1947 AD, p.18]. Its result is that besides the basic injunctions (ahkam) which may be termed as Divine by the advent of the time and by the force of this public will there has taken place a mighty evolution (and development) in the Fiqh. Thus in the present era the code of Islamic law is the name of this evolution. Islamic law i.e. the Shari'ah stresses upon moral obligations and duties and besides the religious and domestic life of the Muslims it is comprehending all the aspects of their political and social life. Thus in the Shari'ah, besides the injunctions (ahkam) relating to the religion and religious duties there are injunctions (ahkam) concerning the mutual relations of the individuals of the millat (ملۃ) and their discipline and harmony. Further, there are detailed rules and principles regarding every aspect of human life. It is for this reason that in the evolution of Islamic Jurisprudence the needs of life have been given a prominent place and juridical has become merely a secondary thing. Despite this the Shari'at is a sacred law which may be called especially the juris law.
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Maqashid Syariah as a Basis for Establishing Decree in Indonesia
KnE Social Sciences
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Waqf is the property donated for religius or community use. Waqf in Indonesia is one of the Islamic institutions which related closely with people prosperity and has institutionalized for a long time. It has became attention by Indonesian Goverment since Sultanate period until now. And it proven by laws about waqf deciding by Indonesian Goverment. The Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004 is the first law in Indonesia specifically explain about waqf. It is one of fiqh production wrote in Indonesian law. While fiqh was born through Islamic law methodology called by Ushul Fiqh. The relevance between the Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004 with methodology of law decicion theory in Ushul fiqh, is the articles of The Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004 have a methodological foundation is methodology of law decicion theory in ushul fiqh. Some methodological theories used in the articles of The Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004 such as the qiyas theory, Istiḫsȃn, mashlaḫah, sadd adz dzarȋ’ah, fath adz dzarȋ’ah and 'Urf. It means that ushul fiqh engaged extensively in The Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004, from methodology of law decicion theory to implementation. As a product of contemporary Islamic law in Indonesia, The Indonesian Waqf Law number 41 year 2004 put ushul fiqh as a method in Islamic law by using methodology of law decicion in it as a foundation on which most of the chapters in it.
Interelation of Qiyās Ushul Nahwi Qiyās Ushul Fiqh In Islamic Law Construction Framework
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Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences
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